Updated on Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 12:19PM by
Updated on Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 3:20PM by
I pulled this up on SRK today over my break and actually had skipped over it the past day or two because Yoshinoro Ono's interviews are getting pretty redundant at this point. Well, turns out in this interview with Famitsu he hints at another character being added to the SFIV roster.The clue is that it is a character that only appeared in Street Fighter Alpha 3.
According to the Street Fighter Blog they conclude that the only possible character it could be is Karin. They mention Ono said no Final Fight characters will join the cast (I didn't know this) which means Cody is out. At the same time Gief's alternate costume is essentially Haggar so maybe there is a possibility there.Since we already have Sakura in the game, I personally would much rather see Cody (or Guy or Adon if we're talking all of SFA) than another school girl.
Even more than that though, lets be honest here, another returning Street Fighter? Really? We've already established at this point that two of the four new characters need a lot of work to be competitive, so why not work on some fresh faces that can actually put up a fight against Sagat and Bison?