Arc System Works has released information on the three more characters coming to BBTag, as well as the game's upcoming open beta test.
In a new trailer, BlazBlue's Hakumen, Persona 4 Arena's Naoto Shirogane and Under Night's Vatista have all been revealed as new additions to the title. They represent the third of six DLC packs of fighters that will be added to BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle after its release.
ASW also announced a public beta test for Japanese players. Both PlayStation 4 and Switch players will be able to participate in the beta, but the details for each are different. Players on PS4 will be able to check out the demo on May 9 if they digitally preorder, with the normal demo running from May 12-14. Meanwhile, the Switch demo will only run from May 11-14. According to AFGCNews on Twitter, during the test players on both systems will have access to the casual online lobby, VS match and Tactics Mode (a mixture of Tutorial, Challenge and Mission modes).
After the beta period ends on May 14, however, players will still have access to a playable version of BBTag. Those that preorder the game on PS4 will be able to use all the game's characters and play Tactics Mode, VS CPU and normal Versus Mode, while those who didn't preorder and Switch players will be limited to using Ragna, Hyde, Yu and Ruby in Tactics and VS CPU modes.
With the Japanese beta coming so close to the game's release, it will be interesting to see if players in North America will be given a similar demo. Readers, meanwhile, can check out the new character trailer after the jump, and details on the beta can be found at the AFGCNews Twitter account.
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle releases for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam on May 31, 2018, in Japan and June 5, 2018, in the rest of the world.
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