« Super Desperation Radio Episode 228, Win One Of Two The King Of Fighters XIII Steam Edition Beta Testing Codes »

Monday is Super Desperation Radio night on IPLAYWINNER. You should tune into this one especially!
The upcoming episode featuring the usual hosts of Arcade Shock's Giby and Hellpockets, SuperFX, LordWalkman and Sanchez will be discussing extensively about The King of Fighters XIII Steam Edition online beta test.
Along with the discussion and SDR being a KOF-focused podcast, you can also participate in the beta. Thankfully provided by SNK Playmore as we will be giving out two redeemable codes into the test so make sure to tune in on how to win one! If you win a code, make sure to send your feedback to the game's community forums!
SDR will be on tonight at 6:30pm PST through our YouTube and Twitch channels!