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Fused Zamasu, Vegito coming to DBFZ in May 2018

The newest issue of V-Jump magazine has revealed that players should expect the next two DLC characters for Dragon Ball FighterZ very soon.

According to translations by Eventhubs, Fused Zamasu and Super Saiyan Blue Vegito will join the game "at the end of May." The two will also have a special dramatic finish, where Vegito punches Zamasu in the face.

No exact release date was given, but the game's previous DLC character, Broly and Bardock, released on March 28. Readers can check out the V-Jump scans, from ShonenGamez, after the jump.

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Like a record: Yoshimitsu spins into Soul Calibur VI

The leader of the Manji clan and wielder of the sword Yoshimitsu makes his return to the Soul Calibur series.

According to Avoiding the Puddle, Yoshimitsu's trailer was first uploaded by an official source, in this case PlayStation Europe, but then taken down (much like Taki's trailer). He returns to the Soul Calibur series with what seems to be a new focus on soul stealing, as both his Reversal Edge and Critical Art seem to draw energy from the opponent's character.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Soul Calibur VI comes to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam sometime in 2018.

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Street Fighter characters join Power Rangers mobile game

Starting on May 17, players of Power Rangers: Legacy Wars will be able to add some street fighting to their rosters.

Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile and Akuma will bring their Street Fighter V moves and appearances to the game, which allows players to build a team of heroes and villains to do battle with other users. Cammy and M. Bison will join the game later, with Cammy arriving June 1 and Bison on June 15.

Players will be able to unlock these Street Fighter stalwarts either by paying $4.99 per character or by "opening in-game Morph Boxes and collecting character shards."

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. For more information on Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, those interested can check out the game's official website.

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Locke Cole sneaks into Dissidia as second DLC character

Final Fantasy VI's resident thief, treasure hunter and spy will be joining the cast of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT.

Locke focuses on close-range combat, using his daggers to assault foes and a boomerang chakram that can allow him to fight outside of close quarters. His unique ability is Steal/Mug, which changes depending on whether he is targeting the opposing character. When used on enemies he is not targeting, the skill is Steal and allows him to gain items that give health or bravery, but when used on targeted opponents his Mug ability takes an item that allows him to perform a powerful attack.

Readers can check out Locke's trailer after the jump. He will join the Dissidia cast in late June 2018.

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Original Guilty Gear coming to PS4, Switch, Steam

In celebration of the game's 20th anniversary, Arc System Works will be bringing the original Guilty Gear to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam.

During a stream on the official Japanese ASW channel on the game's 20th birthday, the company revealed the new version and showed some of the ridiculous combos players could perform in the first GG game.

No release date or pricing was given at this time. Guilty Gear was first released on PlayStation in Japan on May 14, 1998.


Capcom announces Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series

In celebration of 30 years of Street Fighter and the company's release of the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, Capcom has partnered with three fighting game community events to put a spotlight back on these classic games.

The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series will have one competition at each of three events in 2018: CEO, SoCal Regionals and Canada Cup. Each event will feature one 30th Anniversary competition—CEO will host Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, SoCal Regionals will run Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Canada Cup will fight for the future with Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike—and the prize pool of each tournament will be $7,000.

Readers can watch the series' announcement trailer after the jump. For more information on the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Tournament Series, including rules, prize breakdowns and event dates, those interested can head to the Street Fighter website.

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More details released on Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. 2

Gameplay options, modes and even playable characters are slowly being revealed for Bandai Namco's upcoming sequel to the successful Gundam arena fighting franchise.

First, Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. 2 will introduce two new types of Burst—Linkage and Mobility—to supercharge mobile suit abilities when players are in a tight spot. Activating Linkage will refill a partner's ammo and boost while also filling their Burst gauge, and Mobility will buff suit capabilities and increase movement. These will join the established Fighting, Shooting and Extend bursts already in the franchise.

Extreme Vs. 2 will also offer a "Plus Coin Mode" that guarantees a minimum of three matches so new players can get their money's worth, and will continue to offer a timed Training Mode. The game's Vs. Mobile mode, meanwhile, will now reward players with medals that can be redeemed for chances to unlock new mobile suits.

In terms of mobile suits, Bandai Namco has confirmed Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex, Try Burning Gundam, Gundam Maxter, Gundam AGE-1 Full Glansa and Montero as playable in the game.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. 2 will have a location test in Japan on May 12-13, 2018, at Namco Osaka Nipponbashi and Namco Tokyo Gulliver Matsudo-ten, and is scheduled for release in Japan sometime in 2018.


Dig in: Shovel Knight bounds into Blade Strangers

Yacht Club Games' defender of peace will be bouncing on opponents this summer, according to a new trailer.

Shovel Knight will bring shovel-fueled justice to enemies in Blade Strangers with melee attacks as well the ability to dig up jewel projectiles and bounce off the heads of other combatants.

Readers can check out Shovel Knight's teaser trailer after the jump. Blade Strangers comes to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam sometime in summer 2018.

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Unbound: Isaac added to roster of Blade Strangers

The lineup of fighters in the new game from Nicalis and Studio Saizensen continues to get more diverse, as the protagonist from The Binding of Isaac has joined the fray.

Perpetually crying, Isaac attacks opponents with his body and items from the game along with some help from his mother. He is the 13th character announced for Blade Strangers.

Readers can check out Isaac's short trailer after the jump. Blade Strangers comes to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam sometime in summer 2018.

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Quote, Gunvolt join Blade Strangers 

The main characters from Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 and Cave Story have been added to the playable cast of Nicalis and Studio Saizensen's upcoming fighting game.

Gunvolt fights with a gun that can seemingly lock on to enemies, while Quote brings a sword and his trusty Polar Star with him. These additions to the game bring Blade Strangers' roster up to 12 playable fighters, as they join characters from Umihara Kawase and Code of Princess.

Readers can check out both trailers after the jump. Blade Strangers launches for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam sometime in summer 2018.

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Training, Versus modes coming to Street Fighter 30th Anniversary 

Two modes will be added to the 12-game collection of Street Fighter titles as part of a downloadable update.

According to Capcom Unity, "fan feedback" lead the company to add the modes, which will be available as a day one patch at the game's release. All 12 games in the collection will receive Versus Mode, but only the games with online play—Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Street Fighter Alpha 3—will have Training Mode. Training Mode in all four games will offer damage display, input display and dummy controls as well as game-specific options.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam on May 29, 2018.


Balance changes, new modes coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ on May 9

A new update is coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ on May 9 for all platforms, seemingly bringing with it the balance changes that were promised by the game's developers in late April 2018.

According to patch notes posted by Bandai Namco (Facebook, BN Europe website), the biggest changes to DBFZ seem to be nerfs coming to Adult Gohan, Android 16 and Super Saiyan Vegeta. Both 16 and A. Gohan have lost hard knockdowns off Dynamite Driver and heavy Ultimate Back Attack, respectively, while Gohan's Machine Gun Kick now provides less frame advantage and Vegeta's Z assist now has reduced block stun. The patch will also tweak other characters such as Krillin, who can now always throw a rock as his assist, along with gameplay fixes to Training Mode and the seeming removal of infinites caused by beam starters.

Two new modes are also being added to DBFZ: FighterZ Cup and Party Battle. FighterZ Cup will allow players to "fight and collect points for their respective Z-Union" while Party Battle will see teams of three players fight against powerful bosses.

Readers can check out the full list of changes after the jump.

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Unreleased Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite-branded Razer Panthera arcade stick found on eBay

In the world of arcade sticks, eBay is more known for people selling their used sticks. It's very uncommon to see unreleased sticks like this one from Razer.

Seller Lehigh Valley Comics and Collectibles listed a Razer Panthera arcade stick featuring Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite branding. The box features some of the characters from the game unique to the normal version of the Panthera as well as the Marvel Gamerverse imprint. The stick's front panel art is reminiscent of a promotional poster from the first Marvel vs. Capcom likely done by Long Vo, known for the Street Fighter V edition of the Panthera.

Game-specific branding on Razer's stick is nothing new from the company. With the Atrox arcade stick, they have released models featuring artwork from Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, Ultra Street Fighter IV and Killer Instinct.

Feature-wise, this version of the Panthera seems to be the same such as the ability to open the stick as well as have Sanwa Denshi arcade parts.

Lehigh Valley had been selling the stick for $995 but pulled it early on May 4 due to "an error with the listing." There is currently no info on why this version of the Panthera wasn't released or if there are other models out in the wild. We reached out to both Razer as well as Lehigh Valley Comics and Collectibles for info and will update whenever possible.


Capcom releases video on the history of Street Fighter, SF2

In anticipation of the upcoming Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, Capcom has released the first in a series of videos that will talk about the history of each game included in the compilation.

The history of Street Fighter and SF2 spans roughly 16 minutes and covers each version of the blockbuster sequel. Narrated by James Chen, the video gives a broad overview of each title along with some noteworthy details about gameplay or lore.

Readers can check out the video after the jump. Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam on May 30, 2018.

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Arc System Works details BBTag beta for North America

After announcing a beta test for BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle in Japan, Arc System Works has revealed that North American audiences will also be getting access to the game's demo.

The details of the North American beta are very similar to the Japanese test. It will open first for PlayStation Network preorders on May 9, with the open beta starting on May 12. During this time, the game's 20 base characters will be selectable and Casual Lobby, Tactics Mode (Tutorial and Practice) and VS CPU will be available, with preorders also having access to local VS Mode to play offline against other people. This beta will end on May 14.

After the beta completes, an offline demo of BBTag will become available. This will remove the Casual Lobby, leaving only Tactics and VS CPU for players who do not preorder the game, while those who have will continue to be able to play offline VS Mode. In addition, preorders will still have access to all 20 characters from the online beta, while those who do not will only have access to Ragna, Hyde, Yu and Ruby.

Currently this beta will only be open to PlayStation 4 users; there are no details on a North American Nintendo Switch demo at this time. For complete details on the beta and demo, readers can head over to the Arc System Works website


New trailers offer updated look at Fighting EX Layer, Hokuto

Arika has released three new trailers for its upcoming digital-only fighting game.

The first two short clips represent the game's Standard and Light release versions, while the third is a brief character trailer for Hokuto, the game's first DLC character. She will be included for no extra charge for players who buy the Standard edition.

As previously mentioned by Arika, the Light version of Fighting EX Layer will cost players $39.99 and come with all 12 base characters and five Gougi decks, but players who purchase the $59.99 Standard version will get all characters plus Hokuto and 15 decks.

Readers can check out all three trailers after the jump.

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Registration open for AnimEVO 2018, six more games added

AnimEVO has opened signups for its myriad tournaments that will take place during Evolution 2018 and has also added six more games to the field.

Samurai Shodown II, Aquapazza, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition, Akatsuki Blitzkampf, Windjammers and Granblue Fantasy have all been added to the AnimEvo roster. In addition, the Windjammers tournament will be part of Dotemu's Flying Power League with a $3,000 prize pot and free entry for players.

Registration for all AnimEVO games can be found at Smashgg except for Gundam Versus which will open at a later date. Players interested in AnimEvo events must be a registered attendee of Evolution 2018 to participate, and BlazBlue Central Fiction, Koihime Enbu, Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] and King of Fighters XIV will not accept on-site signups.

For more information on AnimEVO and its games, readers can head to the AnimEVO website or follow the group on Twitter. AnimEVO takes place as part of Evolution 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Aug. 3-5, 2018.



Sylvie Paula Paula, Zarina join SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy

A new trailer released by Nintendo has revealed the two newest additions to SNK's all-female fighting game.

Zarina and Sylvie join the cast of SNK Heroines from their debuts in King of Fighters XIV, and the footage shows off the moves they retain from that title as well as their new Heroines appearances.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. SNK Heroines comes home for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch consoles on Sept. 7, 2018.

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New trailer unveils Taki for Soul Calibur VI

A seemingly accidental upload has revealed another one of Soul Calibur's core characters for the upcoming sequel.

According to Avoiding the Puddle, the Taki trailer appeared on Niconico but was later removed. She returns to Soul Calibur with many of her classic moves, but also some new tricks including a projectile that allows her to teleport.

Readers can check out the trailer, saved by Flying Wonkey, after the jump. Soul Calibur VI comes to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam sometime in 2018.

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Nominations open for Summit of Power, broadcast talent revealed

The second phase of voting for players to join Beyond the Summit's Dragon Ball FighterZ even has started, and BTS has also announced the people who will be narrating the event.

As previously announced, the players who opted in to the nomination process have from April 30 to May 7, to garner as much support as possible. On May 7 the top 20 players in that process will move on to player voting, and from that five will be selected for the Summit.

Beyond the Summit has also announced that Yipes, Chris Matrix, Rynge, Sajam, Zhi, LI Joe and Hellpockets will be the official voices of the Summit of Power. They will be the ones commentating matches, interviewing players and analyzing the event as it occurs on June 9-10, 2018.

For more information on the Summit of Power, readers can check out Smashgg.