Entries in KOFXIII (52)


A Real Honest KOFXIII Review from Haunts on 1UP.com

Oh Mai Gad! I wrote another fighting game review for 1UP! Yep, this one is for KOFXIII which officially came out today with my impressions of the games features, netcode and some chit-chat about the character balance. Check out the full review by clicking here

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KOFXIII: EX Iori Price and Release Date Revealed, New Combo Video

Atlus USA just released a trailer announcing the price of the EX Iori DLC: $4.99 and the release date: 12/7.

The DLC includes: Iori with the Power of Flames, Trials , Stage (Industrial zone like KOF95) and his own BGM. Check out the full trailer after the break!

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King of Fighters XIII Console Intro Movie

Karlsimposter (Orochinagi.com) uploaded the full console intro for the King of Fighters XIII and I have to say it's pretty impressive! There's definitely a lot more to it than the arcade intro as it has a bunch of anime-esque sequences not to mention a handful of character showcases as well. 

UPDATE: Be sure to check out the ON Show #20 while you're at it!

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INTERVIEWS: Get to Know Your KOF Community Sites & Their Founders!

Hi folks! I've seen that the KOF XIII hype is stronger than ever so I believe it's a good time to introduce some of the KOF exclusive communities for those folks new to the KOF world. While this is not an exhaustive list of every single KOF website out there, it's good enough as a starting point into the KOF world.

Each founder/admin was asked these questions:

Tell me about your community : When it was founded,main country that represents,etc. Why KOF?

What does KOF have that pushed you to form a community?

How do you think that KOFXIII will impact your community?

Check out each admin's response and thoughts on the KOF community after the break!

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New King of Fighters XIII Match & Combo Videos

Did our stream from Southtown Arcade get you hype for King of Fighters XIII? Well, as long as you weren't watching me play then it should have, so if you're still hungry for more footage, check out these two new videos. One is about 10 minutes of solid play courtesy of ReXXXSoprano via Nico Video and the other is a pretty bad ass NEO MAX combo video featuring what looks like most of the cast. Check 'em out!

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Southtown Arcade Summer Ranbats 1.2 Results & Replays - KOFXIII / SSF4AE / MVC3

First off, I want to thank everyone who tuned into our first stream from Southtown Arcade yesterday. I have to say I was completely floored to see how many viewers we got for King of Fighters XIII! We will definitely be showing some more love for KOFXIII in the future due to the overwhelming response, so stay tuned. 

Below you can check out the results for all the games -- SSF4, MVC3 and KOFXIII -- along with a few embeds of the replays from yesterday as well which contain about 6 hours worth of KOFXIII footage and a little bit of AE as well. Keep an eye on Southtown Arcade's official website for point standings for their summer ranbat series!


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KOF XIII: Goro Combo Tutorial - Goro the Judo Master

Woop! More dope KOFXIII combo videos from Don't Drop That Combo! This time they put together a banger featuring the Judo Master, Goro! Check it out after the break, and if you somehow missed the news earlier this week, KOFXIII is coming to consoles!

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Interview with SNK Playmore's Shinya Morishita on King of Fighters XIII

Coopa and myself had a chance to talk with SNK Playmore's Director of US Relations, Shinya Morishita. Kennyon helped us out a bit by translating the questions and answers back and forth, so big shout outs to him. A few of the questions seemed to get lost in translation, but there is some good info in this interview for sure.

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KING OF FIGHTERS XIII Technical Reference Chapter 8 & Aim for Tougeki Episode 2

King of Fighters XIII Technical Reference Chapter 8 surfaced today, this time showcasing Yagami Team which consists of Iori, Vice and Mature. Iori has always been a fan favorite, but as most of you know SNK changed up his style a bit in King of Fighters XII -- this video will show you what's new in KOFXIII.

Also, according to Cyberfanatix, the 25 minute clip we posted a day or so ago is actually called "Aim for Tougeki" and a new episode was uploaded today. The premise of the show is one of the voice actors for the game, Mitsuhiro Ichiki (Ash Crimson), trains with Japanese KOF players to help up his game. This episode is Ichiki (Terry, Ryo, Kyo) vs. M’ (Clark, Kensou, Raiden).


KING OF FIGHTERS XIII Technical Reference Chapters 4 & 5

A handful of new Technical Reference videos surfaced recently for King of Fighters XIII, this time showcasing Team Fatal Fury and the Psycho Soldiers team! More videos after the break, check 'em out!

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King of Fighters XIII: Takuma and Vice Join Roster and Neo Max Super Revealed

Two new characters have been revealed for King of Fighters XIII!  Takuma Sakasaki and Vice join the game's roster.  The official KOFXIII website has been updated with their standing animation sprites and other information.  Some scans from the latest Famitsu magazine also show the new pair or characters.

A new move called the Neo MAX super has also been revealed.  Ash Crimson's Neo Max super can be seen in the video below.  The move can also be sen in the Famitsu scans.

Famitsu Scans


Source: Shoryuken


SNK Playmore Announces Dates for Unveiling & Location Test for King of Fighters XIII

SNK Playmore will finally unveil The King of Fighters XIII on March 25th at an Official Preview event which will take place at Bellesalle Akihabara in Japan.  Even further, the company will put the game on location test starting the following day! 

The location test will be conducted from March 26 through March 28 at the Hey arcade in Akihabara. 

No further details about the game, the event, or the location test have been revealed.  However, for fans of The King of Fighters series, firm information on the game is coming soon!

Sources: Andriasang, SNK Playmore KOFXIII Announcement Page

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