« Injustice 2 coming to PC, open beta forthcoming »
[Update, 4:52 p.m. CDT]: The official Injustice Twitter account has stated that the beta will not begin on Oct. 25 as originally stated. The account has offered no new start date at this time.
Those clamoring for a PC version of Injustice 2 have been heard, as the title will release on both Steam and Windows Store sometime this fall.
According to a press release from Warner Bros. Entertainment, the game will be ported to PC by QLOC, a company that has brought many titles including Mortal Kombat XL to the PC platform.
In addition, the game will begin an open beta process starting on Oct. 25, likely to test online stability and work out any remaining issues in the adaptation.
There are currently no further details on the beta's length or when Injustice 2 will release on PC at this time.