Entries in KOFXIV (85)


Psycho Soldiers make their debut in new KOF XIV trailer

Athena Asamiya, Chin Gentsai and Sie Kensou get their time in the spotlight as the newest team trailer for King of Fighters XIV has debuted. All three characters make their appearance as part of the cast returning from King of Fighters XIII.

As with the other trailers, the short video shows off basic combos and supers for all three characters on the team. The trailer even focuses on the massive damage Chin can achieve once he has had 10 drinks.

Also featured is a stage completely new to King of Fighters, which is based on a real location in Shanghai that the developers visited. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Two new characters featured in KOFXIV Team China trailer

Following The King of Fighters XIV's time at this year's EVO, another team trailer has been uploaded.

The focus is on Team China this time around. Tung Fu Rue, a Fatal Fury character, returns since his first KOF appearance in the eleventh major entry. He is teamed up with two new characters, Shun'ei and Meitenkun. If you didn't go to EVO, make sure to check out the video after the jump to see how they play. Also check out the story trailer, quick overview of organizer Antonov and the second episode of KOF Station Channel XIV!

For now, you can try out Shun'ei, one of the playable characters of the KOFXIV demo available now to download. The full game will be available on all major markets only on the PlayStation 4 this late August!

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Digital preorders of KOF XIV offer Nightmare Geese skin, other bonuses

Atlus has announced that players who preorder The King of Fighters XIV digitally will be getting some extra content with their purchase.

Along with the Classic Kyo skin and a dynamic KOF theme for PlayStation 4, customers will also get access to the Nightmare Geese costume. Previously a separate character all on his own, Nightmare Geese will offer not only a tattered and mutated visual for Geese but also an altered in-game voice.

Check out the trailer after the jump. The King of Fighters XIV goes on sale in North America on Aug. 23, 2016.

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Newest KOFXIV team trailer all about Team Mexico

The new trailer of The King of Fighters XIV with Angel, Ramon and the King of Dinosaurs can be found after the jump!

July 7 marks the latest video centering all on Team Mexico. For playable demos, King of Dinosaurs, or just Dinosaur for short, has been the only character representing the team. The trailer marks the the first time we see gameplay of Ramon and Angel in their current iterations since their last major appearance in The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.

The King of Fighters XIV will be coming to all major territories this August for the PlayStation 4! For those going to EVO and want to play in the official side tournament provided by Atlus, make sure to sign up here! Take note that registering doesn't guarantee you a spot so make sure to read the disclaimer.

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Latest KOFXIV team trailer focuses on Team South America, Zarina gameplay debut

Similar to the Team Official Invitation reveal last week, this week's The King of Fighters XIV team trailer is also composed entirely of new characters.

Team South America is the focus this time. Found after the jump, the trailer shows off more footage of Banderias Hattori and Nelson, two characters featured in past trailers and gameplay demos. Third character Zarina makes her gameplay debut here so you can get an idea on how she plays.

The King of Fighters XIV is coming to the PlayStation 4 on all major regions this late August. Also check out Atlus' YouTube channel for exhibition videos between various KOF players at E3 2016!

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Sylvie, Kukri and Mian as Team Official Invitation in latest KOFXIV trailer

Make sure to check out The King of Fighters XIV trailer showcasing one of the premiering teams after the jump!

Branded as Team Official Invitation, this band of three are making their first appearance in KOFXIV. While both Sylvie Paula Paula and Kukri were shown in past promotional material and have been playable in recent demonstration events, third character Mian wasn't featured until now.

You can check the movelist for both Sylvie and Kukri here.

The King of Fighters XIV will be available in North America on Aug. 23, 2016, with Japan and Europe recieving it in the days following. If you happen to be attending CEO 2016, make sure to try out the latest public build there!

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The team of villains debuts in new King of Fighters XIV trailer

The sixth team trailer for King of Fighters XIV has been released, this time showing off Team Villains.

As with the other trailers, the short video shows off Max Mode combos for all three characters on the team. The video is also the first look at the new character Xanadu, whose moves—complete with him flailing his arms and rolling opponents on the ground—make him an interesting comic addition to the cast.

The trailer also shows the team's stage, where fellow prisoners observe the fight in what looks like a destroyed castle or hideout. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Team Kim revealed in new King of Fighters XIV trailer

The fifth team trailer for King of Fighters XIV has been released, this time showing off Kim's all-new team.

As with the other trailers, the short video shows off Max Mode combos for both Kim and Luong. What it also does, however, is give players the first gameplay footage for Gang-Il. The older fighter, who was listed as "Kim's master" in the KOF XIV character roster spoiler, is another kick-heavy fighter who brings back some of Kim's old attacks from previous Fatal Fury and KOF games.

The trailer also sees the return of KOF 2000's aquarium stage, reenvisioned for this title. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Latest KOFXIV team trailer all about Art of Fighting with Yuri gameplay reveal

Following the Fatal Fury team trailer, here is another heroic group representing South Town.

The latest trailer for The King of Fighters XIV showcases the classic Art of Fighting team of Robert Garcia, Ryo Sakazaki and Yuri Sakazaki. While Ryo and Robert were featured in past promotional videos and playable demos, this is the first time Yuri is publicly shown in the latest game.

If you are in Japan, you can try Yuri out along with a couple of newer characters as part of a special national tour. Her movelist can be found here.

The King of Fighters XIV is coming exclusively to the PlayStation 4 in North America on Aug. 23, 2016, with other countries in the days following. The Premium Edition of this game will include a 144-page art book and a three-disc soundtrack. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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New King of Fighters XIV trailer shows off Fatal Fury's team

The newest trailer for King of Fighters XIV has been released, and it features another classic group: Team Fatal Fury.

The nearly two-minute video shows the Bogard boys and Joe Higashi performing various combos using super cancels and Max Mode, showcasing the various moves that return for them in KOF14.

The trailer also shows the reimagining of Terry's stage from Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 that will appear in KOFXIV.

Check out the trailer after the jump.

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France's Gaming Live checks out KOFXIV, coming to Europe on Aug. 26, 2016 by Deep Silver

If you need more footage of The King of Fighters XIV, make sure to check out the hour-and-a-half-long presentation from France.

French gaming production company Gaming Live had the chance to show off the game before its appearance at this year's Stunfest tournament. Commentator Ken Bogard was joined by KOF players Frionel, Piccolo and Mrquaraté in demonstrating some of the new characters and the game-specific mechanics. With these players, matches are aplenty.

If you are not going to Stunfest this weekend, the KOFXIV stream will be handled by Frionel. More information can be found here.

In a press release by publisher Deep Silver, KOFXIV will be available in Europe on Aug. 26, 2016, close to that of the Asian and North American releases. Players can soon preorder a day-one-only steel case as well as the classic Kyo outfit DLC. The physical and digital versions of KOFXIV will be priced at €59.99 in most of Europe and £49.99 in the United Kingdom.

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First gameplay footage of Mature & new level in KOFXIV Team Yagami trailer

The second team trailer for The King of Fighters XIV shows off another popular team in the series.

SNK uploaded a new trailer displaying Team Yagami. Major character Iori Yagami is back with recurring teammates Vice and Mature. While both Iori and Vice were featured in past promotional material, this trailer shows off Mature in action. You can expect examples combos, Max Mode and Climax moves for every character much like Team Japan's trailer.

In addition, SNK shows off a new version of the Factory stage found in The King of Fighters '95 and XIII. Instead of being outside the facility in the afternoon found in the previous entries, KOFXIV puts players inside at night with a crescent moon in the background.

The trailer can be found after the jump! The King of Fighters XIV is coming to PlayStation 4 in North America on Aug. 23, 2016, while Japan gets it a few days later on Aug. 25.

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North American version of KOFXIV dated for Aug. 23, 2016, new trailers available now

Following months of character teasers, the recent press conference for The King of Fighters XIV unveiled release dates with trailers.

Revealed in the official trailer for KOFXIV, the North American version will be released on Aug. 23, 2016, by Atlus. Hong Kong and Korea also recieved the same release date. The Japanese version will be available on Aug. 25.

To coincide with the press conference, three trailers were released. The main trailer shows off new mechanics such as MAX mode and the beginner-friendly Rush. Modes were also explored including online 6v6 player Party Battle and a story mode. The second trailer showcases the characters especially new fighter Shun'ei representing Team China and Samurai Shodown's Nakoruru who is part of Team Another World. To top it off, the third trailer is all about Kyo's classic outfit, available as preorder downloadable content.

You can find the trailers after the jump!

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King of Fighters XIV Japanese release date set for August 25, 2016

Dengeki Online is reporting that King of Fighters XIV will release for PlayStation 4 on Aug. 25, 2016, in Japan. The announcement was made during a press conference for the game that took place in Tokyo on April 25.

During that press conference, SNK Playmore also showed a picture of the cast for KOF XIV, and it looks a lot like the two leaks that have been covered by various websites. The company also announced a classic costume for Kyo as part of DLC, as well as an art book and upcoming Hori arcade stick with KOF art. Check out images from the press conference, courtesy of Twitter user Charlie0816, in the gallery.


Mai and new character Banderas Hattori join King of Fighters XIV

The 12th teaser trailer for King of Fighters XIV has revealed two more characters entering the fray.

Fan favorite Mai Shiranui is revealed at the beginning of the trailer, and new fighter Banderas is revealed shortly after.

Banderas looks to be a wannabe ninja who is looking for a master to teach him, and has several stereotypical ninja moves including an izuna drop and a log decoy.

Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Pachislot character, cloaked figure join King of Fighters XIV cast

The 11th teaser trailer for King of Fighters XIV has revealed two new characters joining the franchise.

The first is Mui Mui, who made her first appearance in SNK's Dragon Gal pachislot game and attacks with fire-based and aerial assaults.

The other newcomer is Kukri, who manipulates sand and uses it to either attack opponents or move around the screen.

Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Geese Howard returns in King of Fighters XIV

The 10th teaser trailer for King of Fighters XIV has been released, and it shows three more additions to the cast: Geese Howard, Ryo Sakazaki and Joe Higashi.

The teaser stars Geese and Ryo, showcasing Geese's counters before showing off the different moves that he and Ryo will have in the new game. Players can blink and miss Joe, who only shows up to get swatted away by Howard.

Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Athena with two new characters Nelson & Luong in latest KOFXIV teaser trailer

The March 24, 2016, trailer of The King of Fighters XIV includes a popular Psycho Soldier and two premiering fighters. It can be found after the jump!

The ninth teaser trailer was a short but revealing video featuring not only Athena returning but two new characters, Luong and Nelson. While not officially categorized, but judging by the most recent leaked list, the kicks-heavy Luong will likely be representing Kim's team while Nelson, a boxer, will probably be part of team referred to as South America. Along with the character reveals, a waterfall stage was shown off.

In addition to the trailer, the Japanese-based KVO x Team St1ckbug 2016 event on April 30 will feature an exhibition tournament with 20 playable characters in the build.

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King of Fighters XIV trailer reveals Kim, Vice, new character Sylvie

An eighth King of Fighters XIV teaser trailer has been released, and with it the names of more characters that will be added to the upcoming game.

The big news is the revelation of another new character being added to the King of Fighters series in Sylvie. According to Shoryuken, the leaked character list places her in the "official invite" team. Sylvie has a very unique look and it will be interesting to see how she fits into the King of Fighters universe.

The trailer also marks the returns of Kim Kaphwan and Vice, who each get to show off some of their moves. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Tung Fu Rue, Choi and Chin join King of Fighters XIV

A seventh King of Fighters XIV teaser trailer has been released, and with it the names of more characters that will be added to the upcoming game.

Series veterans Chin Gentsai and Choi Bounge will return for KOFXIV, and they will be joined by Fatal Fury's Tung Fu Rue. Tung will be making his first main cast appearance in the King of Fighters series, although he was unlockable in the PlayStation 2 version of KOFXI.

Check out the trailer after the jump for the new charcters in action.

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