« Horsehead 2013 Award Winners To Be Announced On The Fray, Tonight At 7pm PST »
To celebrate the new year, IPLAYWINNER show The Fray will be concluding the Horsehead Awards!
In the previous episode of The Fray, DarryH, Arcade Shock's Giby, Honzo Gonzo, Bluerei, Mike Ross and TS Sabin discussed what was the best in 2013 for fighting games. Topics include best tournaments, moments, players and more The upcoming episode will announce the winners from each category.
You can tune into the live show on our Twitch channel at 7 p.m. PST!
Best Major Tournament
- Final Round VI
- Community Effort Orlando 2013
- SoCal Regionals 2013
Best Non Major Tournament
- Capcom Cup World Finals
- Dueling The KOF 12
- 2 Old 2 Furious
- Capcom Cup: Japan Qualifier At Tokyo Game Show
Best International Event
- Dueling The KOF 12
- DreamHack Winter 2013
- Capcom Cup: Asia Qualifier At Singapore
- Shadowloo Showdown
- Canada Cup
Match Of The Year
- The King of Fighters XIII: AS Reynald vs. Woo, EVO 2013 Grand Finals
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: EG Justin Wong vs. AGE Chris G., EVO 2013 Losers Finals
- Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012: Sanford Kelly vs. Aquasilk, EG PR Balrog and EG Justin Wong, Northeast Championship 2013 Exhibition
- Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012: Gandhi vs. FSP, Dreamhack 2013
Best Moment
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: EG Justin Wong vs. AGE Chris G., EVO 2013 Losers Finals
- Super Smash Bros. Melee at EVO 2013
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: IFC Yipes' performance at Capcom Cup
Best Troll
- Twitch UnSupport
- Twitter.com/MiekRussPls
The Pack It Up Award
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- SaltyBet
- Partnership with Empire Arcadia's Triforce and Video X Game's Rolando Brison
- Bad Crowdfunding Drives
- Shady tournament organizers
Most Washed Up Player
- AGE|Fanatiq
- Infiltration
- Online Street Fighter X Tekken Community
Breakout Player
- Cloud805
- Señor Taxi
- PIE|Smug
- Black Eye|Nemo
Player Of The Year
- AS Reynald
- IFC Yipes
- AGE Chris G
- AK