« Team Sp00ky: UMVC3 & SSF4AE2012 Grand Finals Archives At Big Two #9 »
Another week, another Big Two tournament at Next Level in New York. Sp00ky has uploaded the top matches in the ninth iteration of the Big Two tournament for both Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
For AE2012, Sanford Kelly of Empire Arcadia has been playing consistently well and getting top 3 spots multiple times with his Sagat while Arturo Sanchez played with Rose and reached grand finals against Santhrax. In UMVC3, Dieminion and his team of Viewtiful Joe, Morrigan, and Doctor Strange also had been doing well these past Big Two tournaments but local favorite Chris G. dominated through winners bracket where both ultimately converged in grand finals.
For more matches of the event, check out the AE2012 and UMVC3 playlist on Sp00ky's official YouTube. Grand finals for both games are after the break!
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