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First off, there is the new Street Fighter 4 tier list from Arcadia which is probably the most reputable tier list in Japan at this point. You will see a lot of tier lists floating around but most of them are composed from random Japanese wikis and what not while this comes straight from the players. This is for the arcade version of the game, so no console characters.
S: Sagat A: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief B: M.Bison, Rufus, Balrog, C.Viper, E.Honda C: Abel, El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun-li, Blanka D: Guile, Ken E: Vega
Personally I find it interesting to see Bison higher than 'Rog and Viper, although Bison is a real hard match up for Viper. Also, why is Chun-Li and Dhalsim rated so low? Not that it matters (except for maybe Guile and Vega), considering that most of us have seen first hand if you master your character in SF4 you can give anyone serious problems.
1UP.com had the iPW crew swing by and play some Marvel a little earlier this week for their Game Night stream. There were some technical difficulties but it turned out to be pretty good anyhow. We showcase the new demo and talk about gameplay strategies while playing the Dreamcast version. Check it out!
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny will feature not only some of the main characters from previous entries in the series, but will also have a handful of new characters to choose from as well. Check out 1up.com's article for more details.
1UP: Do you think the North American market likes Soul Calibur more than, say, the Japanese market?
NH: Yes, I think the North American market is much more Soul Calibur oriented. That could be because of population, install base, or many other reasons. I definitely feel the US market is important. Of course, Japan and Europe have a Soul Calibur fan base as well. We took the entire world in context when developing Broken Destiny.
Not many other features are known about the PC version at this point, but this is a pretty big indicator that players will have a lot more options to play with on the PC version compared to the console versions.
WCG Fighter Club wrapped up this weekend in New York with Justin Wong taking another first place victory- this time with Abel! Almost more interesting is the fact that Arturo "Sabin" Sanchez took 2nd using Seth, who was originally banned from the tournament until the players spoke out against it.
by haunts | Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 11:38AM | in podcast
So we finally got around to putting together a podcast and our first guest is Oichi from VersusCity.net. He gives us an inside look at Japanese arcades, the situation with new games breaking into arcades and what we feel should be changed in Street Fighter 4.
This is our first attempt so bear with us in that we are a little all over the place, but we hope to keep this going on a weekly/monthly thing. If you have any ideas for guests or if you have some questions for us, post up in the comments section!
If this works out the way I want it to, each week or so I will ask for people to submit videos they've found online and I will have either myself or someone from the iPlayWinner.com crew break down the videos that we find most interesting or worth talking about. Hopefully this will give people a different perspective on certain match ups and help see the game in a different light.
How do you submit a video? Easy! Just post up the YouTube link in the comments section and I'll be sure to check out each one!
At the Street Fighter 4 Nationals tournament not only did we have a chance to interview Daigo, but we also asked a couple questions to Iyo who is currently the Japanese National Champion.
One important thing to note about this interview is his transition from CVS2 to Street Fighter 4. Essentially he was not very good at the game when he first started playing, but through the support of his friends and other players he was able to become much better at it. Considering this guy is the National Champion this says a lot about getting out there, finding people who are better than you who can coach you and help you get better!
Like the Daigo interview, it's hard to hear everything due to all the noise in the venue so we included a transcript of the whole interview below the video. Check it out!
Haunts Question 1:
Do you play on XBOX live at all or do you only play in the arcade?
Iyo/Shino Answer: He sometimes plays on Xbox Live.
Haunts Question 2: Can you still find good competition on there like in the arcade or is it just for fun?
Iyo/Shino Answer: There are many players out there on XBOX live so he can compete against so many players on there so it is comparable to playing in the arcade.
So between the joysticks, ERSB rating and all the other leaks over the past couple months I think it's pretty safe to say to say CAPCOM wanted to create a little buzz about Marvel vs. Capcom 2 coming to XBLA/PSN even before the official announcement.
Now a new teaser site has popped up with a countdown clock, TU4AR.COM - which if you think hard enough I'm sure you can figure out what it stands for. Anyway, it looks like next Monday we should receive some official news!
Update on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 3:59PM by
Before the tournament, Anthony, Richard and myself were able to spend about 5 minutes with Daigo and his translator Shino to ask him a couple questions about the game. Although none of us can speak Japanese of course, he seemed like a really down to earth mellow guy.
I found a couple things interesting about the interview, the first being that he loved the energy and hype surrounding the event with all the fans and people just so into it. I guess he doesn't see a lot of that outside of maybe SBO and major events or perhaps Japanese players and fans are a bit more reserved than here in the US in general.
Also, when I asked him what is the number one thing someone can do to get better in Street Fighter he mentioned throwing. Coming from Daigo that means a lot and made me think about ways I can improve my throwing game. As you'll read below, it seems he is talking about all aspects of throwing including set ups and escaping.
It was very loud in the venue so we apologize about the sound quality, but we do have a transcript of the translation below. We have another interview with Dhalsim player Iyo in which we will upload sometime this week along with all the other footage we have from the event as well. Enjoy!
Transcript: 1st Question from Anthony: How does the competition in Japan compare to the United States?
[Shino Translation: “The venue is definitely bigger in the states, but in number, though I don’t know the size of this event, I think you see more people at events like this one in Japan. What I really like about in the US is though the fans know how to create an exciting atmosphere for the players. “]
We have a ton of great footage from the event including matches of the iPlayWinner crew vs. Poongko, interviews with Daigo and Iyo among some other great clips. Expect those gems with a full write up on the event sometime soon- but before all that we figured we would upload a teaser clip, and a good one at that: Korean National Champion Poongko vs. Daigo "THE BEAST" Umehara.
Seth Killian also details on his blog about how the tournament ranking systems works, enabling you to enter exclusive tournaments composed of higher skilled players as you progress. This rank also ties into the ability to save replays - essentially the top 5000 ranked tournament players will have the ability to save and upload replays of their matches which are generated straight from the tournament matches themselves. For the PS3 version other users can add comments to the videos themselves.
Good news all around of course, but best of all, people who pull the plug will be penalized with a big fat display of their percentage of disconnects. With ranked matches still in play, rage quitting isn't a compete thing of the past but this will obviously now give those of us who can handle a loss a place to play without the worry of someone quitting mid match on us.
Update on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 2:45AM by
More than the fact that there may be a new batch of sticks coming our way, this is also a pretty strong indicator that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is coming back in some shape or form around summer time. With the game being rated by the ERSB and and now this I wouldn't be surprised to hear an official announcement from CAPCOM sometime soon. We'll keep you posted.
Also keep in mind VersusCity is also displaying the top 5 players for certain characters and this week they have the top 5 Zangief, Guile and Bison players!
Although the tournament started a bit slow with very little hype and many people getting used to the stiff P360 joysticks and unfamiliar set up, by the time it got to top 8 we saw some very intense matches with people yelling and screaming as rounds came down to the last hit. With so many of the players becoming so serious about the game, this tournament was a true testament to the fact that right now anyone can beat anyone in Street Fighter 4. Almost each and every match could have gone either way.
As you'll see the iPlayWinner.com crew had a very solid showing taking 4 out of the top 8 spots with our very own Crackfiend taking 1st place!
Street Fighter 4:
1.Crackfiend - Boxer - (sent to losers bracket by Ricky) 2. Ricky Ortiz - Chun Li - (Lost to Crackfiend 2x) 3. Young Legend - Ryu - (Lost to Crackfiend and Ricky Ortiz) 4. Jack - Ryu - (Lost to Crackfiend and ???) 5. Jeff - Rufus - (Lost to ???) 5. A-Rival - Chun Li - (Lost to Crackfiend 2x) 7. Haunts (Lost to Nick and Jack) 7.Coopa (Lost to A-Rival and ???)
Both Jack who plays a solid Ryu and Coopa who plays a very entertaining Zangief (for real this guy is awesome to watch play - very animated and friendly dude. Thanks for recording the vids!) who came all the way from Davis, CA placed in the top 8. To my knowledge this is Jack's 2nd or 3rd top 8 placement in the past month alone so watch out for this guy.
Some hard fought battles from A_Rival who used Chun-Li through out the entire tournament to take people out; Jeff who is mainly a Tekken player who made his way to top 8 with a mix of Zangief and Rufus; and of course you'll see I placed somewhere there in too, sticking with Sagat through out the entire tournament.
Young Legend placing top 3 as usual with his extremely solid Ryu, only peaced out by Ricky Ortiz and Crackfiend. For those of you who don't know, Young Legend is only 15 years old and is already one of the best Street Fighter players around. This was a reminder that although he has the skills he still has a ways to go to take out the guys who have been around for a while! Can't teach that experience!
The Grand Finals between Ricky Ortiz (who got either 1st or 2nd in every other game at the tournament!) and Crackfiend had to be the best display of skill throughout the entire tournament - both players feeling each other out through out the entire two sets, playing very solid footsie and zoning games. With Crackfiend losing earlier in the tournament to Ricky sending him to the losers bracket, he had to beat Ricky twice to take the number one spot. A lot of hard work but he did it due to his solid execution and mind games with Balrog!
All in all it was a great event with a ton of new faces reminding us that there is an entire new group of players who are hungry to get better in this game!
A new batch of HORI sticks are right around the corner and are up for pre-order - just in time for BlazBlue this summer! Like the official Street Fighter 4 Japanese sticks, they are essentially a HORI Real Arcade Pro 3 for PS3 and a HORI Fighting Stick EX2 for XBOX 360 both with BlazBlue artwork on the front.
What that means for those of you looking for a new stick is that the PS3 version has a higher quality joystick (Sanwa JLF) built in while the 360 version comes with a stock HORI stick. Both versions have stock HORI buttons so no matter which one you choose, you may want to prepare yourself to do a bit of modding down the line. As you will see the PS3 version is a bit bigger than the XBOX 360 version as well. Keep in mind that PS3 has a bigger customer base than 360 in Japan so this is probably the reasoning behind the different versions for each system.
For all you badasses out there, this is the stick for you - show up with one of these bad boys at a tournament to strike fear into the heart of your opponents!
This is a PS2 stick but you can find converters out there to make it work on PS3, so if you are still in need of a stick you should pick this one up. Replacing the art, buttons and joystick ball isn't too difficult if the color scheme doesn't suit your tastes!
If you're not aware, yes both Seth and Gouken are boss characters in Street Fighter 4 but neither of them are completely overpowered. Beyond that, we have yet to see a Seth or Gouken win any major tournaments at this point! I am not sure what the line of thinking is behind banning these two characters but this isn't the first time this has come up. So far we've seen that many tournaments being thrown by organizers not heavily into the scene will end up banning both characters and even El Fuertes Run Stop Fierce Loop.
Either way it should be an awesome event with so many fighting games on display and $500 on the line for each game. So if you're in NYC you should go check it out if you're even somewhat competitive in any of those games.