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Entries in king of fighters (188)


Pachislot character, cloaked figure join King of Fighters XIV cast

The 11th teaser trailer for King of Fighters XIV has revealed two new characters joining the franchise.

The first is Mui Mui, who made her first appearance in SNK's Dragon Gal pachislot game and attacks with fire-based and aerial assaults.

The other newcomer is Kukri, who manipulates sand and uses it to either attack opponents or move around the screen.

Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Geese Howard returns in King of Fighters XIV

The 10th teaser trailer for King of Fighters XIV has been released, and it shows three more additions to the cast: Geese Howard, Ryo Sakazaki and Joe Higashi.

The teaser stars Geese and Ryo, showcasing Geese's counters before showing off the different moves that he and Ryo will have in the new game. Players can blink and miss Joe, who only shows up to get swatted away by Howard.

Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Athena with two new characters Nelson & Luong in latest KOFXIV teaser trailer

The March 24, 2016, trailer of The King of Fighters XIV includes a popular Psycho Soldier and two premiering fighters. It can be found after the jump!

The ninth teaser trailer was a short but revealing video featuring not only Athena returning but two new characters, Luong and Nelson. While not officially categorized, but judging by the most recent leaked list, the kicks-heavy Luong will likely be representing Kim's team while Nelson, a boxer, will probably be part of team referred to as South America. Along with the character reveals, a waterfall stage was shown off.

In addition to the trailer, the Japanese-based KVO x Team St1ckbug 2016 event on April 30 will feature an exhibition tournament with 20 playable characters in the build.

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King of Fighters XIV trailer reveals Kim, Vice, new character Sylvie

An eighth King of Fighters XIV teaser trailer has been released, and with it the names of more characters that will be added to the upcoming game.

The big news is the revelation of another new character being added to the King of Fighters series in Sylvie. According to Shoryuken, the leaked character list places her in the "official invite" team. Sylvie has a very unique look and it will be interesting to see how she fits into the King of Fighters universe.

The trailer also marks the returns of Kim Kaphwan and Vice, who each get to show off some of their moves. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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Tung Fu Rue, Choi and Chin join King of Fighters XIV

A seventh King of Fighters XIV teaser trailer has been released, and with it the names of more characters that will be added to the upcoming game.

Series veterans Chin Gentsai and Choi Bounge will return for KOFXIV, and they will be joined by Fatal Fury's Tung Fu Rue. Tung will be making his first main cast appearance in the King of Fighters series, although he was unlockable in the PlayStation 2 version of KOFXI.

Check out the trailer after the jump for the new charcters in action.

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King of Fighters XIV adds four more characters, new teaser released

The PlayStation Blog has unveiled a sixth teaser for KOFXIV in preparation for the upcoming C3 Show, Hong Kong.

The trailer reveals returning characters Maxima, Clark Still and Terry Bogard while also offering a look at a new character, King of Dinosaurs. King of Dinosaurs is described as a villain wrestler—a "heel" or "rudo" in lucha libre—but he shares a voice and move set with a character familiar to fans of King of Fighters and Garou: Tizoc.

It is unknown at this time if King of Dinosaurs will simply be another side of Tizoc, much as Big Bear and Raiden are the same character, or if the developers are simply trying to show a relationship between the two.

The trailer also shows off two new stages, Guanajuato Dynamite Ring and Derelict Church. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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2016 Taipei Game Show trailer for The King of Fighters XIV reveal Benimaru, K' and Robert

The fifth teaser trailer of The King for Fighters XIV brings back three familiar faces.

During the 2016 Taipei Game Show, SNK Playmore revealed in the new trailer that Benimaru, K' and Robert will be playable in the latest KOF game. While K' retains his recognizable attire, Benimaru has a new outfit and Robert's clothes resemble his suit from The King of Fighters 2003.

The teaser uses the same format of the fourth teaser from PlayStation Experience 2015, with dialogue from Kyo and Iori followed by gameplay of both them and the newer fighters. Upon further inspection, the fifth trailer also received some graphical changes from the previous entry.

The King of Fighters XIV is still set for the PlayStation 4 sometime this year! Check out the trailer after the jump!

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Orochinagi's FGCMag interviews King of Fighters XIV producer

Orochinagi recently released its newest issue of FGCMag, and along with scene profiles and event coverage the publication also contained an interview with KOF XIV Producer Yasuyuki Oda that was conducted at the PlayStation Experience.

While several other interviews with Oda have come out since PSX, FGCMag took some time to clarify gameplay features in KOF XIV such as the just defend-type mechanism that existed in the PSX build as well as asking about jump speed and the choice of 3-D graphics for the game.

Check out the publication here.


KOF: Maximum Impact Regulation A Session Organized by Former SNK Playmore Artist Falcoon

Osaka game center Kouhatsu hosted a session for one of the 3-D entries in The King of Fighters series featuring a well-known artist formerly involved in it.

Tatsuhiko "Falcoon" Kanaoka, character designer in The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact games, organized a Maximum Impact Regulation A session. Being a free play event, 18 players participated and was streamed on one of Kouhatsu's Twitch channels on Dec. 19, 2015.

Along with the session, Falcoon gave away a custom booklet with new character art along with a move list and beginner combos.

You can find the four hour archive after the jump! Also check out Falcoon on Twitter for some of his newer illustrations!

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Latest Humble Bundle Features Over 20 SNK Games Including Garou & The King of Fighters

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Neo Geo platform, SNK Playmore teamed with Humble Bundle to offer a huge list of games including some of their popular fighting games.

As of this post, 21 games from SNK's libarary are available to download such as Samurai Shodown II, Metal Slug, The Last Blade, Sengoku and more. The ports are handled by DotEmu.

The main tier of games from the bundle gives users the ability to play fighters SSII, Art of Fighting 2, Fatal Fury Special, King of the Monsters and The King of Fighters 2000. Paying for the bundle above the current average grants access to The Last Blade and The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match. To those who pay $10 or more, the bundle gives users the chance to play Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Samurai Shodown V Special and The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.

Most of the games in the bundle can be playable on a browser or downloadable. KOF98UM and 2002UM are playable using Steam. Controls on most of the games are not modifiable so controller to keyboard input programs like Xpadder might be required if you play a specific layout. You can donate now!


King of Fighters XIV Will Have 50 Characters, PSX Beta Ongoing

SNK Playmore unveiled a new trailer for King of Fighters XIV at PlayStation Experience, giving the general public more character reveals and the game's cast size.

For starters, KOFXIV will contain 50 characters at launch, and continue the classic 3-on-3 format from most of the other KOF games. That means there will likely be 16 teams of 3, with 2 addition boss characters added to round out the roster. The trailer also revealed that Kula Diamond, Angel, Ralf Jones, Billy Kane and King will be part of that cast.

The KOFXIV beta is playable at PlayStation Experience, and Honzo Gonzo took some pictures of move lists so players can get an idea of how characters will play in the new title. Dream Cancel is also collecting tweets, videos and pictures of the beta.

Hit the jump for the trailer.

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Pre-PlayStation Experience Teaser for KOFXIV Reveals Andy Bogard

To get ready for its first playable appearance at Sony's upcoming PlayStation Experience, SNK Playmore released a slightly altered version of The King of Fighters XIV's second teaser.

This version of the trailer shows off a bit of Fatal Fury's Andy Bogard with his moveset featured in The King of Fighters XIII. Compared to the second teaser, this features some subtle graphical changes such as alterations to the stages and characters.

You can check out both trailers to compare after the jump! PlayStation Experience 2015 is on Dec. 5-6 so get your tickets now to try out an early build of KOFXIV!

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Dueling the KOF 14th Season on Nov. 21-23 at Neo Amusement Space A-Cho

The annual Japanese team tournament series for The King of Fighters will be returning this weekend.

 The 14th iteration of Dueling the KOF will be returning to Kyoto's popular Neo Amusement Space A-Cho gaming center. The King of Fighters '98 (3v3), The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (2v2) and The King of Fighters XIII Climax (3v3) are the featured games.

The weekend event will be streamed on Dueling the KOF's Twitch channel. From Nov. 21-23, make sure to tune in at around 5:00 p.m. PST for the stream.


Second King of Fighters XIV Teaser Trailer Released

The second trailer for SNK Playmore's King of Fighters XIV has made its way online and while it reveals some new information about the game, it will probably do little to calm possible fears about the game's visuals.

The trailer, which only lasts 30 seconds, shows what appears to be in-game footage of Kyo, Iori and returning KOF characters Chang and Leona.

The footage, however, also bears no HUD or interface for the game, making it look like the title is still a work in progress. Check out the teaser after the jump.

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King of Fighters XIV to be Playable at PlayStation Experience

After a very short teaser trailer during Tokyo Game Show 2015, SNK Playmore's newest fighting game is going to make its public debut before the end of the year.

According to the PlayStation Blog, KOF XIV is one of the titles that will be playable in some form during the PlayStation Experience in San Franciso, California, on Dec. 5-6, 2015. 

Unless the listing is some sort of mistake, this news opens up plenty of opportunities for speculation about the title, which did not look like it was anywhere near ready for public consumption in September. However, it has been several months and no one knows whether that trailer was representative of the game's progress at that time. 


Battle Royale II, KOF Dream Cancel Cup Event, at Next Level on Nov. 14

New York will be preparing for a high stakes tournament for The King of Fighters series next month as part of the Dream Cancel Cup.

Battle Royale II will take place in Next Level Arcade and will feature The King of Fighters XIII, The King of Fighters '98 and '98 Ultimate Match as well as The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match. The high stakes portion of this Nov. 14 tournament will be KOFXIII, which has a $25 entry fee. The other games will be priced at $5 each.

Top 16 of the KOFXIII tournament will be given points as part of the Journey to Dream Cancel Cup with the winner will be automatically qualified for the finals at Colorado's Winter Showdown 3. Top 8 will be paid with an additional $500 bonus.

Team Spooky's Sabin and Team KickPunchBlock will be involved in streaming the event on their respective channels. Check out the official Dream Cancel thread and the Facebook event page for more information.


King of Fighters 14 is Coming in 2016

During the Sony press conference at Tokyo Game Show 2015, a teaser trailer revelead that King of Fighters XIII will not be the last entry in the franchise's storied history.

King of Fighters XIV will seemingly take the route of the Maximum Impact games by transitioning into 3-D gameplay, but players will not know for sure until more is shown of the title.

King of Fighters XIV is scheduled for sometime in 2016. Check out the teaser after the jump.

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KOF: Maximum Impact 2, The King of Fighters 2003 and Samurai Shodown V Available Now on Japanese PlayStation Store

Following the big multi-platform-wide sale, SNK Playmore added some more of its older PlayStation 2 games to the Japanese PlayStation Store.

KOF: Maximum Impact 2, also known as The King of Fighters 2006, and The King of Fighters 2003 are now available as PS2 Classics in the PS Store. In addition to KOFMI2's retitled name outside Japan, KOF2003 was released on PlayStation 2 in the West with the original version of The King of Fighters 2002.

Samurai Shodown V is also available as a PS2 Classic. This version is based on the original game, not the updated version Samurai Shodown V Special.

If you have access to a Japanese PlayStation Network account and currency to use, they are available now and are region free.


SNK Playmore Offering KOF Triple Pack on Steam

SNK Playmore has just announced a way for Steam users to pick up King of Fighters XIII, King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition and King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match all for one price. 

The King of Fighters Triple Pack will include all three titles bundled together for $34.99. While each of the games had been offered with various discounts in the past, this is a chance for players who were waiting to pick up all three KOF games at one time.

UPDATE: SNKP has said the Triple Pack will be "50% OFF during Steam's 48 hours limited sale from April 9th 10am PST!" 


Various SNK Fighters Now On Sale In Xbox Marketplace, Due April 13

Xbox 360 users can get their hands on multiple SNK games for a low price.

This week's Xbox Marketplace Spotlight Sale focuses on SNK games with a majority being fighting games. Samurai Shodown II, Samurai Shodown Sen, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match, The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match and The King of Fighters XIII are all 50% off their original listing price in the digital store.

These deals are valid for both Xbox Live Gold and Silver users, so anyone interested in getting any of these fighters should go buy them before April 13!

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