To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Neo Geo platform, SNK Playmore teamed with Humble Bundle to offer a huge list of games including some of their popular fighting games.
As of this post, 21 games from SNK's libarary are available to download such as Samurai Shodown II, Metal Slug, The Last Blade, Sengoku and more. The ports are handled by DotEmu.
The main tier of games from the bundle gives users the ability to play fighters SSII, Art of Fighting 2, Fatal Fury Special, King of the Monsters and The King of Fighters 2000. Paying for the bundle above the current average grants access to The Last Blade and The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match. To those who pay $10 or more, the bundle gives users the chance to play Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Samurai Shodown V Special and The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.
Most of the games in the bundle can be playable on a browser or downloadable. KOF98UM and 2002UM are playable using Steam. Controls on most of the games are not modifiable so controller to keyboard input programs like Xpadder might be required if you play a specific layout. You can donate now!