« NYCC: UMVC3 Panel Reveals Heroes and Heralds Mode »
A totally new way to play the game. Add abilities using cards, ala Gems or System Direction. Abilities include Parry, Assist Super Armor, XFactor Blowback, Dizzying Attacks, Projectile Invincibility, Special cancels into Specials, Invisibility, etc. Over 100 cards, equip 3 at once, 1.12 million total combinations.
Mode playable online. Battle online as clans in one-week events. Earn cards playing offline. Mode is free DLC post-launch. Howard the Duck is a card. We'd like to speculate that Vita players will be able to trade cards, since "additional Vita functionality" was teased but not announced.
All DLC shared across PS3, Vita.
Q: DLC characters?
A: No plans now.
Q: Next event/reveal?
A: Before too long.
Q: Is Mega Man poster a troll?
A: Yes.
Q: Why remove blocking during airdashes?
A: Makes zoning more effective. You have to commit to airdashes now.
Q: New endings for old characters?
A: A few have been changed, many are the same.
Q: Is Galactus playable?
A: Yes.