Entries in Street Fighter V (141)


Anniversary costumes coming to Street Fighter V on Aug. 29

Capcom is bringing four new premium costumes to Street Fighter V to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of its fighting game franchise.

Guile, M. Bison, Ibuki and Karin will all get new outfits befitting a celebration: Guile and Bison receive dress military uniforms, while Ibuki wears a stylized kimono with obi and Karin dons formal robes.

All four costumes will cost players $3.99. Players can check out the costumes after the jump.

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Street Fighter V invitational coming to Tokyo Game Show 2017

Announced at Japan Cup 2017, eight of the top Street Fighter V players in the world will battle it out at Tokyo Game Show in a exhibition event with cash prizes.

Fuudo, Bonchan, Tokido, Nemo, GamerBee, Xian, NuckleDu and Punk will all take part in the Shoryuken Tournament, which is part of TGS' eSports X presentation. First place in the competition will receive one million yen while second place gets 500,000 yen (roughly $9,000 and $4,600, respectively). No details on the format of the event have been announced.

The Shoryuken Tournament at Tokyo Game Show takes place on Sept. 24 at 3 p.m. JST (11 p.m. PDT, 2 a.m. EDT).


Red Bull Proving Grounds fall 2017 season to culminate in Chicago

Although the Red Bull Proving Grounds fall season has just begun, players now know where it will end: Chicago, Illinois.

Joe's Live in the suburb of Rosemont will play host to the finals of RBPG season as the event will be open to spectators for the first time on Oct. 21, 2017. 

For those unfamiliar with the RBPG, the competition starts with three separate event dates across 11 regions, where players compete in single-player tournaments for points. At the end of those qualifiers, the top three players in each region form a team—with one team coming from online events—that will compete in the final event. The finals are a one-day tournament where teams face off in a roun-robin format, with the best overall teams of the west and east coast divisions playing to determine a champion.

Prizes for the fall season of RBPG include $6,000 as well as airfare, lodging and entry into Red Bull Battle Grounds 2017 for the winning team and airfare for rest of the top eight placers on the winning region's leaderboard.

Readers can head to the official site for more information on Proving Grounds and check out the fall season trailer after the jump.

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Brooklyn Beatdown returns in 2017 with $50,000 in prizes

Editor's note [8:13 p.m. CDT]: It has come to the staff's attention that both links to information about The Brooklyn Beatdown are no longer functional. IPLAYWINNER has reached out to representatives of ESL for comment, and in the meantime has included a screenshot of the archived ESL page after the jump.  

[Original story]: The Brooklyn Beatdown is coming back to Barclays Center in 2017.

ESL One's offline Street Fighter V event enters its second year on Sept. 16-17, 2017. This year, 256 players will compete for the first-place prize of $20,000, with the top 16 placers being paid out at least $500. 

Just as with last year's event, ESL will be holding online qualifiers in different regions, with the points leader in each receiving an invitation, flight and accommodation to BB in September. Qualifiers start the first week of August 2017, so players looking to take part should check out the ESL website for more information.

Registration for The Brooklyn Beatdown is currently not live, but details for tickets to the event—as well as links to buy those tickets—can be found on the BB event page.

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New sports costumes coming to Street Fighter V

During the Street Fighter 30th anniversary panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2017, Capcom unveiled a new set of sports-themed outfits coming to SFV before the end of July.

Twitter user JardFGC captured an image of the three costumes, which included a volleyball uniform for Laura, a football/soccer kit for Rashid and a track-and-field-based look for Ibuki. 

The new costumes will be available on July 25, 2017, the same day that Abigail and the rest of the Capcom Pro Tour DLC—the Ring of Pride stage and Champion's Choice Guile costume—release. The new sports outfits will cost players $3.99 each. For more high resolution images of the new costumes, players can head over to Capcom Unity.


Abigail is living large in Street Fighter V

Another Final Fight character has joined the Street Fighter universe as Abigail was revealed as the newest character in SFV.

Abigail towers over other characters in the game, using what look like armored moves and parries to make up for his slow movement.

Abigail will join the SFV cast on July 25, 2017. Readers can check out the Abigail trailer after the jump.

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Seven games announced for Evo Japan

Seven titles have been announced for the inaugural Evo Japan.

Tekken 7, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2, King of Fighters XIV, Smash Bros. for Wii U, ARMS, BlazBlue Central Fiction and Street Fighter V round out the current roster of titles for the 2018 event. 

Evo Japan will be held on Jan. 26-28, 2018, at Akihabara UDX, which is close by Akihabara Station in Tokyo.

Readers can check out the new trailer after the jump.

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School outfits for Nash, Ibuki, R. Mika launch June 27

The second batch of school costumes is coming to Street Fighter V at the end of June.


The costumes were first revealed on the Capcom Unity stream during E3 2017, but no details about their release was given at the time.

Players will be able to purchase the outfits for Nash, Ibuki and R. Mika for $3.99 starting on June 27.


Class is still in: more school uniforms coming to Street Fighter V

During the Capcom Unity stream at E3 on June 13, Harrison and Gootecks showed off the new school uniform costumes for R. Mika, Nash and Ibuki.

Harrison was tight-lipped on details for the outfits, saying only that they would be available "soon" and offering no price details. It is likely, however, that each costume will sell for $3.99 like the previous school uniforms for Juri, Ryu and Chun-Li.

For more footage of the costumes in action, readers can check out the archives from yesterday's stream after the jump. The SFV content starts roughly one hour and 28 minutes in the video.

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Street Fighter V update brings Ed, new CFN, balance changes May 30

After a monthlong delay, Street Fighter V's Season 2 balance changes will be joining Ed and the updated Capcom Fighters Network when they all release at the end of May.

Capcom originally announced the balance changes and CFN update separately, but later revealed that both were tied together along with the season's third additional character when the company delayed the Season 2 changes. Once Ed was revealed, he became part of a second test of the new CFN in early May.

Capcom also said that unrevealed content will be joining the update on May 30, and that more information about it will be available in the coming days. 


Alex Myers parts ways with Ronin Esports

Alex Myers is longer a part of the Ronin Esports team due the expiration of his contract and his decision to not make a new deal.

Ronin and Myers both confirmed the news early on May 12, with Myers saying, "I want to thank [Ronin] for the opportunities they've given me this year. I wish you the best."

Myers' departure was at first seen as the competitor being released, but Myers himself later clarified the situation saying, "Hey guys, thanks for all the concern, but I'm ok, my contract just expired and I decided not to renew."

Ronin first added Myers to its roster in May 2016, and he was the team's only fighting game player. 


New trailer officially reveals Ed for Street Fighter V

Ed has officially been revealed for Street Fighter V, as Capcom released the character's offcial trailer and information about his V abilities.

Ed's V-Skill is Psycho Snatcher, which almost functions as a grappling hook and either pulls himself to opponents or pulls him to them depending on how long it is charged. His V-Trigger is Psycho Cannon, which shoots a slow-moving, multihit fireball out in front of him.

Ed's special moves include a dashing uppercut that almost resembles Balrog's and move that seems to function like a dragon punch. His moves also "have simple inputs; they only require simultaneous button presses, repeatedly pressing a button, or holding down a button." Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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Ed's Street Fighter V appearance unveiled in leaked images

The PlayStation Store had already revealed Ed as Season 2 DLC in Street Fighter V, and now thanks to Capcom players know how he will look as a playable character.

Posters on NeoGaf discovered working links—now disabled—on the Capcom website leading to images of the character dressed in Shadowloo regalia. While this does not fully confirm that Ed will be revealed on May 8 as the next Season 2 character, it would now be surprising if it is not Ed.

Readers can expect a reveal post and small character breakdown of the next fighter from Capcom on Monday.



New Vega compilation shows the pain that rains from Spain

YogaFlame24 has released a new video showcasing the claw-wielding Shadowloo fighter in both Street Fighter IV and V.

The video, which runs roughly three and a half minutes, collects many different highlights for the character in the two most recent versions of Street Fighter. Meaties, ground cross-ups, flashy combos and even simple reads are all part of the compilation taken from online play.

Readers can check out the video after the jump.

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Ed revealed as a Season 2 DLC character in Street Fighter V

Balrog's accomplice has been uncovered as one of Season 2's additions to the SFV cast.

The PlayStation Store has the mysterious fighter joing Kolin and Akuma as new characters in Season 2. While it is not explicitly noted whether Ed will be the next character added to the game, it would seem likely given that the other three combatants are still shrouded in mystery.

Not much is known about Ed, who made his first appearance in Street Fighter IV where he was a child rescued by Balrog from S.I.N. According to the Street Fighter Wiki, he was one of many clone bodies for M. Bison and possesses some psycho power.


Ken, Ryu don formal attire as part of Capcom Pro Tour DLC

Capcom has released its Capcom Pro Tour 2017 content, complete with new outfits, titles, colors and a few surprises still to come.

The Capcom Pro Tour DLC is designed to give players some cool visual upgrades to their Street Fighter V experience while putting money back into the Pro Tour and adding a prize bonus to Capcom Cup. According to Capcom's Neidel Crisan, "a minimum of 30% of the revenue will go to the Capcom Cup 2017 prize pool, and an additional 50% of the revenue is invested into Capcom Pro Tour production."

This year's DLC includes formal costumes for Ken and Ryu, as well as the CPT stage and a costume designed by 2016 Capcom Cup winner NuckleDu that will both be revealed later. In addition, players who purchase the DLC as a bundle will also get new titles for their account, a CPT-themed blue color for every character in the game and new daily targets to gain more Fight Money on their CFN account.

For complete details on the CPT content, check out the PlayStation Blog. The Capcom Pro Tour bundle is now available for $24.9, while individual costumes will cost buyers $5.99 and the upcoming CPT stage will be $9.99 on release. 


Alex, Chun-Li, R. Mika all go to work on April 25 with new SFV costumes

Capcom has announced three more costumes that will be available at the end of April.

These work-themed outfits will see Alex don firefighter gear, R. Mika pick up the pom-poms as a cheerleader and Chun-Li dressed to impress in a business suit.

The costumes will join the school outfits and returning Thailand stage as new content released on April 25. Each costume will cost players $3.99.


Capcom delays Season 2 update, may conduct additional CFN beta

Capcom has postponed the launch of the new Capcom Fighters Network, which has muddled the release date for the Season 2 balance changes and next SFV DLC character.

The news comes from a post on Capcom-Unity, in which the company claims it is holding off the CFN release so that it "meets all of our expectations before it officially launches."

The post also points out that because the new CFN is tied to both the balances changes and the next character, those features will also have to wait until CFN is ready for release. Capcom's original plan was to have the Season 2 balance changes available by the end of April 2017

The company is now considering a second CFN beta to be conducted in the near future that would include the next DLC character, and promises there is "still to-be-announced content coming to Street Fighter V at the end of April."


School costumes, Thailand stage coming to Street Fighter V on April 25

Street Fighter II's iconic final arena and new costumes for Ryu, Chun-Li and Juri will be available at the end of April 2017.

Originally the home stage of SFII boss M. Bison, Thailand's enormous bell and intricate statues have received a visual upgrade as the vista receives new life in SFV. 

Meanwhile, new school costumes will provide more wardrobe changes for the three aforementioned characters. Ryu's resembles a school gang leader, Chun-Li shows off a more studious appearance and Juri fades to black with a gothic or punk look.

The Thailand stage will be available for $3.99 or 70,000 Fight Money, while each of the new costumes will cost $3.99.


NorCal Regional 2017 to feature crowdfunded bonus prize pools for SFV & KOFXIV

With the next edition of NorCal Regionals looming closer, a crowdfunding site dedicated to tournaments will provide extra money to a couple of games at the event.

The King of Fighters XIV and Street Fighter V are getting support through Matcherino. You can easily donate now to either of the events with your Twitch account and using the coupon code "NCR" for SFV or "KOF" for KOFXIV which automatically adds $1. If you want to donate more, you can add funds or pay for special rewards.

For SFV, rewards include a shoutout from Daigo Umehara on Twitter, an Amazon Echo and a variety of Street Fighter-related merchandise. The KOFXIV side features a live analysis of your match and a first-to-five challenge versus Arcade Shock's Reynald. There are also generic rewards including a month of XSplit Premium, various drinks from Soylent and Matcherino clothing.

Donate now on the links above!