« DOA 5 Ultimate Celebrates Halloween with New Costumes »
Halloween is the time of year when many people take the time to dress up, and for another year the cast of Dead of Alive 5 Ultimate is no exception. Continuing the tradition from 2013, DOA5U is again adding a batch of costumes so that its characters wouldn't feel out of place at a masquerade.
The outfits this year are pulled from the winners of a fan design contest, and show a range Halloween favorites: skeletons, werewolves, pirates, devils and angels. There are even a few off-the-wall costumes as well.
The costumes release Oct. 14 in Japan for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. There is no date for a U.S. release yet, but since last year's costumes made it to the West there's a good chance they will show up sooner than later.