« Marvel vs Capcom 2 Gamerpics hit Xbox Live »
Today, Capcom has three sets of 10 pics available for only 160 MS points. Tomorrow, they will post two more collections of 10 pics and 1 more of 5 pics (this one for 80 MS points). Whether you are a fan of the actual game or not, the game has tons of characters that appeal to almost everyone.
The Metal Head Collection: The Iron Man, War Machine, Doctor Doom, Sentinel, Juggernaut (yes, I know his gear is not made out of metal), Mega Man, Roll, Servbot, Tron Bonne and Zangief
The Lovers, Villains, and Babes Collection: Magneto, Rogue, Gambit, Blackheart, Spiral, B.B. Hood, Chun Li, Cammy, M. Bison and Felicia
The Wow, That's a lot of Popular Characters in this Collection Collection: Cyclops, Cable, Storm, Psylocke, Colossus, Ryu, Ken, Morigan, Jill Valentine and Akuma
Tomorrow, two sets of 10 pics and one set of 5 pics (80 MS points) will be available for a total of 55 gamerpics!
The Wolverine is Enough to Sell This Collection Collection: Wolverine, Omega Red, Sabretooth, Silver Samurai, Marrow, Son Son, Charlie, Dhalsim, Jin and Hayato
The Saikyou Heroes Collection: Spider-Man, Hulk, Captain America, Venom, Iceman, Captain Commando, Dan, Sakura, Guile and Strider
The Who Selected You to Be in this Game Collection: Thanos, Shuma-Gorath, Ruby Heart, Amingo and Anarkis
Source: Capcom Unity