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about 11 years ago

« ArcadeStream Announces Donation Drive To Bring Poongko To EVO »

Credit: ShadowlogicChung Gon "Poongko" Lee needs your help to get him back to EVO for one more year.

With help from Drakefang, creator of South Korean gaming lounge DartStream/ArcadeStream, a donation drive for Poongko to go to EVO 2014 initiated. While Poongko will be provided a room at the Las Vegas Hotel for the event, he needs $1400 to pay for a plane ticket to Vegas

Prior to the announcement, Poongko took a break from playing fighting games and focused more on other priorities. With the release of Ultra Street Fighter IV, Poongko mentioned that Seth's better tweaks goes better with his strong offensive game and motivated him to compete at EVO.

You can donate now on this page!! The full statement from Poongko as well as recent videos with USFIV Seth are found after the jump!

Message From Poongko: Ever since Evo2013, due to real life stuffs and etc I couldn’t get the chance to play the game and when Infiltration defeats me badly, I lost my enthusiasm about fighting game and went on a slump. Is it Seth’s limit or myskill is just not enough to compete? I was struggling to find an answer about not getting good results on tournaments. Afterwards while I was got away from the game, Oneday I rememberd the old good days traveling all over the world competing world wide players. And my enthusiasm about entense gaming suddenly got bigger and I anlayze Ultra Seth one by one. Then I noticed that Seth didn’t get nerfed but actually buffed for my game style and there comes sunshine and I decided to enter Evo at all cost. For fighting gamer Evo is the most valuable tournament to achieve one’s dream and all players who wants to test out their skill and compete want to go to Evo. There are many skilled or even pro level players all over the world now. Although it would be a challenge for me but I love playing Seth and want to prove at Evo that Seth is not dead.

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