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Entries in Fatal Fury (6)


Yasuyuki Oda discusses the history of Real Bout Fatal Fury

In honor of the release of Fatal Fury: Battle Archives vol. 2 for PlayStation 4 on March 27, 2017, SNK has collaborated with the PlayStation Blog to reveal interesting tidbits on the history of the titles.

In a small article, King of Fighters XIV director Yasuyuki Oda, who also served on the Real Bout games, talks about some of the weird history of the games. From a debug command remaining in Real Bout Fatal Fury to having to recall Real Bout Special due to Billy's jumping A having no hitbox, there are several eye-opening anecdotes that serve as a look inside the development of the series.

Fatal Fury: Battle Archives vol. 2 collects Real Bout Fatal Fury, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special and Real Bout Fatal Fury and will be available on the PlayStation Store for $14.99.


SNK Arcade Archives series coming to North American PS4

The PlayStation Blog has announced that King of Fighters '94 and other SNK Arcade Archives titles will be coming to the West.

Starting with the release of KOF '94 on Oct. 27 (the same day as the Japanese release), the PlayStation Network plans to offer Samurai Showdown, Metal Slug, Alpha Mission II, Fatal Fury and World Heroes all before the end of 2016. Nam-1975 and Neo Turf Masters are scheduled to follow sometime in 2017.

No prices have been listed for the games, but their Japanese equivalents will cost roughly $8 so that may be a decent estimate. 


Archive of Samurai Shodown III & Fatal Fury Special from Mikado Odaiba Great Battle

The people behind Takadanobaba Game Center Mikado in Tokyo, Japan, organized a tournament event dedicated for two of SNK's less prominent fighting games.

Mikado Odaiba Great Battle ~Zansamu vs Garosupe~ was held at Tokyo Culture Club in the city's Odaiba island on April 24. Both Zansamu and Garosupe refer to Samurai Shodown III and Fatal Fury Special respectively. Despite not having the bigger playerbase, the event brought 29 FF Special players while SSIII held out at 24.

The full archive of the tournaments can be found after the jump!

Click to read more ...


Latest Humble Bundle Features Over 20 SNK Games Including Garou & The King of Fighters

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Neo Geo platform, SNK Playmore teamed with Humble Bundle to offer a huge list of games including some of their popular fighting games.

As of this post, 21 games from SNK's libarary are available to download such as Samurai Shodown II, Metal Slug, The Last Blade, Sengoku and more. The ports are handled by DotEmu.

The main tier of games from the bundle gives users the ability to play fighters SSII, Art of Fighting 2, Fatal Fury Special, King of the Monsters and The King of Fighters 2000. Paying for the bundle above the current average grants access to The Last Blade and The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match. To those who pay $10 or more, the bundle gives users the chance to play Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Samurai Shodown V Special and The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.

Most of the games in the bundle can be playable on a browser or downloadable. KOF98UM and 2002UM are playable using Steam. Controls on most of the games are not modifiable so controller to keyboard input programs like Xpadder might be required if you play a specific layout. You can donate now!


Various SNK Fighters Now On Sale In Xbox Marketplace, Due April 13

Xbox 360 users can get their hands on multiple SNK games for a low price.

This week's Xbox Marketplace Spotlight Sale focuses on SNK games with a majority being fighting games. Samurai Shodown II, Samurai Shodown Sen, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match and The King of Fighters XIII are all 50% off their original listing price in the digital store.

These deals are valid for both Xbox Live Gold and Silver users, so anyone interested in getting any of these fighters should go buy them before April 13!


Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 GGPO Tournament By Rotanibor & JLW On February 13

Who wants to play some Fatal Fury?!

Rotanibor and JLW will be organizing a Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 tournament on GGPO on Feb. 13, 2014. Be at GGPO's Unsupported Games room at 7pm PST/10 pm EST to play. The tournament will be streamed on Rotanibor's Twitch channel!

Make sure to update GGPO and Adobe AIR as well as properly set your router ports beforehand.

For more information on the tournament as well as instructions on how to properly access the Unsupported Games room and play RBFF2 properly, please check out the Dream Cancel thread!