« Street Fighter V Match Analysis by LI Joe »
At the end of Capcom Cup on Dec. 13, Peter "Combofiend" Rosas and Mike Ross sat down to play a couple matches of Street Fighter V to show off the new title to the public. Although the game is early in development, the matches contained a lot of information as to how the next version of Street Fighter will be played.
In a new video, Joe "LI Joe" Ciaramelli takes the time to break down as many of the new and different features in SFV as he could see throughout the matches. Watching the rounds along with his viewers, he stops, slows down and rewinds action to point out his thoughts on how and why certain actions are happening. From normals and throws to the new meter system, Ciaramelli tries to fit as much information as he can in roughly 30 minutes of video. Check it out below.