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Entries in Skullgirls (109)


Skullgirls: Crowdfunding Drive Concluded, Five New Characters Funded And Mane6 Support

The crowdfunding drive for Skullgirls has been met with significant success where developer Lab Zero Games can develop five add-on characters and then some.

Due to an unrelated lawsuit involving Lab Zero Games' publisher Autumn Games, the developer behind Skullgirls initiated a crowdfunding drive on Indiegogo which garnered $829,829 in donations.

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Skullgirls: Donation Campaign Fully Funds Big Band, Linux Version Announced

Two of Skullgirls' major donation milestones have been reached and various other news including a release on a new platform have been announced.

Next to fully funded character Squigly, Big Band is now getting the same character and stage/story treatment. Added with the milestones were the addition of a female announcer pack. For the rest of the milestones, the Salty Parasoul voice pack can be reached at $450,000 and at $600,000 is the possibility of a third character that can be voted with an additional $25,000 for story and stage.

Those who donate to the $600 "Patron of the Arts" tier is eligible to receiving one of 20 special animation cels. Lab Zero Games' Mike Z confirmed that Skullgirls will be arriving on the Linux platform.

You can check out some of the announcements after the jump! If you still want to donate, go here since there are still 12 days left.

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Skullgirls: Giant Bomb On Skullgirls' Crowdfunding Drive

The further development of Skullgirls met with open success, including full coverage of new character Squigly, and detailed the development process in line with money needed to fund it.

Patrick Klepek at Giant Bomb expanded the situation of transparancy by interviewing various developers such as Iron Galaxy Studios' David Lang, Sony Santa Monica's Seth Killian, and the Lab Zero Games crew.

You can check out the full article here and the Indiegogo page here! You can also check out an excerpt after the jump!

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Skullgirls: DLC Donation Fund Featuring Squigly And Possible Future Goals

After the announcement of Skullgirls' upcoming downloadable character Squigly, the guys at Lab Zero Games are trying to fully fund her through a community donation fund.

You can check out more details after the jump but here is the link to the donation page which as of this post reached over $100,000 since its creation hours ago.

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Skullgirls: Announced For Japan Release Through Publisher CyberFront

After some time of waiting, Skullgirls finally has a Japanese publisher to release for the nation.

CyberFront Coroporation is known for publishing Japanese-specific games as well as multiple western games including the original Borderlands, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, and Test Drive Unlimited 2. Now they picked up Skullgirls with a price tag of 1,500 yen for the PlayStation 3.

There isn't other information regarding if its downloadable or will also be available on Xbox 360.


Skullgirls: EVO 2013 8th Game Fundraiser Stream

The guys at Lab Zero games are currently streaming their special donation stream for Skullgirls to become the 8th game at EVO 2013!

As of this post, they have been going through the game's story mode featuring the games' voice actors narrating through the story mode. They will do more related events including a tournament tonight. Also as of the post, the donation drive earned almost $15,000, putting Skullgirls surpassing 1st place qualifying game Super Smash Bros. Melee.

You can check out the stream here! Here are the donation links to all the games but if you want to contribute to Skullgirls, go here!


Skullgirls: Nominated For Annie Award

Skullgirls has been officially nominated for the Best Animated Video Game category at this year's Annie Awards.

For those unfamiliar, The Annie Awards (or Annies for short) is a special awards ceremony dedicated to animation-specific accomplishments. One of its most recent category was dedicated to animation in video games which featured nominations from games like Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and Limbo.

Congratulations to the development team at Lab Zero Games! The 40th Annie Awards will take place on February 2, 2013 at the Royce Hall of the University of California Los Angeles! The latest patch for Skullgirls is now available to download on PlayStation 3 while Xbox 360 users have to wait a bit longer.


Skullgirls: Version Patch 1.01 Released On PlayStation 3

After the long wait, the Skullgirls patch is now available for the PlayStation 3 side of things.

There is so much additions and fixes to this patch including a much improved training mode, bug fixes, a gameplay speed increase, an expanded online mode, and various changes to all characters in the game. Go check the link here for the large list of changes including console-specific changes such as the Xbox 360's improved loading times.

For those who have the PlayStation 3 version, enjoy the patch! Xbox 360 players, stay tuned for news on the patch! In regards to the PC version and any DLC characters, plans are currently postponed due to the migration of the Skullgirls team from Reverge Labs to the now Lab Zero Games.


Skull Girls Fillia Combo Movie: "Lost Memories" By Abelcru

You know what to expect here.  This video, put together by Albelcru and uploaded by jourdal, features a bunch of pretty sick looking combos featuring Fillia from Skullgirls.  You may want to turn down the volume a bit when you start it because the music track that accompanies the video is pretty loud but it's another great showcase of Skullgirls combo madness.

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Mike Z Talks Upcoming Skullgirls 2.0 Patch

Even though Reverge Labs' Skullgirls has been received wonderfully by the fighting game community, the developers are hard at work trying to make it even better. Project lead Mike Z was recently on TheMixUp's stream discussing the upcoming 2.0 patch for the game, listing a whole bunch of changes that may or may not end up being final. Hit the jump for some key changes mentioned, courtesy of EventHubs.

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Skull Girls Combo Video 【Double Time】 By Abelcru

Skullgirls combo videos are really fun to watch.  I really love how the game is animated, and it makes the combos look interesting.  In this combo video, put together by Abelcru and hosted on jourdal's youtube channel, you get to see Double go into a combo frenzy, rocking the dummy up and down the screen.  Check it out.

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FINALROUNDBATS 2012-2013 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tournament Premiere Commencing

The Final Round tournament series begun the newest season of their Japanese ranbat series FINALROUNDBATS as well as celebrate Scott Popular's birthday!

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the only official game on the list with Skullgirls and Soulcalibur V being the side games in this month's iteration.

Check out the stream after the jump!

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Skullgirls on PSN's Top Seller List for April, DLC on the Way?

The PlayStation Blog posted the top 20 best sellers on PSN for the month of April, and it looks like Reverge Labs' Skullgirls made the cut coming in at number three on the list. While it's always great to see fighting games performing well this is actually great news for Skullgirls fans as Reverge Labs has stated that if the game sold well they would consider DLC for the game such as additional characters and a movelist.

Be sure to hit up Skullgirls on Twitter and give them a friendly reminder that you expect to see more characters and other content since the game is doing so well!



Skullgirls: PC Version Confirmed, Available In Many Digital Areas Including Steam

People have been wanting a PC release and now it's confirmed that the indie-based 2D fighter is coming!

Publisher Autumn Games and developer Reverge Labs are now planning to have Skullgirls playable for the PC market. The port will feature in-game movelists, more tutorials and even new player region search options in online matchmaking.

This release will be available on Windows (sorry Mac users) through multiple digital downloadable channels including GameFly, EA's Origin and even Steam!

Check out the press release after the jump!

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Skullgirls All Character Combo Video by Desk

Desk released a new combo video featuring the entire cast of Skullgirls. This video demonstrates some pretty crazy loops without triggering the infinite detection system, with most of the combos being in the triple digit range. Check it out after the jump.

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Skullgirls: Combo Videos for Filia and Cerebella by Persona

I have a feeling that combo videos for this game are only going to get more and more interesting as players have more time with the game, and these two by Persona are already something to see.  The vids don't overstay their welcome by being too long and the combos are fun to watch.  You'll find vids for Filia and Cerebella below.

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Skullgirls: Online Ranked Games by Maximilian

Skullgirls is finally out in the wild and ready to download and play on XBLA and PSN, and in this video Maximilian takes the game online in a series of ranked matches.  Are you still holding out and want to know how the online works in this game?  This video might help give an idea.  It's also just fun to watch Maximilian play games online.  

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Skullgirls Review by Haunts Now Live on 1UP.com

Hey guys, just a quick heads up that my review for Skullgirls is now live on 1UP.com. Most of you who visit IPW on the daily have probably already scooped this gem of a fighter up, but if you're still on the fence be sure to check this out as it may sway your opinion. 


Overall it's a great fighting game with some very innovative features but with a small roster and few elements missing here and there we may have to wait for a few rounds of DLC before it is fully fleshed out. That said, it's shortcomings don't take away from the gameplay experience and is a must buy for any fan of the genre.



Skullgirls: Prepare for Trouble (and Make it Double) in New Trailer

What is a fighting game without shape-shifting, move-copying characters like Dural, N. Boss, and Seth? Skullgirls has its resident shapeshifter, Double, and she stars in her own trailer on the PlayStation Blog today. Not only does she mimic the rest of the cast, but she can also temporarily turn the fighting arena into a Gradius stage.

In addition, developer Reverge Labs announced a rather fully-featured, free trial version of the game, a PSN release date of April 10, and some upcoming sponsored tournaments offering custom-built sticks as prizes.

Check out the Double trailer after the break, and if you're still hesitant to spend a measly $14.99 next week, at least give the demo a try!

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Skullgirls: XBLA Release Date of April 11, 2012 Confirmed! PSN Date Not Confirmed but Speculated

Like many of you out there, I've been eagerly awaiting a final release date for Reverge Labs' DLC 2D fighter, Skullgirls.  Well, a post made on NEOGAF today gives us just that, and it's closer than I thought!  Here's a rundown of what was said.  The game just passed Microsoft certification today and will be released on XBLA on April 11, 2012 for 1200MSP.  
They still haven't gotten official word on the PSN release date (it's a Saturday), but they expect it to hit PSN on April 10th for $14.99.  This is excellent news, as this game looks like it will be a blast to play.  Thanks to Eventhubs for the tip!

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