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Entries in Skullgirls (109)


Skullgirls: In-Depth Walkthrough of Double by MikeZ via GameTrailers

Reverge Labs' Mike Z gives us a full walkthrough for Double, the final character to be announced for Skullgirls!  Part 1 focuses on basic stuff like movement and normals while part 2 gets into her specials and supers as well as how to apply them.  This is a very interesting character and is a great addition to the game's cast.
Also of note is that Mike Z points out that this is the final build of the game.  This is great news for those of us waiting on the game, as it means the game is probably just going through certification or something and may be in our hands soon! No official dates have been announced yet though.  Until then, check out the walkthrough below which comes to us via GameTrailers.

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Skullgirls: Final Character For Launch Announced

Skullgirls is nearing the end of its development and Reverge Labs has finally revealed the final character before releasing the game in the Spring season.


GameTrailers TV revealed the last character to be named Double. Like her name, Double can mimic rest of the moves of the cast. Her main appearence is of a nun but can shape shift to a grotesque creature. When mimicking moves, she transforms to the characters. Double does however have her own set of special moves.

Check out the video on the latest episode of GameTrailers TV!

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Skullgirls: Official Valentine Trailer For Valentines Day

You have seen footage of her in-progress gameplay, now Skullgirls' ninja fighter Valentine has now her own official character trailer by Reverge Labs and GameTrailers. With the game close to planned release, it seems safe to say that this iteration of the nurse is complete.

Enjoy the video after the jump and have a happy Valentines Day!

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IGN Extended Coverage of Skullgirls Featuring Mike Z, Valentine Walkthrough and More! Parts 1-3

IGN has posted several extended coverage videos of Skullgirls with Reverge Labs' Mike Z showcasing various aspects of the game.  Mike Z, once again, does a great job of breaking down some of the many great things about this game.  The training mode ideas implemented here are fantastic.  The ability to create your own "custom assist" is another.  There is also a walkthrough of Valentine.  

Seriously, if you haven't checked this game out yet these vids are a great place to start.  Skullgirls is coming to PSN and XBLA in early 2012.

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New Skullgirls Trailer Shows Off the Game's Story Mode!

The Playstation Blog has put up a new trailer for Skullgirls, with this one focusing on the game's story mode.  What they show is very interesting, with the game's unique cartoon-style cel-shaded graphics strutting their stuff.  I am certainly excited to see where they take the story in this one.  Skullgirls is coming early summer as a downloable title on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network.  Check it out!

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Skullgirls Community Manager Tells You Everything You Need to Know About the Game

A new video from Inside XBOX surfaced with Skullgirls Community Manager, Peter Bartholow giving everyone a full rundown of the game. if you've been following Skullgirls from the start there isn't too much new info here but he summarises what the game is all about not to mention all of the revealed characters very well to get everyone up to speed. Check it out after the jump!

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Skullgirls: Painwheel Character Trailer

The latest character trailer for Skullgirls just hit the web not too long ago thanks to GameSpot, with this one featuring Painwheel. This not only gives you a glimpse of what the character's background is all about, but there are also a handful of combos as well that are worth checking out as well. Check out the full video along with our exclusive combo video after the jump!

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Skullgirls: IPW Exclusive Valentine Combo Exhibition

I hope everyone has been enjoying our Skullgirls coverage from SCR and if that's the case you'll be happy to know we have another video lined up for you featuring one of the newly announced characters, Valentine! While the character is still a work in progress, I have to admit she is shaping up to be one of my favorites with one of the most interesting movesets in the game. 

Check out the full video after the jump and be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube for more footage! Once again, thanks to Rin of the BBVlog and Mike Z for putting this together for us.

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Skullgirls: IPW Exclusive Painwheel Combo Exhibition

Remember how I said we had much more Skullgirls content lined up for you guys? Well here you go! We're back with an exclusive Painwheel combo exhibition thanks to Rin of the BBVlog and the man himself, Mike Z! Once again, we got more awesome Skullgirls content straight from SCR so be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube to be the first to see it! Enjoy!

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Skullgirls: IPW Exclusive Ms. Fortune Combo Exhibition

While we were down at SCR over the weekend we were able to score some great Skullgirls footage thanks to the fine folks at Reverge Labs and of course Rin from TheBBVlog. The first in our exclusive coverage is a Ms. Fortune combo video that shows off combos that some would say are "barely legal." Check it out after the jump and be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube because we've got plenty more coming up very soon!

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Skullgirls: New Screenshots and Impressions of Valentine

It's been a little quiet on the Skullgirls front over the past few weeks but some new screenshots surfaced recently of newly announced character, Valentine. A few impressions were translated from a recent preview on Basgrospoing.fr via NeoGAF as well giving us a better idea how the character plays not to mention a handful of screenshots of Painwheel too. Check it out after the jump.

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Skullgirls: Ninja Nurse Valentine is the Newest Addition to the Roster

Reverge Labs unveiled the newest addition to the Skullgirls roster, Valentine, who they say to be a ninja nurse who attacks with everything from chainsaws to corpses. The preview over at Eurogamer also mentions she can inject the opponent with poison, perhaps something similar to Hawkeye's Poison Arrow in UMVC3?

Personally, I think the character design is a step up from some of the recent reveals of Pinwheel and Ms. Fortune though we still have yet to see any videos to see how she plays. What do you guys think? Cool addition or is the character not enough of a deviation from the others to make an impact? 

Check out Eurogamer for more screenshots and stay tuned for more info on Skullgirls!


Game|Life Podcast Teases Skullgirls Soundtrack, DLC Skullguys, Possible PC Release

Peter Bartholow, one of the Skullgirls developers, sat down with Wired's Game|Life podcast to talk about the upcoming indie fighting game. Though Chris Kohler and company don't usually talk much about fighting games, they all seemed to really enjoy Skullgirls and the time they spent with it. Bartholow talks about the proposed male DLC characters in a bit more detail and even hints at a possible PC version of the game. The real treat, however, is a couple of clips from the game's soundtrack, which is composed by Michiru Yamane of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night fame.

Download the podcast over at Wired's Game|Life.


Skullgirls: New Character "Painwheel" Revealed on Gamespot's On the Spot w. Gameplay

The latest wacky character in Reverge Labs' upcoming 2D fighting game, Skullgirls, has been revealed on Gamespot's On the Spot online show.  Her name is Painwheel, and like the rest of the cast she has a unique look and playstyle.  If you haven't seen this game in action and want to check it out, this is actually a good opportunity to do so.  Reverge Labs' reps do a great job of doing an overview and showing just some of the many things that make this title unique.  A particularly interesting mechanic is the way teams are implemented, if you decide to do so.  

The segment contains a lot of great information and features a nice volume of actual gameplay, which gives you a great opportunity to see how this unique title looks and plays.  Painwheel is obviously featured heavily in the gameplay, so you can get an idea of her playstyle.

Check out the video inside.  Skullgirls is the first segment.  Enjoy, and share your thoughts on this unique 2D fighter.

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Skullgirls: New Trailer for Ms. Fortune 

If you've been following Skullgirls closely you've probably seen plenty of Ms. Fortune footage by now but 1UP just posted a brand new exclusive trailer for the character. It of course shows off a ton of different combos and will give you a pretty good idea as to what the character is all about. Check it out after the break!


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1UP: Skullgirls Preview by Haunts

It's always feels weird and fairly vain making a post with my screenname in it, but I think you guys will forgive me this time. I had the chance to check out Skullgirls for the first time at 1UP.com just yesterday and wrote up a preview of the game with my current thoughts. I didn't have a ton of time with the game but overall got a pretty good idea the direction they are going with it.

So what did I think? Did I love it? Did I hate it? Was I too busy oogling at the characters to pay attention to the gameplay? Find out by reading the entire preview here!


Skullgirls Offers Solutions for Real Problems in Fighting Games

Fighting games have evolved over time, but they still often face many of the same problems (and I'm not talking about disparity between high-level players). No matter how cautious developers are, things like infinites and high-low unblockables often sneak their way into games. Skullgirls has innovative systems that prevent both of these, which Producer Peter Bartholow describes over at the PlayStation Blog. Included is a new video demonstrating these systems, along with some nice custom-assist combos.

Check out the video after the break!

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1UP on Skullgirls: Fan-service Does a Disservice to the Game

Jeremy Parish, editor-in-chief at 1UP, admits that he's not exactly qualified to write about fighting games. He does, however, have a lot to say about Skullgirls from his more casual perspective. His initial impression of the game was that it resembled a "sleazy Japanese brawler." Although, after spending time with the game, he found it to be "crammed with... care, detail, and consideration." For his full impressions, check out the preview over at 1UP.

Have others out there turned up their noses at a game they have yet to play for similar reasons? Would you avoid a potentially fun game because of its fan-service? Let us know in the comments!


NYCC: Skullgirls Shows a Shocking Lack of Gems, Comeback Mechanics

While I was at New York Comic Con, I got my hands on Skullgirls in a demo led by Master Chibi. Having already played the game at several events, I knew what to expect. The game is great, not only for its gameplay and hand-drawn animation, but also due to all of its little fighting game references and in-jokes. In our play session, Master Chibi and I laughed every time one of us landed a KO with Cerebella's Battletoads-inspired head-ram (2,000 points!). Suffice it to say that anyone complaining about modern fighting games and how they were better in the good old days needs to pay attention to Skullgirls.

Since we didn't get any video of our play session, we'd recommend watching Deadly Bison Entertainment's excellent breakdown and interview from the event. If you like good games, you should definitely check it out after the break!

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Skullgirls: Ms. Fortune Pops Off (Her Head) in Exclusive GameTrailers Walkthrough!

GameTrailers released a video today, in which Mike Z talks about the latest updates to Skullgirls. The game's menus have received a complete makeover, and the newest character, Ms. Fortune, is fully playable! The hotly-anticipated feline fighter attacks with gross, detached limbs and severs her own head to continue combos. She can even send it out to hit at long-range, ala Guilty Gear's Eddie, but with a hint of kitty goodness. Check out the video after the break!

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