Entries in KOFXIII (52)


Live from the Comboratory! Featuring King of Fighters XIII

The Comboratory recently streamed a long session where they play King of Fighters XIII and they have uploaded it for your viewing pleasure.  The players featured are Romance, Yoshi, Nocturnal, Reynald, Romel, Saif, HeyWarren, and, of course, ComboFiend.  

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SNK-Playmore Announces The King of Fighters XIII: Climax, Location Tests to Take Place in Japan Mid-February

While we are still waiting on a proper translation, it appears SNK-Playmore is rolling out The King of Fighters XIII: Climax -- an arcade revison of that game that brings it up to date with everything that the console version contains, such as extra characters and balance changes. According to Famitsu, a few location tests are planned to take place in Japan come February 11th and 12th.

They also opened up an official page for the game on their site but details seem sparse at the moment. Keep an eye on this post and the front page of IPW for more updates as they come through!


STA Season 3.3 Live Today With KOFXIII at 1PM PST

Yeah, yeah, who cares about the Super Bowl? Why not watch a real game? We got you covered today as we'll be streaming The King of Fighters XIII live from Southtown Arcade today around 1PM PST! Check it out at the usual place, our TwitchTV Channel

In the meantime, follow us on Twitter and we'll post up as soon as we're live. 


KOFXIII: LogicFighter Talks Team Selection & Order

LogicFighter is back with another article on a topic that comes up quite often when playing KOFXIII: what team do I stick with and what is the best order? This really is a personal choice and you'll have to do a bit of soul-searching and well, play a ton of games to figure it out, but there are also some logical ways to approach meter usage no matter what characters you settle on. This article touches on that and more so be sure to check it out if you're still moving the cursor on the select screen more than playing!

Click here to read the entire thing.


STA Ranbats S3.2 KOFXIII Live Stream Today (1-22) at 1PM PST

We're back with another hype filled Sunday at Southtown Arcade featuring The King of Fighters XIII! We'll be going live roughly around 1PM PST and running until about 7 or 8PM PST! Will BBZ continue his reign of terror? Will Dacidbro cause an upset in the money match between him and RogerDodger? Will Haunts NEOMAX a burrito? Find out by tuning in at our Twitch.TV Channel!



KOFXIII: Cross Counter Asia Tutorial On Mr. Karate

The guys at Cross Counter Asia are at it with a special tutorial on the latest KOFXIII DLC character Mr. Karate played by Xian.

Some of you guys might have known Ho Kun Xian for his Yun in AE and now Gen in 2012 for Super Street Fighter IV. Xian however was also known as a top KOF player in Asia as he tied 3rd place when the 2010 iteration of Tougeki ~Super Battle Opera~ had KOFXIII as one of their games.

One of Xian's specalty characters was Takuma and with Mr. Karate released, he is thinking whether to stick with his best character or switch to the alter ego.

Check out the video where Xian tries the first set of trials with one hand and later provided a quick overview of Mr. Karate.

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KOFXIII: Kyo's Instant Air Orochianagi & Combo Tutorial

For those who want to get into Kyo in The King of Fighters XIII, one of the things that makes him very effective is his Instant Air Orochinagi. When used, he can provide very effective combo opportunities. The video by Don't Drop That Combo compares motions of the air Orochinagi and how useful both are. Following on how to perform the IAOs are combos that you can learn with the super. There isn't a transcript of the combos but if you are familiar with moves from Kyo, you will be able to learn these easily.

Check the video after the break!

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KOFXIII: SoCal Based Gods Compete in Swag Combo Challenge at UCI Fight Nights

Offcast uploaded a tight KOFXIII replay from the latest UCI Fight Night stream showcasing a ton of SoCal top players competing in the Swag Combo Challenge. In short, it's a competition to see who can put together the most flashy combo and as many of you know there are no shortage of those in KOFXIII! Check it out after the jump.

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KOFXIII: More High Level Matches and Crazy Color Edits from SNK-Playmore

SNKPlaymore posted some top level King of Fighters XIII gameplay but one has to wonder if they mess around in color edit mode than actually playing matches! 

Check out all four after the break. 

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KOFXIII: Tutorial Series Stage Two, Part One feat. Kane317 and James Chen

Atlus released yet another tutorial video for The King of Fighters XIII which ends up being a great primer for anyone who is new to the game. Dreamcancel.com admin Kane317 sits down with James Chen, giving him a rundown of all the mechanics in the game, everything from the different types of jumps to drive meter to guard cancel rolling. Very helpful video with a ton of great info so be sure to check it out if you are just getting into the game!

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KOF Players: Reynald and Mr KOF Get Sponsored

Two of the biggest names in KOF have been signed by two separate sponsors. Reynald (left) and Mr KOF (right) have been two of the top players in KOF XIII since day one, and even in previous KOFs, and now they get rewarded for all of their dedication to the series.

Reynald, NEC XII KOF XIII Champion, was picked up by ArcadeShock/SNK-Capcom for his amazing performance at NEC, and previous KOF tournaments such as Evo, ReveLAtions,

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KOF XIII: Mr. Karate Combo Showcase

The fine folks at Atlus USA posted a short but sweet Mr. Karate Combo Showcase vid.

Hit the jump to see the Kyokugen master dealing some damage. 

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KOFXIII: Tips & Tricks Vol. II - Running & Backdash Mechanics

Hot off the heels of his first tutorial, DandyJ just released another that covers both running and backdashing mechanics in The King of Fighters XIII. This video demonstrates how simple it is to execute a command grab out of a running state, not to mention how backdashing can get you out of precarious mix-up situations. Check it out after the jump!

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KOFXIII: Hwa Jai Combo Tutorial 

A little lost as to why Hwa Jai is considered top tier in KOFXIII? You might want to take a peek at some of the max damage numbers contained in this combo tutorial by Xenophobian. These are all non-HD combos that typically just one one super and a drive bar or two but most of them end up doing well over half life damage to the opponent! Check it out. 

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KOFXIII: Kyo vs NESTS Style Kyo - READY? GO!

SNK Playmore uploaded a few video showcasing the differences between NEST Style Kyo and Vanilla Kyo and it looks like there are plenty with both versions of the character bringing their own flavor of fighting to the table. It's hard to say who will end up being the better character overall but it's great to see each one to have a wide variety of tools at their disposal that don't overlap too much. Check out both videos after the break and keep in mind you can scoop up NESTS Style Kyo come December 20th, or next Tuesday for about five bucks!


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KOFXIII: eLivePro|Dune Breaks Down Character Strengths and Weaknesses

Oh boy, let's kick off the week with some tier discussion! eLivePro|Dune, one of the most established KOFXIII players in the world, 'casted his impressions of all the characters in the game since their transition from arcade to console and BioBooster over at DreamCancel translated the entire thing. If you're wondering what makes a character top tier or just alright be sure to check to this out.

As mentioned in the translation, Dune make a point to mention that these are merely his impressions and might have missed a few details. Keep this in mind as opinions of certain characters will vary wildly depending on who you talk to. 

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KOFXIII: Official Team NorCal SCR Qualifier Is Tomorrow (12-11) at Southtown Arcade, Live Stream by IPLAYWINNER

For those of you who don't know, there is a lot of beef between NorCal and SoCal KOFXIII players. I mean, we really hate each other -- really! So the only way to settle this crap is through a no holds barred 5 v 5! The event will take place at SoCal Regionals and we are holding a qualifier this weekend at Southtown Arcade.


If you live in the Bay Are and ONE HUNDRED PERCENT sure you're going to SCR, show up and see if you have what it takes to be on the team. The tournament is Round Robin format and all the entry fees will go towards travel expenses for the NorCal teams trek to SoCal. 

We'll be streaming the entire thing so be sure to tune in and check it out before Bar Fights starts a little later in the day. For all the details and rules, swing by SouthtownArcade.com and be sure to follow them on Twitter for updates. 


KOFXIII Tournament Live Stream Straight from Korea to Feature PoongKo and More, Tonight (12-9) at 8PM PST

Our boy Hoodaman who is currently holding it down in Korea tipped me off today on a tournament for The King of Fighters XIII that is being held at CAFE ID. The tournament, aptly named Rugal's Invitational, will feature some of their top talent including PoongKo, Bash (2nd Place SBO KOF2002) and Mad KOF Akuma so you won't want to miss this!

The action starts at 8PM PST and you can watch it live on the CAFE ID Channel


KOFXIII: More Videos of NESTS Style Kyo from SNK-Playmore, Netcode Patch in the Works

Busy day today for us KOF fans! SNKPlaymore uploaded a short video showing EX Kyo (NESTS KYO) and another crazy combo vid. EX Kyo release date is 12/20/11.

Not only that but theres a demo available at XBLA with 6 characters, 2 stages and online play. PSN users will get the demo on 12/13.

But wait theres more! Atlus USA confirmed via Twitter that SNKPlaymore is already working on a netcode patch.

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KOFXIII: NECXII Top 4 Feat. Reynald, The Answer, EG Justin Wong and TFA BananaKen

Team Spooky uploaded the top 4 of The King of Fighters from NECXII which went down over the weekend and if you missed this live be sure to check out these videos ASAP. These matches are a perfect example as to why KOFXIII is such a great game with some amazing high level gameplay from Reynald and TheAnswer who traveled all the way from the West coast to compete. You'll also see EG Justin Wong and TFA BananaKen holding it down versus these vets making these some of the best KOFXIII matches to date.

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