Entries by LVC (31)


3rd Strike Online Feedback Series: A Newcomers Opinion

iPlayWinner contributor LVC chimes in with his thoughts on the upcoming rerelease of Street Fighter III. This article is a little different from the past entries in that this is the opinion of a player who started at the tail end of the game's life span. Enjoy!

Check out the other entries in this series: Arlieth | Haunts | MrJared

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike is a game I hold very close to my heart. I first started getting serious about fighters in the beginning of 2008 and by serious I mean playing with people in the arcades and actually learning the game. I moved to southern California mid 2008 for a brief period of time and I was treated to the wonderful arcades such as "Denjin Arcade", “Family Fun Arcade”, and “Arcade Infinity".

At the time my character of choice was Yun. I thought I had everything down and I was gonna show up to the arcade and do well. Boy, was I in for an eye opening experience.

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Kayo-Police plays a few games on Nico-Live. 

Why are you playing Super in bed Kayo-Police? Why is this show taking place in bed? Why does her shirt read "In&Out"? All questions you'll ask while watching this video.  

Kayo-Police, the Japanese Viper plays a few games on Nico-Live, a show hosted by the website "Nico Nico Douga". 

Enjoy! Or feel really uncomfortable. 

(she's pretty good.) 


Diego Umejuarez found?!

Oh my god, somebody found Diego running around at SVB and managed to get a video with him. This is legendary!

I don't know what to say, I'm left speechless. 



The UK Grime scene is quite interesting. They seem to love Street fighter! Check out this dirty track by D Double E suitably named "Street Fighter". Check out the interview in the middle where he explains playing Street Fighter with Dizzee Rascal! 

This isn't the first time stuff like this has shown up! Grime and Street Fighter go hand in hand!


Street Fighter 4: Koryu is a go! 

Street Fighter 4: Koryu is a mod for the PC version of Street fighter 4. (Named after the famous Chinese Street Fighter 2 mod, which is equally as insane) If you haven't been following the modding scene, they have been finding some crazy stuff. Unlimited focus attack? Check. Shoryukens that spit out 8 fireballs? Check. Manic Balrog smile? Check.

The mod isn't out yet, but I couldn't be more excited for it. 


Please help out Chris Hu and his family. 

New York Street Fighter player/commentator Chris Hu and his family lost his home in a fire today, you can see him be interviewed in the video above around the two minute mark. Our hearts go out go out to him and his family. Shoryuken.com has set up a paypal fund where you can donate.

Chris is a great guy, I did an interview with him a few months ago and he was just a joy to talk to. Chris is really a guy who can keep you smiling. 

Even a few dollars can really make a difference in a situation like this. Heres hoping Chris and his family can bounce back from this tragic event. 


Why are there people like this in the world? Prepare to rip out your hair in anger. 

Just when you thought you were too old for "nerdraging" comes an amazing video by youtube superstar "GoldenWoozle". Woozle explains that fighting games are outdated and pointless and makes his point by playing the demo of Street Fighter 2 along with mashing in Tekken 5 and Dead Or Alive. 

Oh no, it's not over. He proclaims that Smash Brothers is the savior of fighting games with its wonderful mechanics. Then he recommends for all of us to stop buying fighting games and buy "Puzzle Quest". 

I didn't know someone could be so ignorant and smug at the same time. If you haven't had a good rage this year, this will most definitely set you off. 


Watch Daigo beat a bunch of top Japanese players in this new video. 

Just when you thought the "Beast" himself couldn't impress you more, this new video released today shows Daigo up against some high level players in Japan (including Mago) and what does he do? Bodies them of course. 

Watch how Daigo uses Ryu's standing jab to stuff moves. I don't think I've ever seen that before. I'm very impressed. 


Will anyone stop this man?!?! 



The trailer for KSK's tournament "God's Garden #2" just went up on youtube. This is the most hype trailer I've seen in a while. 


I seriously got chills when watching that. 

Who do you think is gonna take it? I got my money on Mago. But I would love to see Uyro take it, his Viper makes me cry at night. 



Capcom just posted new ultras for Vega, Guile, and Dhalsim on their Japanese website. Pretty cool stuff. Check it out. 



 Guile's ultra looks awesome, but it doesn't look very comboable. Sonic Hurricane was my favorite super in Capcom vs. SNK 2 so I'm happy to see it back. 

Dhalsim's is just bizarre! I wonder how this will be used in real match! 

As with Guile's ultra, Vega's second ultra looks amazing but it doesn't look like theres a way to combo into it. 


So far, what is your favorite second ultra? Mine is Viper's! So awesome. Vipers pro-skater! Hahaha! 



iPlayWinner presents you with our first international interview featuring none other than the legendary Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Alex Player, KSK! He is more than just a player though -- he is an integral part of the Japanese fighting game scene as he owns and operates Gamer's Vision, a hot bed for some of the best players in Japan.

KSK is also the organizer of the GODSGARDEN tournament,  which was met with much international acclaim as it features top level players such as Daigo and Mago, with a top notch live stream to boot. It was also one of the first events to have a females only Street Fighter 4 tournament which helped promote female players in Japan such as ChocoBlanka.

With GODSGARDEN 2 right around the corner, we wanted to talk to him a bit about the Japanese fighting game scene, running an arcade, multiple events and also how the console-only release of Super Street Fighter 4 will affect Japanese arcades.

iPW: What do you think of American tournaments? 


KSK: From my experience, Double Elimination, like EVO, is very exciting. I know it takes much longer but players can get more satisfaction and some ease compared to a single elimination, whether win or lose. I love the pressures when I'm in losers tournament, I love the feelings of superiority when I'm in winners one. It makes good contrast between winners and losers.


iPW: Do you ever watch streams of American tournaments? 

KSK: I watched EVO'09 on the stream. It seemed well equipped with gear such as cameras so I could watch players' faces and feel atomosphere. It was great!



iPW: Are more arcades in Japan looking into doing live streams? 

KSK: I think the pioneer of live streaming from arcade is Nakano-TRF. It brings many newcomers to the arcades -- but, on the other hand, when said player watches the live streams, he's at home, not at the arcade. They provide no revenue to the arcades so it makes arcade owners negative or passive about live streaming. Still, I think that live streaming is very effective to show the excitement of arcades.


iPW: Do you still play 3s often? Why do you play Alex? 

KSK: I still play 3s. I'm taking part in grade matches for 3s at NishiNippori-VERSUS. I restarted Ranking Battle for 3s at Gamer's Vision [ KSK's arcade ] recently. I love Alex's dynamic moves and arts. Fact is, I'm not good at complicated inputs. Alex is easier to handle!


iPW: How did you come up with the idea of Gods Garden? 

KSK: In Japan, arcade players are becoming fewer year by year. So, when I try to give a boost to arcades, there's not enough man-power. Teenagers in Japan rarely come to arcades and have chance to learn how to play fighting games. So they don't know how it is to be a serious fan of fighting games -- they only play on console! At one point, console games were no more than substitute for the games in arcades, but now we can play games for the arcades on console. Sometimes, the games for console is superior to the one in arcades.

It means that there's no reason to visit arcades for teenagers, but I want show them how exciting the arcade atmosphere is. I want to show them how great players in the arcades are. This is a motive for organizing Godsgarden.

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Game breaking glitches in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom? 

A new Japanese video released on sunday reveals possible game breaking glitches involving Joe the Condor and Tekkaman Blade. I recall Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 having similar glitches. I don't think it will hurt anything in the long run if you soft-ban (banning from tournament play and automatic disqualification if used) the exploits.

Well, its still cool to see these glitches! I wonder how these people find stuff like this!



Posted on the SRK blog this morning:

"Congrats to the Melty Blood community who has won the vote for the final game at Evo 2010. Melty Blood won with a decisive 27% of voters and will have their game added to the lineup of Evo 2010.

What do you all think about Melty Blood being at EVO? Would you have rather seen Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike as I would? 

Well, for those of you who may have been upset that Marvel did not make it, the EVO has a surprise for you there as well:

"We are also making one more change to our 2010 lineup. After conferring with the BlazBlue community we have decided to replace BlazeBlue with Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for the PS3. Big thanks to the BlazBlue community for graciously stepping down."

Makes sense -- BlazBlue: CT at this point is a dead game with many top players dropping the game completely due to now having access to Continuum Shift. It's available at many arcades in fighting game hotspots around the country and...other means as well so playing an outdated version of the game makes no sense.

With a slew of new games on the roster this year, you can expect EVO2K10 one of the most unique and possibly hypest EVO yet! See you there!


Gen has an awesome glitch!!!!! Right?! 

Right guys?! :( 

Pretty hilarious match. It just goes by so quickly. 


<3 u yeb 



Chris "Fascinating" Hu has a lot of fans out there, myself included!  He is a tremendous Ryu player in New York City, facing off against the best the East Coast has to offer.  As good as his Ryu is, though, his match commentary on streams is godlike. IPW brings you this interview with the man, the legend, Chris Hu!

LVC: First of all, I want to thank you for giving me your time.

Chris: No problem.

LVC: First question.  Where are you originally from?

Chris: I come from China. I am Chinese.

LVC: Where in china?

Chris: It's South of the China, Call, GuangZhou.

LVC: How did you become interested in fighting games?

Chris: Actually I play fighting game since I was 13 years old. First Game is SF2.

LVC: You want to go into that a bit more?

Chris: Yea, Fighting Game for me that is about Two person using mind to beat each other, I like the feeling like this, Fighting game include a lot of things, like reaction, strategy, that's why I like fighting game.

LVC: Which cities in china have the best fighting game scenes?

Chris: Basically would be Guangzhou, ShangHai, BeiJing.

LVC: In China, does anything else get played besides KOF?

Chris: Not at all , Chinese focus on KOF a lot, maybe 1 arcade like up to 10 machines kof97  15 machines kof98, We do have another game, Just Not that popular, since Right now we have sf4, Chinese getting better in this game.

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I really didn't care about Adon at all till I saw this video. He can easily combo into ultra which makes me want to at least try him for a bit. His overhead and specials seem very good as well. Why can't this game come out sooner? 

Good stuff Capcom! 


New Super Street Fighter 4 Video Featuring Akuma's New Ultra!!

Akuma's new ultra looks totally awesome! As a player who mains Akuma I certainly cracked a big smile! Also, the Korea stage looks beautiful. The color palette is off the wall! 

 Super is gonna rule. 


Bizarre Fighting Game Finds #3 


This week (or month? Has it been a month? Really?) on "Bizarre Fighting Game Finds", we touch into the bizarre community aspects of fighting games along with the usual stuff that that makes you scratch your head. You can always email me your bizarre moments and I MIGHT think about posting them. :) 


Why are you sleeping on a table, Daigo?

Taken during EVO2K3 at Cal Poly, a few players notice Daigo sleeping on a table. Is Daigo hungover? Did he not sleep well the night before? Are you sad Daigo? Why a table? Some things we will never know. 


Korean Tekken players don't care about 2010

Taken during NYE of 2009, players at the "Green Arcade" don't exactly care too much about 2010. You can watch the clock turn and not much else because it really doesn't seem like anyone gives a damn about the new years. They get real serious about Tekken over in Korea!


Why are you hanging out with children, King?


Taken from King's ending movie in Tekken 2, it seems like the masked grappler has brought presents for all of the neighborhood children. I don't know about you, but if I was a parent I wouldn't let my children near this guy. Also, whats with copy and pasted real life children? Kinda strange to watch. 

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My Favorite Match of 2K9: Arturo beats Daigo in Room 1676

The match that we've all been waiting for has finally been released on gootecks.com!

Arturo Sanchez (the best Dhalsim in the USA) takes on Daigo in Room 1676 for $100 and wins! Very exciting. You can only get the download link if you sign up for the mailing list. It comes in two versions, 720p and iPhone. 

Enjoy! I certainly did.



Kuroda is the man!

Everyones favorite Third Strike player, Kuroda, takes on the Yun player Yukkun in SBO. Kuroda's Q makes one of the most exciting comebacks in Third Strike history. I don't know how the man is so clutch! Parry into SA2 for the win? Yes, please. 


Sanford and Shine battle HARD.

In this video Shine (one of the best and most talented Goukens in the US) takes on Sanford Kelly in one of the best looking match ups in Street Fighter 4. I was literally biting my nails while watching this match, Sanford Kellys rush-down and perfect execution takes on Shine's wall of a Gouken. Very good match.

Also, lets all remember that Shine is 15 years old and plays on pad. Young blood!


Virtua Fighter 5R SBO Finals

This is the best VF5R playing you'll see. This 3vs3 is super intense and there isn't one mirror match, and every match has you at the edge of your seat. If you're even slightly interested in Virtua Fighter 5, you need to see this video. RIGHT NOW!


 Godlike 3s set from SBO

 Completely exciting in every single way possible. First you have Kuroda playing Akuma being the Third Strike boss he is, taking out the first opposing teammate. Then Rikimaru steps up with his amazing Chun and takes him out with flair and fashion. It just gets more intense from there. A must watch and a must favorite. 

Akuma vs Akuma vs Akuma vs Akuma

If you follow the Japanese SF4 scene then you certainly know who these players are. K66 and N700 are some of the best Akumas in Japan and in this video they square off in a 2vs2 against two other fantastic Akumas. As an Akuma player this is very fun to watch. The mirror match between the two characters spawns some seriously weird results! 

 This week I have something different. Along with the usual youtube clips, I've put together a mini-memoir of sorts about my experience at NCR. 

 A lot of "great moments" came out of the "Northern California Regionals", every moment of the event was made of pure hype. I even got a nose bleed during the So-Cal vs. Nor-Cal 5vs5. The delicate blood vessels in my nose couldn't even handle the hype that was going on!

"GO RICKY!!!!!"

The stream was handled with such finesse and style. Everything about it was great, the quality, the overlays, and the sound effects made for a very entertaining stream. Maybe the best? Magus held down the commentary front with Seth Killian for most of the event and they greatly added to the epic-ness of this event. Huge props to everyone involved. 

"I'm streamin' so hard right now"

"Right now Filipino Champ has to look deep inside...." 

"I rather be playing Jackie Chan right now..."

The first day took place in a sweaty room packed to the brim with equally (if not more) sweaty Street Fighter players who were only there for one reason: To play some good Street Fighter. And play they did. 


At the end of the day, a guy named Alex Valle (you may have heard of him) decided to hop on the stream and play anyone who was willing to step up. These fights were extremely fun to watch. Especially with Filipino Champ doing the commentary. 

(Probably talking smack)

Precursor to the grand finals.

Even I got to play Alex! (I landed a demon on him! Still lost though...)

Of course everyone saw the super intense finals between Ricky Ortiz and Alex Valle. With Ricky playing his highly offensive Rufus and Alex playing his classic Ryu, it had the crowd cheering and on their feet the whole time. You can see the best of the NCR fights right here on the iplaywinner youtube page. 


Some of you may have noticed I've been gone for a while (finals, work, and music) but I have a lot of good stuff saved up for the next "Bizarre Fighting Game Finds" and of course if you want send me youtube links, stories, or anything you please you can always email me.

Also, all of the NCR pictures were taken by my friend Shane Leblac and I should have a link to a gallery with all of the pictures he took in the next few weeks.

See you guys soon!