« Super Desperation Radio Episode 418 Archive Online »
The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.
CEO 2015 was the last major stop before Evolution 2015 and SDR takes some time to talk about the results and happenings of the event. The crew discussed "random" as an excuse for losing, and talked about how CEO's production of each game made the players seem important and gave each some time to connect with a home audience.
Patching was a big topic of discussion, as as the cast talked about how MKX's continuous patching process has hurt player interest in the game and that Tanya could influence the way players look at the game for Evo and beyond. Sanchez, meanwhile, talked about the recently found proximity option select in Guilty Gear Xrd, what is likely causing it, and how it could be fixed in Revelator.
Lastly, SDR discussed the possible commentary teams for Evo and who should be behind the mics.
Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.
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