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« Southtown Arcade Ranbat Season 4 Finale is This Weekend! »

The final installment for the Season 4 ranbats is this weekend at Southtown Arcade! We've had some great matches each at every ranbat thus far with awesome support from the community making Season 4 one to remember. Come out and get some more practice in before EVO and scoop up some more points to put yourself on the board for the final tally of Season 4 rankings!

Saturday Night Snapback will start at 5PM PDT with Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and we'll finish things off later that night with Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Real Honest Sundays starts at 1PM PDT and is host to the best King of Fighters XIII and Capcom vs SNK 2 competition in NorCal so be sure to swing by and check that out as well!

Check out the Southtown Arcade Events Page on Facebook for more details and stay tuned as we have a few surprises in store for this weekend. Hit the jump for replays of the last ranbat!

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