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« 'Injustice Watchtower' reveals Robin trailer, beta and gameplay details »

NetherRealm Studios held its first "Injustice Watchtower" stream for the upcoming game, showing off the gameplay trailer for Robin as well as offering more details of the game's beta and revealed characters.

The big news is that codes for the Injustice 2 beta are starting to be sent in waves to players who signed up for the program. The trial will include four characters—Batman, Supergirl, Superman and Atrocitus—at launch, rollback netcode and debut the game's equipment system for players to try out.

The equipment system allows players to customize a character in both gameplay and appearance, as different clothing or armor can provide different bonuses. There are also ability slots that can change a character's special moves, with some abilities even taking up more than one equip slot.

The stream also showed off the new Robin gameplay trailer as well as real matches involving Atrocitus and Batman. Players can check out the stream archive at Twitch and the Robin trailer below.


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