Another video of HD Remix with more Karate Kid music showed up today on Gametrailers (GT exclusive video as far as I can tell). Hopefully this is the final video before the game shows up online. I would not be surprised to see the game on PSN/XBLA by the end of next week. As far as I know the 360 is getting a dashboard update on Wednesday so maybe if we are lucky it will show up as soon as this week. Wishful thinking? We'll see!
This was pulled from Nintendo Everything earlier today. It sounds like they are pushing hard for the game to come out in the west. Though the way it is worded ("multiple potential outcomes") sounds like the game may show up but maybe not in the same incarnation as the Japanese version. Could this mean less characters/stripped down version just to get it state side?
We wont know for a while but here is the quote:
“The issue is that there are multiple potential outcomes… it’s not as simple as ‘yes it’s coming’ or ‘no, it’s not’. And we have a few other issues to contend with that I’m not able to get into details on that are coloring what direction we are able take with the franchise in the West. Again, we’re deeply in ’stay tuned’ territory but I don’t expect to have any solid news to share openly, one way or the other for a couple months.” - Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development
To my knowledge this is the first video to show up online of Cammy in Street Fighter IV. It appears to be the PS3 version but no idea where the video was taken. It was most likely captured from one of the many European conventions that have gone down in the recent months. Dont expect any next level gameplay in this one but worth checking out anyway. Thanks to Oldschoolgamer from NeoGAF for the heads up.
Good news, everyone! We're pleased to announce that all of y'all in North America will be able to get your paws on Street Fighter IV starting Tuesday, February 17, while those of you from the Olde Worlde will be able to get in the ring on February 20! Capcom will be shipping the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions simultaneously, so regardless of your platform of preference, you'll be pounding faces and Focusing through fireballs day one.
CAPCOM sent this over to us today, a character profile video showcasing Goukens abilities. Check it out!
From the press release:
Today we have an exclusive treat for youold school Street Fighterfans, Gouken! It's pretty amazinghow a translation error turned April Fools joke canevolve intothis martial arts brawler.
GAMESPOT posted this today as part of their Ultimate Street Fighter Showdown series they are running on the site. I was hoping for more tournament footage, so lets hope this isn't the only video we are getting all week from them. Check it out:
New UDON trailer for HD remix. More of a promotional trailer than a gameplay trailer like the combo video that was posted last week, but entertaining none the less!
Found this today on SRK, looks like the PRIMA guide for Street Fighter IV is up for pre-order on Amazon. I'm not 100% sure who is behind this guide other than a poster on SRK known as DrDogg who has mentioned they are going all out to make this guide really informative. It should include all the frame data and combos from the master guide and all the information on the new characters such as Sakura and Cammy as well.
The game has come a long way since I first played it back in February where only 12 total characters were selectable (the original 8 and the 4 new comers). More characters could be added through downloadable content but right now the character select screen looks pretty full so anyone expecting some last minute Third Strike characters shouldn't get their hopes up. I personally never played a lot of Alpha so not too sure what to expect from her gameplay wise, but we should see more images and videos shortly.
Also, something included in that same post is a move list for SFIV in PDF format that Nohoho translated. As far as I know this was taken from an Arcadia mook before the Master Guide came out. You can download it here!
Somewhat related, I've had a chance to play vanilla Tekken 6 at San Francisco State University this week, and it seems to be a lot of fun. Many hardcore players say the game is broken in many ways but the machine at SFSU always has plenty of people waiting to play when I go there (much more than SFIV even.) Ive tried to play a bit of Steve and Kazyua but sadly I am not that good at the game. I do plan on playing more though in anticipation of the release of Tekken 6: BR which should come to consoles in Fall '09 according to Namco.
Ryan over at posted up his new e-book for players who are transitioning from Street Fighter 3 to Street Fighter IV. The two games play pretty differently over all and the strategy involved in both games is in most cases quite a bit different. I started with Street Fighter III and found it did take some time for me to wrap my mind around the game mechanics of Street Fighter IV.
Also, earlier in the week he posted a new podcast with Rufus player Bobino. This podcast (sort of) goes hand in hand with the e-book in that Bobino is a Tekken player transitioning to SFIV. Check it out!
Capcom sent over a couple new videos today! One is a new video showcasing various combos in Street Fighter II: HD Remix and the other is a character profile video of Seth, the boss of Street Fighter IV.
From the press release:
We have a super awesome combo video for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix which demonstrates some of the very rare and extremely difficult combos. It’s an extraordinary moment when you witness one of these combos at the arcades and we have compiled them all for you, our fans.
Additionally, we’ve released a character profile video featuring Street Fighter IV’s final boss, Seth! Seth coincidentally, shares the same name as Seth Killian, our very own resident community manager, Street Fighter expert, and all around super human being life-force. That’s Mr. S-Kill to you. Coincidentally, the throne in the background also features crossed hands, the style in which our very own Seth Killian utilizes to whoop on me in SFIV. Coincidentially, coincidentally, coincidentally . . . coincidence. He’s going to kill me.