« Super Desperation Radio Episode 422 Archive Online »
The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] released in Japan on July 23 and SDR talked about some of the balance changes as well as the ridiculous damage combos that are now options for almost every character.
In other news, Vega is returning to Street Fighter V and the cast took some time to poke fun at his new look while also talking about his new abilities and questioning what changes might be in store for the Spaniard.
Lastly, talk of tournament organization and prodution again crept into the show as Hellpockets lead a conversation about pre- and postgame shows for events and the crew talked about upcoming events in Southern California.
Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.