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The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.
The Team Spooky era of SDR continued as Hellpockets and company hyped until the forthcoming Evo 2016 announcement and talked a bit about what they hope this year's event will bring in terms of venue size.
Hellpockets also brought up a personal pet peeve of his, which is people claiming that character choice carries certain players to victory, and SDR weighed in with their opinions.
The crew also covered the upcoming Tekken 7:FR location test, Pokkén Tournament's new characters, the Smash Bros. Genesis tournament and the art of playing a game before its official release.
Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.