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iPlayWinner presents you with our first international interview featuring none other than the legendary Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Alex Player, KSK! He is more than just a player though -- he is an integral part of the Japanese fighting game scene as he owns and operates Gamer's Vision, a hot bed for some of the best players in Japan.

KSK is also the organizer of the GODSGARDEN tournament,  which was met with much international acclaim as it features top level players such as Daigo and Mago, with a top notch live stream to boot. It was also one of the first events to have a females only Street Fighter 4 tournament which helped promote female players in Japan such as ChocoBlanka.

With GODSGARDEN 2 right around the corner, we wanted to talk to him a bit about the Japanese fighting game scene, running an arcade, multiple events and also how the console-only release of Super Street Fighter 4 will affect Japanese arcades.

iPW: What do you think of American tournaments? 


KSK: From my experience, Double Elimination, like EVO, is very exciting. I know it takes much longer but players can get more satisfaction and some ease compared to a single elimination, whether win or lose. I love the pressures when I'm in losers tournament, I love the feelings of superiority when I'm in winners one. It makes good contrast between winners and losers.


iPW: Do you ever watch streams of American tournaments? 

KSK: I watched EVO'09 on the stream. It seemed well equipped with gear such as cameras so I could watch players' faces and feel atomosphere. It was great!



iPW: Are more arcades in Japan looking into doing live streams? 

KSK: I think the pioneer of live streaming from arcade is Nakano-TRF. It brings many newcomers to the arcades -- but, on the other hand, when said player watches the live streams, he's at home, not at the arcade. They provide no revenue to the arcades so it makes arcade owners negative or passive about live streaming. Still, I think that live streaming is very effective to show the excitement of arcades.


iPW: Do you still play 3s often? Why do you play Alex? 

KSK: I still play 3s. I'm taking part in grade matches for 3s at NishiNippori-VERSUS. I restarted Ranking Battle for 3s at Gamer's Vision [ KSK's arcade ] recently. I love Alex's dynamic moves and arts. Fact is, I'm not good at complicated inputs. Alex is easier to handle!


iPW: How did you come up with the idea of Gods Garden? 

KSK: In Japan, arcade players are becoming fewer year by year. So, when I try to give a boost to arcades, there's not enough man-power. Teenagers in Japan rarely come to arcades and have chance to learn how to play fighting games. So they don't know how it is to be a serious fan of fighting games -- they only play on console! At one point, console games were no more than substitute for the games in arcades, but now we can play games for the arcades on console. Sometimes, the games for console is superior to the one in arcades.

It means that there's no reason to visit arcades for teenagers, but I want show them how exciting the arcade atmosphere is. I want to show them how great players in the arcades are. This is a motive for organizing Godsgarden.


iPW: How did you round up the females for the womens invitational tournament? 

KSK: As a training for newbies, I invited females who said "I wanna do it!!" and I invited female players in arcades. Overall I'd say it was a success with the winner of tourney for females, "Choco" now organizing SF4 events. Also, another one of the entrants, "Kayo-Police" acts as model for pictures usually, but now is playing SF4 seriously and helps us. I'm happy to see them enjoy playing SF4.


iPW: How does Super SF4 not coming to arcades affect you? 

KSK: Truly I want to see SSF4 in arcades, but I know why SSF4 doesn't comes to arcades. SF4(and Viewlix) is too expensive to make earnings and so many arcades gave up to operate it. Beyond that, the Network service for SF4 was not giving players satisfaction they desired I think.

Over all, it makes owners of arcades negative about SF4 and SSF4. Also, I feel SF4 for console is excellent. It is great for many people, but it is lethal for arcades. As console versions of these games are getting better, arcade players are getting fewer. As arcade operators, we're in difficult times.


iPW: What do Japanese players think about Super and will they continue to play SF4 if it is console only? 

KSK: I think they are looking forward to see SSF4 and play SSF4 in the arcade. The fact that SSF4 won't be in arcades, some players may keep on playing SF4. For instance, even though SF4 for console is now released, arcade players keep on playing SF4 in arcades -- they don't think of Cammy, Sakura and other console characters when they think about Street Fighter 4.

What it comes down to, and why they choose to play SF4 in arcades is that there's something to play for. Now, there are so many events for the players -- Super Battle Opera, Nagoya Street Battle and Godsgarden. There are so many people and events to give a boost to arcades, but when they disappear, SF4 in arcades will disappear. Obviously no one wants things to be like that, so I decided to organize Godsgarden.

iPW: What prompted you to build/own your own arcade? 

KSK: It was hard to be away from fighting games. To own an arcade was the only way to live by only playing fighting games in Japan. Among the people who really love fighting games, I'm really happy to be making the place for them. In the future, it will be very difficult to manage an arcade, so I should think about consoles.


iPW: Arcades generally aren't known to generate a lot of revenue. Do you think that may have an impact on the arcade scene in Japan? Does that have an impact on your facility? 

KSK: The arcade generates little revenue! As consoles evolve, needs for arcades is becoming less. I don't know how long I can keep my arcade, but even if my arcade closes, I'll do something for fighting games. Under all circumstances, I love fighting games.


iPW: We tend to talk a lot of smack here in the states. Do Japanese players ever "talk smack" to each other? 

KSK: We call it "Kuchi-play". I think it is a part of the fun of fighting games in arcade, and certain Japanese players love it.


iPW: Other than arcades, do you have any other hobbies/interests you would like to share with us? 

KSK: I've wanted to be good at English for many years -- I want more time to study. I can read and hear a little but it is difficult to speak.

Lately I've been interested in poker. My friend in Texas taught me Texas Hold'em. He was trying to be a professional poker player. Poker is not popular in Japan, but I want to play it.


iPW: Do you ever hop on 2ch and make fun of (troll) other players? 

KSK: I go to 2ch often and read posts, but I don't get involved with discussions unless giving notice of one of my events.


iPW: Is there a social scene attached to the fighting game scene in Japan? Do players hang out with each other? ect. ect. 

KSK: Sometimes. Making friends is part of the fun of going to arcades. We often go out for dinner with people we meet at arcades, and we often play the games other games besides fighting games as well.


iPW: How do you think Americans can get better at fighting games? What can we do exactly? 

KSK: I think the lack of environment is the only problem with US players. Strong players should fight each other. The more they fight, the stronger they will become. Make a place to gather and create more opportunities to fight -- that's the way to get better.


iPW: Do you have anything else you want to say to the American fighting game scene? 

KSK: I love America. I met John Choi, Alex Valle, Rokufera, Pyrolee and Lifetimeboy at EVO. They were so cool and friendly. I want to give a boost to fighting games together.

Non-SF related questions: 

iPW: Where are you from originally? 

KSK: Tokyo.


iPW: What is your favorite film? 

KSK: "Desperado", "Pulp Fiction". I love Quentin Tarantino's movies.


iPW: What is your favorite album of music? Japanese and American? 

KSK: Southern All Stars, Mr.Children. (Japanese artists) Beatles(UK), Vanessa Paradis(FR), I bought all of their albums!


iPW: What is your favorite place to vacation to? 

KSK: I love driving alone and visiting strange places.


iPW: What is your favorite place to eat in Japan? 

KSK: I reccomend Ra-men Jirou -- it will surpise you!


iPW: Besides Gamer's Vision, what is your favorite arcade to visit

KSK: Itabashi-Game Newton, NishiNippori-VERSUS. 


Special thanks to KSK, Hiroaki Inaba, and everyone in the GodsGarden crew. 

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