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Entries in ipw podcast (151)


The Show That Sucks #76 With Special Guest Rynge Tonight at 10pm PST

This week on The Show That Sucks will be all about Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. To fill in the void of me knowing nothing about the game we will have LevelUp's commentator Rynge on the show! You can watch the show live starting at 10pm PST on our Twitch.tv Channel.

Want to ask us and our guest questions? Send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on Twitter.

Want to catch up on our past shows? Head over to the Podcast Section right here on IPLAYWINNER and check out every past show in Youtube or Mp3 format.


The Show That Sucks #75 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

The Show That Sucks tonight will be all about Norcal Regionals! The show will begin tonight on our Twitch.tv Channel starting at 10 p.m. PST.

Have questions for the show? Send them to Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on twitter! We take them all the way till 11 p.m. PST so don't think it's too late!

If you missed last weeks show you can head over to our podcast section and watch or listen to every show in Youtube or Mp3 format.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the internet.


Super Desperation Radio Episode 309 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'

Technical difficulties became a running theme on this week's show as the cast experienced not one but two logistical issues that made for unintentionally funny moments. But as always with SDR, the show must go on and that it did—even if it wasn't on the air.

On the technical side of games, the cast talked about the recent arguments on Guilty Gear Xrd's YRC mechanic and how it will affect the complexity and ease of the game as it develops. They also talked about the stun or dizzy feature in fighters and how it is most often misused by the current games. Lastly, the crew spent a large part of the show discussing the sharing of strategies and data in the US fighting scene, the awareness about such information and the individual paths players can take to grow and improve.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


The Show That Sucks #74 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

The Show That Sucks continues tonight at 10 p.m. PST on our Twitch.tv Channel.

Got questions for the show? Send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzoon twitter.If you missed last weeks show you can head over to our Podcast section to check it out in Youtube and Mp3 format.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the Internet.


The Show That Sucks #73 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

The Show That Sucks continues tonight at 10pm PST on our Twitch.tv Channel.

Got questions for the show? Send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzoon twitter.If you missed last weeks show you can head over to our Podcast section to check it out in Youtube and Mp3 format.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the Internet.


The Fray! Episode 30 Archive - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 EVO 2014 Announcement

If you missed the announcement, check out how it all came to become in the latest episode of The Fray!

Darry brought Bronson Tran, Mad Catz's Mark "Markman" Julio and Joey "Mr. Wizard" Cuellar onto the latest episode of The Fray! to talk about Tekken Tag Tournament 2 second outing at Evolution.

While it is a quick episode, they talk about the process to getting TTT2 into the main game list for EVO 2014. Both Markman and Mr. Wizard also played a quick match of TTT2 online before confirming the game's spot.

You can check it out after the jump! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates on when The Fray! will be airing!

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Super Desperation Radio Episode 307 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'

This week the cast welcomed special guest Rynge, who talked at length with the crew about the recent Id Global Tournament. From opinions on commentary to questions about when exhibitions should be played, Rynge helped SDR weigh in on the event.

SDR also revealed the upcoming "Final Boss" exhibition at NorCal Regionals, which will pit eight competitors in a points race across four games: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, Street Fighter III: Third Strike and Super Street Figher IV: Arcade Edition 2012. The details of the competition are still not available, but so far John Choi, Alex Valle, Arturo "TS|Sabin" Sanchez, Ricky Ortiz and Capcom's own Peter "Combofiend" Rosas have been confirmed to fight it out.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


The Show That Sucks #72 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

The Show That Sucks continues tonight at 10pm PST on our Twitch.tv Channel. This week we will be talking about how glad we are that Decapre is in Ultra Street Fighter 4 and why Injustice should be the main game at EVO this year.  

Got questions for the show? Send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on twitter. If you missed last weeks show you can head over to our Podcast section to check it out in Youtube and Mp3 format.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the Internet.


Super Desperation Radio Episode 305 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'

The dispute over button binds that occurred at Final Round 17 was a big topic of discussion for the cast, as they discussed Keits' UFGT 10 ruling along with the history of button binding in games from Tekken to Guilty Gear. This conversation then bled into one about the revelation of Decapre as the fifth new character in Ultra Street Fighter IV and opinions about her addition.

Lastly, since it couldn't be a recent episode of SDR without talking about Arc System Works games, the cast talked about the release of Ramlethal Valentine as a playable character in Guilty Gear Xrd sometime in April.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


The Show That Sucks #70 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

Between Smash at MLG, Final Round, Decapre, Capcom Pro Tour, and late night twit pics by Honzo Gonzo we have a lot to go over. You can watch the show live starting at 10pm PST on our Twitch.tv Channel

If you have questions for us you can send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on twitter. We take them all the way up to the end of the show so don't think it's too late!

Missed last week's show? Head over to out Podcast Section.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the Internet.


The Show That Sucks #69 With Special Guest Apologyman Tonight at 10pm PST

Tonight we will be having the winner of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 at Socal Regionals 2014, Apologyman, on the show! You can start watching the show live tonight at 10 p.m. PST on our Twitch.tv Channel.

If you have questions for the show please send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on Twitter.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the internet.

Missed last week's show? Head over to our Podcast Section and watch or listen to every past show!


The Show That Sucks #68 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

SoCal Regionals is in the books and now it's time to talk about what happened during the weekend. You can check out the show live on our Twitch.tv Channel starting at 10 p.m. PST.

Have questions for the show? Send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on twitter! We take them anytime during the show.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the internet. 
Missed last week's show? Head over to our Podcast section to watch previous shows.

Super Desperation Episode 301 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.

It was a podcast in two parts as the Super Desperation Radio crew talked about the Evolution 2014 games reveal from The Fray! on Feb. 6. Then turning their focus to the games that did not make the cut, the cast talked about possible BYOC events at Evo or other opportunities for games to make their mark this tournament season.

Hellpockets's Internet fizzled out creating a temporary respite, but the SDR returned strong with conversation about the end of Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament in May and the recent Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- footage that has appeared online.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


The Show That Sucks #65 With Special Guest Kinderparty Tonight at 10pm PST

Tonight we have the official Honzo Gonzo doppelganger Kinderparty on the show! I suspect some marvel talk while we learn about the Kentucky scene and his sponsorship with Penny Arcade.

If you have questions for (Myself) Harrison, Honzo Gonzo, or our guest Kinderparty please send them to us on twitter! We take questions during the show so don't be affraid to ask about something on your mind! 

You can watch the show live starting at 10pm PST tonight on our Twitch.tv Channel.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the Internet.


This is the Evolution 2014 Lineup

Tonight on The Fray!, Joey “Mr. Wizard” Cuellar announced the games that will be part of the upcoming Evolution 2014 tournament.

Continuing last year's tradition, there will again be seven games played at Evo in Las Vegas. The participating games are Ultra Street Fighter IV, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Killer Instinct, BlazBlue Chronophantasma, King of Fighters XIII and Injustice: Gods Among Us. There is also a spot for Super Smash Bros. Melee pending further discussions between Evolution organizers and Nintendo.

In addition to the announced games, Evolution 2014 will host the first X-Mania U.S. event for Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo.

Cuellar also announced changes to the Road to Evo, with no set group of tournaments being granted seeding points. Instead, tournament organizers from across the scene will be asked to submit results from their tournaments, which will then be weighed for possible seeding at Evolution. Cuellar said they are still working out the details to this process.

Evolution 2014 takes place at the LVH Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on July 11-13, 2014.


Special EVO Announcement By Mr. Wizard On The Fray Episode 29, Thursday At 7pm PST

Get ready for the next major EVO announcement on the latest episode of The Fray!

Shoryuken's Joey "Mr. Wizard" Cuellar will be our latest guest and will talk about what games will be coming to this year's Evolution Championship Series tournament on July 11-13, 2014! If you have any questions for the show, you can send a tweet to @IPLAYWINNER. The best questions will be chosen for the show!

Update: Due to an unforseen circumstance, the EVO announcement on The Fray will be on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014, at 7 p.m. PST. "Unfortunately due to a delayed flight out of NYC and being sick, tonight's episode of the Fray/Evo reveal will be postponed till Thursday," Mr. Wizard said. It will still be on our Twitch channel! Don't miss it!


The Show That Sucks #64 With Harrison and Honzo Gonzo Tonight at 10pm PST

The Show That Sucks continues tonight at 10pm PST.  We will be talking about ESGN Fight Night, whatever Mr. Wizard announces tonight on The Fray and probably some other stuff. Check out the show live on our Twitch.tv Channel.

If you have any questions during the show you can send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on twitter or leave a comment on last week's show on Youtube.

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the Internet.


Super Desperation Radio 249 Archive Online

Happy birthday Super Desperation Radio!

In this two year anniversary episode of Super Desperation Radio, the cast talks about the latest Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- news, the recent dismissal of Filipino Champ and ShadyK from compLexity and the state of content creation and streaming in the fighting game community.

They also managed to fit as many in-jokes as they could into one episode, with plenty of fast food stories and stupid asides that shouldn't be missed!

You can find the video after the jump! Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.

Click to read more ...


Super Desperation Radio 248 Archive Online

Come check out the latest episode of Super Desperation Radio!

The guys talk about Kumite In Tennessee and what games deserve longer match sets, the upcoming Geriatric Warfare tournament at Super Arcade and what games will be announced for EVO 2014. They also go into Arc System Works releasing Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- in February and how it reflects their other recently released games.

Makoto Mike Wakefield is revisited in this episode when Sanchez finds an old thread featuring some artistic drawings of NorCal Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike players.

You can find the video after the jump! Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.

Click to read more ...


The Show That Sucks #63 with Special Guest KBeast Tonight at 10pm PST

You guys have been asking and now he is back! KBeast will be joining us on The Show That Sucks tonight at 10pm PST.  Check out the show live on our Twitch.tv Channel!

If you questions for the show make sure to send them to (Myself) Harrison and Honzo Gonzo on twitter!

Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks is a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the lead streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the internet.

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