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Entries in KOFXIV (85)


Classic Athena costume coming to King of Fighters XIV

SNK has revealed that Athena Asamiya will be receiving one of her classic looks in KOF XIV.

A new downloadable costume will give Athena the outfit she wore in King of Fighters '98. She will be the fourth character in KOF XIV with new clothes, joining Kyo, Geese and Iori.

SNK has not announced a release date or price for Athena's '98 outfit, but other skins have cost $1.99 when purchased separately.


SNK announces two-part King of Fighters XIV World Championship

The KOF XIV world champion will be decided at two separate events, according to new information released by SNK.

First, 16 players who have qualified for the world championship will compete in what is being called the "Four Kings" Tournament in Tokyo, Japan, on Feb. 18, 2017. That event will decide four finalists who will then compete in the grand final tournament sometime in mid-March in Beijing, China.

SNK says details on both tournaments, as well as the rest of the World Championship qualifier events, will be available soon. There are currently only four players officially qualified for the KOF XIV championships: Xiao Hai, Reynald, Dakou and Cypher.


New tutorial shows safe jump setups for every KOF XIV character

A video by YouTube user A1 Major has broken down safe jump setups for every character in King of Fighters XIV.

The two-hour video offers several minutes of footage for each character along with notations on how each setup works. The video also comes with time stamps so that players can quickly find their characters without having to waste time.

Players can check out the video after the jump.

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King of Fighters XIV version 1.10 improves visuals, playable at PSX2016

SNK has announced that a new update to KOF XIV, version 1.10, will be playable at PlayStation Experience on Dec. 3-4, 2016.

While SNK is currently saying nothing more about the new update, players have already noticed the graphical upgrade that seems to be part of the revision. 

With PSX rapidly approaching, it will be interesting to see what other surprises version 1.10 has in store for players when they get their hands on it.


SNK announces King of Fighters XIV e-Sports Support Program

SNK has launched a program aimed at helping tournaments gain official prize and publicity support through the company.

The KOF XIV e-Sports Support Program will consider the application of any event that fulfills a small number of requirements, including a minimum number of 20 players in an offline tournament. Applications are then sent to SNK, which will then notify the organizers within seven business days whether the company will help the event.

If SNK agrees to lend its help, the company will decide on support that may include official advertising and assets, prize money, a World Championship qualifier spot and SNK merchandise.

Applications will be considered only for events that happen by Aug. 31, 2017. For the complete details, head over to SNK's website


Chinese special edition of King of Fighters XIV teases new costumes

In September, King of Fighters XIV developers said they were interested in adding more downloadable costumes to the game, and it seems those plans may be a reality.

Promotional materials for the Chinese special edition of KOF XIV indicate bonus materials including a Classic Iori skin and "new costumes each month starting December ... free of charge for premium copies."

What's not immediately obvious is how many free costumes this entails. The offer could simply be referring to Classic Kyo and Nightmare Geese, or it could mean many new alternate outfits are on the way.

There has been no official mention of Classic Iori or any other forthcoming costumes for North America at this time, so fans will have to wait until more information becomes available. 


New King of Fighters XIV patch addresses bugs, online improvements

SNK has released version 1.04 for KOF XIV, hoping to correct what it sees as lingering problems in the game.

The new patch does not include balance changes like the game's previous update, but instead contains fixes for moves that were not acting as intended. Version 1.04 also contains small improvements to online play, including a blanket statement that "online functionalities have been improved."

For a complete list of the changes, check out the patch notes at SNK's website.


Corrections made to King of Fighters XIV English patch notes

Since the English translations to KOF XIV version 1.03 were released early on Oct. 19, some players have noticed inconsistencies with the original Japanese patch notes.

Reacting to that information, SNK has revised the English notes hoping to remove any mistranslations. The patch notes can be found on the SNK website.


SNK unveils exclusive King of Fighters XIV shirts

In addition to presenting the upcoming KOF World Championship, SNK has decided to support the fighting game community by creating a line of shirts that will be offered as prizes in upcoming tournaments.

SNK has created 15 shirt designs, each reflecting a different member of the KOF XIV cast, with a mix of both new and returning characters. 

There are no details at the moment as to when SNK will begin to offer these shirts and whether they will be only given to winners, or distributed to other high-placing players as well.


King of Fighters XIV update coming Oct. 18

SNK has revealed that the balance patch for KOF XIV will be releasing on Oct. 18, 2016 at 6 p.m. PDT. 

No details of the patch have yet been revealed, but the official SNK Twitter account gave players a hint about at least one change by attaching a picture showing Nakoruru's bird Mamahaha clashing with Ryo's fireball.

This will be KOF XIV's first major balance change, following a day one patch.

Update: SNK has posted the patch notes in Japanese on its website.

Update 2: The English patch notes are now available.


Toushinsai reveals The King of Fighters XIV for arcades, PC version of Street Fighter V coming to arcades and more

The inaugural Japanese arcade tournament Toushinsai brought about some big news for fighting games.

FK Digital's Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe will finally be getting its PlayStation 4 release in November 2016. They also revealed that FK will follow up with a second expansion in 2017 that will run on full 16:9 widescreen.

Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel will be updated to version 1.08 on Oct. 27, 2016. Whether it will apply to the arcade version or will be featured on consoles as well is still to be determined.

Capcom will be bringing Street Fighter V to arcades in the near future in the form of the the PC version. Details will be clarified at a later time.

For Taito, the company announced NESiCAxLive 2, its follow-up arcade digital content platform. Companies such as Arc System Works, Examu, FK Digital and French Bread have pledged support for the system. SNK will also take part by announcing that The King of Fighters XIV will be coming to Japanese arcades through this platform.

You can check the announcements towards the end of the Twitch archive here.


King of Fighters XIV World Championship trailer released

Atlus has released the trailer for the upcoming KOF XIV World Championship that is coming in "early 2017."

The short video gives few details, instead following new character Antonov as he decides to hold the tournament after seeing the response from real-life competitors all around the world.

What has been revealed, however, is that the SNK and Atlus will present an event where 16 players will compete for the title of champion.

 Check out the trailer after the jump.

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KOF XIV guard cancel blowback punishes by Gato Ray

For those having trouble dealing with being blown out of their offense, YouTube user Gato Ray has compiled a long video on how to punish the move if blocked.

The 15-minute tutorial shows each character successfully block a blowback attack and then punishing using different, increasing amounts of meter.

The damage obviously varies from fighter to fighter, with some getting very little reward without spending meter. Check out the video after the jump.

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KOF XIV update coming in October, future DLC plans uncertain

SNK recently held a press event at Tokyo Game Show where King of Fighters XIV Producer Yasuyuki Oda and Neo-G sat down to discuss upcoming plans for KOF and more.

According to Mad Man's Cafe, the current plans include an update to KOF XIV coming in October. This will include some system and netplay tweaks along with a balance update for the game. According to the pair, the hope was to make everything in KOF XIV seem "fun," to "make things as strong as possible and to balance them out afterwards as needed." They agree that perhaps some things like Mamahaha may be too strong, but that they do not want to change the balance of the game much at all.

Oda and NEO-G also talked about future DLC plans for KOF XIV, saying that while they have heard fan response requesting more characters, they have also heard players say that 50 characters is already enough. For now, the team is hoping to add more character costumes and work from there.

The pair also disccused the scrapped plans for Garou 2 and the possibility of another new fighter from SNK. For the full translation, head over to Mad Man's Cafe.


New King of Fighters XIV patch released to fix netplay issues

A new patch for KOF XIV hopes to address the game's uneven netcode, making the online experience better for all players.

On its release, KOF XIV's online play was spotty and inconsistent, with players left confused as to how or why certain matches were smooth or laggy.

The new update claims to fix "connection slowdown issues occurring in online Ranked Match & Free Match modes." The patch is already receiving some very positive reviews from players, but only time will tell if netplay is a better experience for all players.


Punishing Iori's rekkas in KOF XIV with Angel by MechaMacGyver

Super Desperation Radio's Sanchez, also known as MechaMacGyver, has created a short video showing how Angel can punish Iori's rekkaken-type move, Aoi Hana, in King of Fighters XIV.

In the two-and-a-half-minute video, Sanchez shows where and when Angel can interrupt the series, what can punish Iori for stopping early and what to use if Iori finishes all three repetitions. He covers both strengths of the series and shows when certain punishes will whiff or trade in Iori's favor.

Players can check out the video after the jump, and can tune in to Super Desperation Radio every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky's Twitch channel.

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Video Review: King of Fighters XIV

Super Desperation Radio member and KOF XIII commentator Chris "Hellpockets" Fields recently sat down to give his thoughts about the newest game in the King of Fighters series.

In a six-and-a-half-minute review, Fields discussed how he feels about the game's looks, how it plays and the best ways a player can approach the title. He also makes sure to sprinkle some trademark SDR humor throughout the video.

Interested players can check out the review after the jump.

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Team K', Women Fighters profiled as new KOF XIV trailers released

With less than a week before the game releases in North America, Atlus has released two more trailers highlighting teams in the upcoming King of Fighters XIV.

First, K', Kula Diamond and Maxima all make their return from KOF XIII to make an impact in the new title as part of Team K'.

Second, King, Mai Shiranui and Alice join the game as Team Women Fighters. While King and Mai have made many appearances in KOF over the years, Alice is brand new to the franchise, making her first appearance in the pachinko title Garou Densetsu The Legend of Wild Wolf.

An apparent fan of Terry Bogard, Alice has moves that mimick both Bogard brothers and Joe Higashi

As with the other trailers, the short video shows off basic combos and supers for all three characters on the team. Check out the trailers after the jump.

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New KOFXIV team video focusing on the all female Another World group & episode of KOF Station

Here are some more videos for The King of Fighters XIV as the game is less than two weeks away from release!

The latest team trailer focuses on the new Another World group. While Nakoruru was featured in past KOF games in secondary appearances, the three female characters are making their first playable appearances in a major KOF game. Both Mui Mui and Love Heart were featured in their own pachinko slot games by SNK. You can check out more information on the team on the game's official website.

For the latest episode of KOF Station, it features voice actors Mitsuhiro Ichiki and Ai Kakuma hosting the show. Kakuma is known for voicing Yuri in the game while Ichiki is playing an unannounced role. This episode has Ichiki teach Kakuma how to play KOFXIV. The video has various annotations detailing different mechanics that new players can learn.

Both videos are available after the jump! The King of Fighters XIV will be coming to all major territories later in August exclusively on the PlayStation 4.

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The Ikari Warriors are ready for battle in new KOF XIV trailer

Ralf Jones, Leona Heidern and Clark Still have arrived as the newest team trailer for King of Fighters XIV. As with the previous team trailer, Team Psycho Soldier, all three characters make their appearance as part of the cast returning from King of Fighters XIII.

As with the other trailers, the short video shows off basic combos and supers for all three characters on the team. It even shows some returning moves for both Clark and Ralf, whose move lists were truncated in KOF XIII.

The trailer also shows off the team's aircraft carrier stage, complete with military personnel and fighter jets. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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