General terms for fighting games
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2D FIGHTERS Within the context of 2D fighters, abare refers to a character's ability to deal damage off of random hits and trades. ...
An anti-air is any form of a counter-attack to an opponent's aerial status. In most cases, this is strictly used to refer to moves like a dragonpunch, but even moves such ...
Attribute invincibility has traditionally only been in 3D fighters, however, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger was the first 2D fighter to implement it. Attribute invincibility differs from ...
Autoguard/Guard Point is an attribute given to certain moves that allows the player to guard while attacking. As the name implies, the action of guarding is automatic, so the player does ...
When a player refers to a character or move as "broken", they are implying that it is a game breaking character or move in which other characters have no answer for ...
For the most part, canceling is the act of interrupting a normal move with a special move. To perform a cancel in most 2D games you will input the command for ...
Couch-teching is an advanced tactic that utilizes late-teching and option-selects at the same time in games that utilize two-button throws like SF3:3S and SF4 series. You are NOT allowed to throw ...
Custom Combos in most cases allow you to chain together multiple normal moves in succession, and also cancel out of special moves allowing you to rapidly attack your opponent. Examples of ...
First introduced in SF1, this move is an upward invincible move that is the ultimate anti-air. The move is done by inputting forward, down, down-forward + punch, and is one of ...
New system functionality added in the SF4 series. It is done by pressing strong+forward buttons at the same time. Every character has this and is a universal move with universal properties ...
Footsies is a term used to refer to the technique of mobilizing yourself around the stage at the optimal range of your pokes/just outside the optimal range of your opponent's pokes. ...
Referring to Anji's Fuujin in Guilty Gear, a Fuujin is essentially a horizontal DP. While there are other types of Fuujins with properties other than startup invincibility (like Gouken's horizontal DP ...
Within the context of 3D fighters, Fuzzy Guarding refers to the ability to both crouch a throw and block a mid. This can only be done in VF5 during +-5 frame ...
Hitbox invincibility is the typical method of handling invincibility in 2D fighters. It is achieved by making certain parts of your character's hitbox invincible for a certain amount of frames. ...
Kara is a Japanese term that literally translates to "empty". 'Kara' is used not as a stand-alone term, but as an affix for others. Kara-throw, kara-palm, kara-srk are all examples of ...
Late throw tech is a technique used in situations to block normals or tech throws against players with a standard timing for their throws. The technique is also a double edge ...
Links are combos that are only possible by executing a move immediately after the move before it has finished recovering. Unlike canels/gatlings, links require very strict timing (as in SF4, some ...
Meaty is a term used to describe a move that is executed just as the opponent is waking up. There are multiple reasons as to why you would use a meaty ...
Referring to Johnny's Mist Finer in Guilty Gear, a Mist Finer is a negative edge move that puts the player in a stance on press and initiates the move itself on ...
Moral refers to a player's tendency to play the mixup game "by the rules". In Virtua Fighter, it's used to describe players who often only go for guaranteed nitaku situations.
OCV, or One Character Victory, is when a single player defeats an entire team. They are also incredibly hype and cause people to chant "OCV! OCV!". This term originated in CvS2 ...
OTG means off/on the ground. OTG combo's are combo's which you continue after the opponent has landed on the ground. This was frequently seen by Magneto in MvC2 after he threw ...
As the term might help you visualize, an overhead is a move (normal or special) that hits the opponent over their heads which they must block standing. It can be a ...
A parry is something that came into popularity through Street Fighter 3. To perform a parry hit forward or down on your joystick/pad/whatever depending if the attack is high or low, ...
The act of sticking out a normal move to damage, setup for throws, or apply pressure.
This is a term for a three hit special move that originated from Fei Longs Rekka-Ken's in Street Fighter 2. Since then many other characters have Rekka-esque moves such as Abel ...
A reset is when you put your opponent into an air borne state and then hit them with a normal move such as a jab to make them "reset" out of ...
A reversal is any special that is done at the first frame of recovery. In most cases, a reversal is used in wake-up situations with an invincible move in order to ...
This term has always been specific to 3D games when games such as Virtua Fighter used an elevated platform as a fighting ground. A ring-out is when a player is pushed/hit/comboed ...
First invented in Guilty Gear X, Roman Cancels (RC) are a technique that cancels the recovery of any move on hit or block for the cost of 50% meter. The input ...
Standing tech is usually done when both players are trying to throw. These are not done intentionally AS a tech, but is a system result of two players throwing within tech-time ...
Throwing is an essential part of pretty much every fighting game that is out there. Many new players wonder how to break the defense of an opponent who simply sits there ...
Teching a throw is simply the act of pressing throw at the same time your opponent does. This of course has different properties in different games. For instance, in Street Fighter ...
An untechable knockdown is when the opponent is unable to quickrise. For instance, in Street Fighter 4, after a sweep or throw, the game will not allow you to quickly get ...
The "Vortex" is a term used in Street Fighter 4 to describe having a number of different attack options after landing an untechable knockdown. An example of the vortex ...
Move property that lets an attack to absorb one or more hist without entering into a hit stun state.
Move property that lets an attack absorn an indefinite number of hits without entering into a hit stun state.