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Entries in Skullgirls (109)


Skullgirls Goes on Tour

Autumn Games and Reverge Labs announced yesterday that 2D fighter Skullgirls will be making an appearance at several tournaments and gaming events over the next few months. As the Skullgirls blog post on the news states, the builds on display at each event will be a work in progress, but the developer promises that each character on display will be fully functional.

This isn't just a chance to promote the game to fighting game players at tournaments, however. Reverge Labs and Autumn Games want your feedback to help create the best competitive 2D fighter available. If you have any plans for dropping by any of the events listed below, be sure to give Skullgirls a try and let them know what you think!

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New Interview with Mike Z on Skullgirls and Fighting Game Design

Andrew over at Mammon Machine put together a monster interview with Mike Z, picking his brain about a number of different topics surrounding not only Skullgirls but also fighting game design. This is a fantastic read with a lot of interesting points so be sure to check it out when you get a few. Also, this is just part one, as part two will be live a little later in the week so keep an eye out for it! 


Castlevania: SotN Composer to Score Skullgirls

Reverge Labs announced today that Japanese videogame composer Michiru Yamane, best known for her work on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, will be scoring the soundtrack for Reverge's upcoming downloadable fighter Skullgirls.

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Skullgirls Makes GGPO Extra-Official

Reverge Labs, the makers of Skullgirls, officially announced today that the game will use GGPO. Though this has been made apparent many times in the past according to their website, they wanted to be extra clear that lag should be the least of your worries when playing Skullgirls online. 

You can read the entire press release by clicking here. Check out Skullgirls at the official website


NCI SPECIAL: Inside look at Skullgirls in HD!

During BLAZING NCI, we sat down with Severin, as he takes us on a tour in Skullgirls and explains to us about the unique game mechanics MikeZ has produced and the beautiful sprites Alex Ahad has created! Salty in Marvel about unblockable setups? No problem! Sad about that boring taunt loop? Ain't gonna happen! Stay tuned for more footage!

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PAX East: Skullgirls Gameplay Videos and Anti-Infinite System Preview from Mike Z

Gametrailers has uploaded several new videos for Skullgirls, the upcoming downloadable fighting game from Revenge Labs coming this summer.  Inside you will find 2 gameplay videos as well as a preview from Mike Z explaining a game feature that is designed to reduce combo infinites.

I'm digging the art style on this one and the gameplay systems seem interesting as well.  Check out the videos after the jump! 

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Bitmob: Interview with Mike Z on Skullgirls

Bitmob's Chris Hoadley published a great interview with Mike Z on Reverge Labs' upcoming 2D fighter Skullgirls, due out on XBLA and PSN this summer. The interview touches on how Skullgirls came to be, the game's similarities to Marvel vs Capcom 2 and their unique approach to warding off infinites. Head on over to Bitmob to check it out!

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Giant Bomb's Quick Look EX of Skullgirls

Brad Shoemaker from Giant Bomb had the chance to sit down with Mike Z and Richard Wyckoff to take a look at Reverge Labs' upcoming 2D fighter Skullgirls. The video starts off with basic gameplay between Mike and Richard, with Mike Z later in the video going into specifics such as Skullgirls' unique approach to handling infinites.

Head on over to this link to check it out!

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Skullgirls Coming to XBLA and PSN This Summer: Trailer Inside

It has been confirmed that Skullgirls, a 2D girl-on-girl fighting game from Revenge Labs, is coming to Xbox Live and Playstation Network this summer!  I'm personally a huge fan of 2D sprite-based fighting games, and this one has an interesting visual style.  It kind of reminds me of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or something.

There is no word on pricing yet, but stay tuned and we'll bring that info to you once it becomes known.  So check out the trailer inside, courtesy of Hecatom, and share what you think!

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