« STA Season 3.4 This Weekend Featuring UMVC3 & AE2012 on Saturday, SoCal Invades the KOFXIII Ranbat on Sunday! »
We have a very special weekend lined up for everyone at Southtown Arcade as we continue on into Season 3. We'll not only be rockin' some UMVC3 and SSF4: AE Ver. 2012 action all night on Saturday (7PM PST), but SoCal is heading up for the KOFXIII ranbats on Sunday (1PM PST)!
Those of you who keep up with the STA KOFXIII streams know that anytime SoCal rolls through its super hype. Outside of the tournament we'll also line up a 5v5 SCR runback to see how things shake out. All I can say is NorCal has been training hard and we're going to show the Hollywood scum what RHF is all about!
So who all from SoCal is attending? I guess you'll just have to tune in and find out!
For more information on the ranbats check out the event page for Saturday & Sunday.