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Entries by SuperFX (1540)


Tekken 7 update brings fixes to Marduk, Law

A new patch rolled out for Tekken 7 on Dec. 12, bringing changes to Law and Marduk.

For Law, the previous 2.10 update had given Law the ability to combo off Dragon Tail into backflip, and that has been removed. Meanwhile, Marduk's ability to use his Rage Drive in combos has been nerfed as the mount will no longer work, as MarkMan says, "at off angles."

These are the only listed changes for the patch, and it is unknown if any other features were affected by the update.

Tekken 7 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.


Brad Wong, Eliot confirmed for Dead or Alive 6

Two more returning characters are joining the DOA6 cast.

According to Ryokutya (via Gematsu), the new issue of Famitsu confirms that Eliot and Brad Wong will be returning in the new title. Brad Wong first debuted in Dead or Alive 3, while Eliot showed up in DOA4.

No other information is available at this time, but it seems likely that Famitsu will have images of the characters in action.

Dead or Alive 6 comes home to PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One on February 15, 2019.


Italian GameStop listing dishes more info on Mortal Kombat 11

A preorder page for the Premiuim Edition of MK11 on the Italian GS website has given players some more details about the title as everyone waits for the game's "community reveal event" on Jan. 11, 2019.

The first and most seemingly obvious news is that the game will have DLC in the form of the Kombat Pass, with six additional characters scheduled to join the game. This does not include preorder bonus Shao Kahn, whose character model is shown as a preview for the Premium Edition.

The more interesting news it that MK11 is looking to offer players an even greater ability to personalize their fighter, as according to translations at Test Your Might variants will be customizable "down to the smallest detail." It's uncertain how this will be implemented, but games like Virtua Fighter and Tekken have offered varying levels of self-expression through their itemization systems in the past.

And, lastly, the game will apparently focus its multiplayer heavily on the competitive esports experience, with "personalization systems, daily news, constantly updated rewards and an improved matchmaking."

Mortal Kombat 11 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam on April 23, 2019.



Qanba introduces limited edition Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Obsidian

Qanba USA has announced a collaboration with Arc System Works to create a new version of the Obsidian joystick featuring artwork from Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.

The art was designed by Guilty Gear creator Daisuke Ishiwatari and features several characters including Sol, Ky, Jack-O, Baiken, May, Kum Haehyun, Sin, Dizzy and Millia.

The stick itself contains the same features of the standard Obsidian, from Sanwa parts to compatibility with PlayStation 3, 4 and PC platforms. It joins fellow LE versions of the Obsidian designed for Soul Calibur VI and the Tekken World Tour. It is currently available on the Qanba USA website.


Smash Ultimate welcomes Persona 5 as Joker joins the cast

The first Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC character has been revealed, and it is Joker from Persona 5.

Joker is the the protagonist of Persona 5, a character that finds strength through his mask and anonymity. No other information about Smash Ultimate and its DLC has been revealed at this time, including the launch date of Joker.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is is available for the Nintendo Switch.

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Get over here: Mortal Kombat 11 is coming April 23, 2019

During The Game Awards 2018, Ed Boon showed off a trailer for the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11, and it is coming sooner than most people imagined.

Mortal Kombate 11 will be coming home on April 23, 2018. The awards show revealed a trailer showing off series mainstays Raiden and Scorpion fighting, and Netherealm Studios has revealed that starting on Dec. 7, 2018, players can preorder the game to unlock Shao Kahn. There will also be a "community reveal event" on Jan. 17, 2019.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Mortal Kombat 11 is currently scheduled for release on Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam.

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Fight of Gods to bless Nintendo Switch with its presence

A little more than a year after entering Early Access on Steam, deity-based fighter Fight of Gods will be coming to Nintendo Switch.

The 2-D game, which contains "gods, holy spirits and mythological characters" will release on the Switch on Dec. 13, 2018, in Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong. FOG will cost players 1,500 yen (roughly $13.50) but will not feature English support. An English version is on the way and will be announced soon, according to the Fight of Gods Twitter.

Fight of Gods is currently available on Steam.


KOF XV planned for 2020, Samurai Shodown platforms announced

During SNK's recent IPO conference in South Korea, the company discussed more about its upcoming titles including the next King of Fighters and the reintroduction of Samurai Shodown.

Although it has been more than a year since Yasuyuki Oda claimed that King of Fighters XV "will be a reality," the game is currently scheduled for a 2020 release. Nothing more was said about the title, which is likely in the very early stages of development.

As for Samurai Shodown, the game will apparently be coming to Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam in addition to PlayStation 4. According to TeamPowerGeyser on Twitter, footage of the game was shown but recording and photos were not allowed. SNK also announced that Samurai Shodown is currently set to release sometime in the second quarter of 2019.


New balance patch arrives with Tekken 7 DLC characters

Craig Marduk and Armor King are now available for purchase thanks to the new season two T7 update, but that patch has also brought some tweaks to existing members the game's cast.

According to patch notes translated by Flying Wonkey of Avoiding the Puddle, the big changes center around recent season two additions to the game, including a damage nerf to Steve's new rage drive and fixes to the hitboxes of Anna's moves to help with combo consistency. Geese's meter gain was also reduced by 15 percent.

Players can check out the full list of changes below.

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Dragon Ball FighterZ update trailer shows off new mode, holiday bonuses

While many players have been focused on the balance changes coming to DBFZ in the game's most recent patch, Bandai Namco has put together a short video revealing some other new additions that have been included in the update..

The FighterZ Tournament is a new a online tournament mode that pits players against one another using specific sets of rules. Winners will be given special trophies that can be displayed in the new Z Trophy Rooms, which players can further customize with lobby avatars and specific background music.

There will also be more holiday Z Capsules added starting on Dec. 5, which will offer new stamps, Christmas-themed lobby avatars and a new red-green color for each character.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Dragon Ball FighterZ is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam.

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Gougi changes, move fixes highlight FEXL update

The PlayStation 4 version of Fighting EX Layer will be updated on Nov. 30, 2018, to maintain parity with the launching Steam version of the game, and Arika has listed the changes coming to version 1.1.1 of FEXL.

The biggest gameplay alterations are coming to several of the game's Gougis, as activation requirements for Hunting Dash, Teleport and Ghost have changed. In addition, a number of moves for different characters have been altered to correct unintended interactions and Skullomania and ShadowGeist have had their crouching hurtboxes altered.

Readers can check out the full list of changes on the official Arika Facebook page.


Dragon Ball FighterZ balance patch arriving Nov. 28

[Update Nov. 26, 10:57 p.m. CST]: The patch notes for the update have been released in Japanese and are currently being translated by GreatFernMan. His work can be found on Evernote.

A new gameplay patch is set to shake up the world of DBFZ on the heels of the Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour's sixth Saga event.

According to Ho-chan, all characters in the DBFZ cast will receive both buffs and nerfs but there will be specific weakening of Bardock and Android 16's level 3 supers. In addition, Kid Buu will receive a buff on one of his supers while a "very commonly used move" will be nerfed.

No othe information about the update is available at this time. Dragon Ball FighterZ is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam. 


New patch for King of Fighters XIV set for late December 2018

A new update will be coming to KOF XIV at the end of December.

The announcement was made during the King of Festival 2018 tournament, but what exactly that update entails was not made public at this time.

It will be interesting to see if more content will be added to KOF XIV or if this will be a final balance patch for the game as SNK diverts its full attention to other projects like Samurai Shodown. The game was last updated with tweaks to the massive 3.0 update that introduced Najd, Blue Mary, Heidern and Oswald to the game in April 2018.

The King of Fighters XIV is currently available for PlayStation 4 and Steam.


A worldly hero: Jeanne slashes into SNK Heroines on Dec. 13

The next character to join SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy will be Jeanne from the classic SNK fighting series World Heroes.

Players in the U.S. might remember her under a slightly different name—Janne D'Arc—but the appearance and characterization are the same as the character who first appeared in 1992. Jeanne joins SNK Heroines with her classic World Heroes techniques along with a samurai-inspired costume and a fancier set of armor as her other alternate outfit.

Readers can check out Jeanne's trailer after the jump. She will be available to players starting on Dec. 13, 2018.

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Arika again teases Sharon for FEXL, 2019 plans coming Dec. 14

A video version of Arika's recently released schedule of events for Fighting EX Layer included another sneak peak at the returning secret agent from the Street Fighter EX series.

It is again a quick glance at Sharon, who first made her debut in Street Fighter EX2, but with the revelation of Arika's 2019 plans fast approaching—the company has pegged Dec. 14 as their release—players will likely know more about her, and perhaps Area and Terry Bogard as well, sooner than later.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Fighting EX Layer is currently available for PlayStation 4 and will be coming to Steam on Nov. 30, 2018.

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New guide helps importers get started with Million Arthur: Arcana Blood

Although the console version of Million Arthur: Arcana Blood is currently only scheduled to be released on the PlayStation 4 in Japan, a new guide can help those who plan to import the game get started with the fighter.

Visual Novel CCP's guide provides an overview of the game, story, systems and even the characters themselves, along with images and translations of the various menus. It even tells players where and how they can purchase the game if they want.

While the guide does not provide in-depth strategy on the fighters or support characters, it is a good resource for people who want to get over the first hurdles of learning the game.

Readers can check out the guide at VNCCP. Million Arthur: Arcana Blood comes to PlayStation 4 in Japan on Nov. 29, 2018.



Resident Evil, Christmas outfits coming to SFV on Nov. 27

A new batch of downloadable costumes will help players scare up some holiday cheer when they release at the end of November 2018.


Cody, Blanka, Sakura and Falke will receive Christmas-themed attire as part of the yearly SFV tradition. In addition to the more festive clothing, the game will also be gaining three costumes that transform fighters into characters from the Resident Evil series: Urien becomes Wesker, Cammy dons Jill's fatigues and Kolin dresses up as Ada.

As always, each costume will cost players $3.99 when they release. Readers can check out the trailers for the costumes after the jump.

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Wander no more: Rurouni Kenshin joins Jump Force

Another classic series has joined the world-merging crossover of Jump Force as characters Himura Kenshin and Shishio Makoto have been added to the roster.

Himura Kenshin is the protagonist of Rurouni Kenshin, a wandering samurai who fights to protect the weak. Shishio Makoto, meanwhile, is one of the Kenshin's main adversaries, a merciless man covered in bandages who will do anything to achieve his ends.

Readers can check out more screenshots from Bandai Namco on Twitter. Jump Force releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam on Feb. 15, 2019, in North America.


Kokoro, La Mariposa return in DOA 6, joined by newcomer Nico

A new trailer from Koei Tecmo has revealed three more characters coming to Dead or Alive 6.

Ba Ji Quan master Kokoro and luchadora La Mariposa rejoin the cast, both having made their debuts in DOA4. The third character, however, is new addition to Dead or Alive Nico.

Nico makes her series debut as a young scientist working for the game's main antagonist, Donovan, and practioner of Indonesian martial art Pencak Silat. Her fighting style is accentuated by devices that provide electrical charge to her attacks.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Dead or Alive 6 comes home to PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One on February 15, 2019.

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Infiltration removed from Panda Global roster, out of 2018, 2019 CPT

Esports team Panda Global and Capcom have both come to separate decisions regarding accusations leveled against Seon-woo "Infiltration" Lee, and as a result he is no longer with Panda Global and he will sit out both the end of the 2018 Capcom Pro Tour and all of 2019.

The accusations center around a post made anonymously in September 2018 accusing Infiltration of domestic violence, infidelity and fraud. An investigation by both organizations found that while some of these allegations can either not be confirmed or are false, Infiltration was charged with "violence" against his ex-wife and forced to pay a fine.

As such, on Nov. 15, 2018, Panda Global issued a statement terminating its contract with Infiltration. Capcom, meanwhile, released a separate statement announcing that "while this incident did not happen during a Capcom Pro Tour event, we do not condone any acts of violence or harassment" and as a first offense has removed Infiltration from the end of Capcom Pro Tour 2018. He will also not participate in the 2019 season.

Panda Global has released the findings of its investigation, complete with the initial charges leveled against Infiltration and the discoveries made by the organization. Readers can look over the results on Scribd.