Capcom Fighters Network to Boost Online Experience in SFV
Along with the addition of Karin to SFV, Capcom also announced a new online infrastructure for the game: the Capcom Fighters Network. A "community building tool," according to Capcom, CFN will offer many new features to the online experience in Street Fighter V. The service will let players
- See where battles are happening all over the world on a “heat map”
- View player profiles and detailed match statistics
- Designate “rivals” throughout the world and monitor their performance
- Register friends and follow your favorite players
- Search and watch replay files
- Send online battle invitations
- Check out the latest patch and tournament news
- And much more!
Street Fighter V will not only track wins and losses, but also more minute details including number of throws teched and ways that players win a match. Check out a work-in-progress image of CFN after the jump.