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« Soul Stone revives MvC memories, character gameplay footage debuts »

The newest trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite shows off the last Infinity Stone in action, along characters making their first appearance in the Gamescom 2017 build of MvCI.

Given that it is the Soul Stone, players rightly assumed that both abilities would revolve life bars. The surge ability steals life from the opposing player. According to Maximilian's breakdown of the stone, the ability is not restricted to red life.

The more interesting ability of the stone may bring back memories of the original Marvel vs. Capcom to longtime fans. The Infinity Storm mirrors MvC1's Duo Team Attack, where both characters are brought onto the screen simultaneously. Even better, if one of the player's characters has been defeated they are revived for the storm and stay alive after it has completed (getting roughly 20 percent health back). However, unlike the duo attack, players are limited by the amount of meter they had before activating the ability.

Both the trailer and Maximilian's breakdown also offer new gameplay footage for Jedah, Firebrand, Ghost Rider and Dormammu, who show off some new abilities in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. Readers can check them out below.

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