« Byakuya Announced for Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late »
Arc System Works has announced a new character coming to the latest version of Under Night In-Birth: Byakuya.
According to Byakuya's bio (translated by Sourenga on Dustloop)
"He's a mysterious boy who's always moving around with a girl called Tsukuyomi who has classical aspects in her. Byakuya himself controls countless long black claws, captures his opponent and uses his creepy power that devours their Existence. Objective of these two is unknown, but it seems like Byakuya is using his ability is fulfill Tsukuyomi's wish. "Hollow Night" where many Fake Born gather, they refer to it as the 'Nest' and one by one they devour the high-quality Fake Born who get caught in the net they've set up..."
Kurushii also uploaded an image from Famitsu showcasing the character. UNIEL releases in Japan on PlayStation 3 on July 24, 2014.