Entries in Super Arcade (3)


Super Arcade is Moving

Southern California's Super Arcade is pulling up roots. In a tweet on Dec. 16, the arcade claims that it will use the Christmas holiday to move to a new, unrevealed location "very near our current one." The arcade goes on to assure its patrons that it is not closing, but does not give any other details on the move.

Super Arcade is one of the few remaining arcades in Southern California, and has spent more than 20 years at its current location in the city of Walnut. Owned by Street Fighter legend Mike Watson, the arcade held a Kickstarter in 2014 and recently remodeled its venue.


Super Desperation Radio Episode 324 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.

It was a Super Desperation Radio episode full of value as the cast covered some of the recent events in gaming. They talked about the reopening of Super Arcade and the first large-scale UNIEL events to take place before the game's first SoCal major at West Coast Warzone in September.

The crew also discussed the oddity that is the upcoming release of Guilty Gear XX #Reload to Steam, and talked about the ongoing development of Skullgirls' Beowulf.

Lastly, SDR talked at length about the SFIV bug list and SuperFX's recent interview with Mike Z and Omni about it. 

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


Super Arcade Celebrating 10th Anniversary of Evo Moment 37 with Throwback Tournament

At Evolution 2004, the now-famous Daigo Parry—Evo Moment #37—occurred, and to celebrate the 10 years since that event Super Arcade has announced a throwback tournament to take place November 21-23, 2014. The event, which will take place in the same hall as Evo 2004 at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, will feature the same lineup of games that made up Evo that year: Capcom vs. SNK 2, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

Super Arcade owner Mike Watson says other games may be added, including an "Ultra Street Fighter IV tourney on the side so some of you 09'ers have something to play."