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« Modes trailer for Tekken 7 show off new story content & other features »

Check out the latest Tekken 7 promotional trailer detailing what modes you can expect in the home release below!

Story mode is one of the major aspects found in the video with "The Mishima Saga" being the marquee piece. It features new footage of what players will take part in such as a flashback to the Mishima Dojo attack from Tekken 5's intro cutscene. This mode will also allow special moves to be performed with simple commands for casual players. Along with the main story, there will also be character-specific scenarios.

Treasure Battle is one of the new modes that allows players to get special items for Customize mode. This mode also features special fights including battling Kazumi already in devil form as well as Turbo battles originally found in Tekken Revolution.

Players can also expect the usual offline and online modes such as ranked match, arcade and practice. The trailer also mentions the expansive Gallery mode, platform-specific perks and more.

Tekken 7 is coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on June 2, 2017!

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