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Entries in UMVC3 (343)


UMVC3: Deadpool Rehab Guide by Finger Cramp

The Finger Cramp guys are back with another Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Rehab guide, this time featuring Deadpool. You guys probably know the drill by now so hit the jump and check the video if you're looking to pick up this underrated character!

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UMVC3: TAC Infinite for Chun-Li

Pochi91919 is back with another Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 TAC infinite video. His latest is for Chun-Li and demonstrates how you can use her "headstomp" and Lighting Legs to beat the opponent into oblivion -- as long as you don't drop it of course! Full video after the break.

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UMVC3: Amaterasu Has the Easiest Infinite in the Game

I'm sure many of you have been in the lab with Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 ever since the TAC infinites were discovered and have found that some are easier than others. Well, you wont believe how simple Amaterasu's is as demonstrated by YouTube user Pochi91919. He has also uploaded a demonstration of Iron Man, Nova and Zero's infinites as well.

Check out everything after the jump and leave your thoughts in the comments on how infinites are going to play out in in UMVC3 in the long term.

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UMVC3: These are the Freshest Vergil Combos You'll See All Week

Richard Nguyen posted on Twitter today a great Vergil solo combo video from CRINALE5 that features some really creative uses of his Spiral Swords Hyper and Round Trip special. In the video description he mentions that he wanted to show that Vergil can do a ton of damage even without OTG assists such as Weskers' Samurai Edge. Check it out after the jump and leave your thoughts on these combos in the comments!

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HONZO GONZO's Combo Archive: Captain America 

FOR FREEDOM!After a long hiatus I am back doing Combo Archives so here is the long awaited Captain America edition. Cap may be simple but in order to optimize your damage you need to work for it. So, if you want to drink beer, eat meat, and punch endangered animals in the face check out the video as well as combo tips, top Cap players, and Cap tech YouTube channels after the break.

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UMVC3: Blow-Up Forward and Back Rolls with Magneto's Cross-Up Dash Set-Ups

Alioune released another Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 clip that I'm sure any Magneto player will appreciate as it demonstrates how you can mix-up your opponent whether they back roll or forward roll on wake-up. After knocking them down with S, use his Attraction special to pull them towards you. From here, input some well timed wave dashes to cross them up, regardless of which way they roll.

MAGUS1234 mentioned to me that Magneto is just one character who has this ability. Vergil has similar set-ups when ending a combo with Helm Breaker.

Check out the full video after the jump and leave your thoughts on these mix ups in the comments!

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UMVC3: A Wesker Combo Video Worth Watching - Really!

A new Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 combo video surfaced recently for Wesker thanks to Resident Evil Rulz (yes it does) and who knew he had more going on under the hood besides ABCS, ABCS OTG Gun Shot? Seriously though, this is one combo video you wont to miss even if you play Wesker casually. It will really open your eyes as to what the character is capable of. Even long time Wesker players will probably find some new tech after watching! Check it out after the jump.

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Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - The Online Warrior: Episode 36 'NO MORE MARVEL!'

Maximilian talks EVO in this episode of UMvC3: The Online Warrior and his lead topic is an interesting one.  He shares his thoughts on infinites in the game and the possible impact it can have on the game in the competitive tourney scene.  He also discusses Marvel's top moments and players from EVO as well as details from Capcom's EVO panel.  And all the while you get to watch some of his online ranked match replays.  Also. His idea of a proper Capcom All-Stars game intriguing. What do you think?

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UMVC3 Pixel Sprites Will Make You Wish for Another Old School 2D Capcom Fighter

Eventhubs posted up a cool series of UMVC3 sprites put together by DeviantArt user Steamboy33. These are very well done, and while not animated, will make you wish Capcom released another sprite based 2D fighter!

Both Trish and Wesker are some of my favorites but which ones do you like the best?

Check out the full gallery here.


Saturday Night Snapback Season Finale Replays - Spooky on the Mic & STA's Most Insane Marvel Tournament Yet

Our season finale for Saturday Night Snapback was one not to be missed as we had a very special guest from the East Coast -- Victor "Spooky" Fontanez -- holding it down on the mic and the largest Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournament at STA to date!

With EVO right around the corner there were some fierce matches in both SSF4 and UMVC3. LPN, Hoodaman and Kineda -- three of the top ranked SSF4 players -- all fought very well through out the entire tournament and demonstrated why they have been a force to be reckoned with for all of season 4.


STA WindZero was in top form for UMVC3, switching up his team through out the tournament to keep his opponents guessing and ended up doing some serious damage to the bracket that night. K. Beast, Pedro Morales, Crispy Tacoz and many other NorCal Killers held it down all night as well with matches that came down to the wire each time. We also had some special guests from Arizona, hAZ Spiteful and hAZ Angelic who repped very well for their home state. 

Check out all the replays below and keep an eye out for the final standings for Season 4 and replays for Real Honest Sundays!

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UMVC3: TAC Infinite Explanation Video, New Infinites Discovered for MODOK, Dormammu, Chun-Li, Nova & More

Since yesterday a ton of new infinites have been found using the TAC in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. MODOK, Chun-Li, Nova, Dormammu and many others have now been found to have these TAC infinites and there is a lot of talk on Twitter and Facebook about others that have yet to be discovered.
While there is a lot of chatter about the combos themselves, some of you may be wondering why they work in the first place. EviltoasterofFP put together an explanation video below that talks about how the game thinks that each character has never hit the ground and with hit stun scaling absent during the TAC this allows for the combos to go on indefinitely. 
What do you think about this theory? Spot on or is more research required? Check out all the new videos after the jump!

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UMVC3: Magneto Downward TAC Infinite Discovered

That UMVC3 Trish TAC infinite technology that surfaced over the weekend just opened the flood-gates for even more with other characters. The latest to have video proof is for Magneto as he can perform an infinite off of a downward TAC. 

Top players Chou and Justin Wong feel these types of infinites should be banned at tournaments. What do you think?

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UMVC3 - Trish "TrapMaster Style" TAC Infinite Combo Discovered

A very powerful technique in UMVC3 appeared over the weekend (via Josi) that features Trish performing an infinite after a Team Aerial Combo that requires no X-factor or meter but just some solid execution and her Hopscotch special. This is said to work on all characters, though larger characters seem to fall out faster than others. Check it out after the jump!

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Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gold and Silver Version

Ever wonder what UMVC3 would look like in the world of Pokemanz? Me neither but RenaTurnip has and went ahead and created an entire fight with that classic 8-bit pixel-art look. If you're a fan of either game be sure to check this out!

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UMVC3: The Mystery of Japan's Top PSN Player Condor Missile

Edgewooddark uploaded an hour of footage of one of Japan's top ranked UMVC3 PSN players, Condor Missile. He plays an unorthodox team of Captain America, Sentinel and Iron Man on anchor.

It's been rumored that he has struck fear in the hearts of top players all over Japan, as they avoid his lobbies completely saying he is unbeatable. That said, he has never shown up to offline tournament in Japan and remains a mystery. No one knows what he looks like or where he lives. Is this another top player in Japan under a different name trolling the entire community or is he simply one of the most respected members of Team NAH? 

Check out the video after the jump and leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Southtown Arcade Ranbat Season 4 Finale is This Weekend!

The final installment for the Season 4 ranbats is this weekend at Southtown Arcade! We've had some great matches each at every ranbat thus far with awesome support from the community making Season 4 one to remember. Come out and get some more practice in before EVO and scoop up some more points to put yourself on the board for the final tally of Season 4 rankings!

Saturday Night Snapback will start at 5PM PDT with Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 and we'll finish things off later that night with Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Real Honest Sundays starts at 1PM PDT and is host to the best King of Fighters XIII and Capcom vs SNK 2 competition in NorCal so be sure to swing by and check that out as well!

Check out the Southtown Arcade Events Page on Facebook for more details and stay tuned as we have a few surprises in store for this weekend. Hit the jump for replays of the last ranbat!

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UMVC3: Ultimate Super-Skrull Guide 2.0 Part 2 by Hi I'm Nastyy

NorCal's own resident Super-Skrull expert Hi I'm Nastyy has uploaded part two of his Ultimate Super-Skrull Guide 2.0. This video will go over various techniques such as how to always land the Stone Smite, how to Tiger Knee out of various attacks and many other tips that will help you up your game! Check it out after the jump.

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Curleh Mustache Vol 4 West Coast Edition Player List, Schedule & Other Details

Koogy over at BrokenTier posted up a player list and other details for the upcoming West Coast edition of IFC YipeS' UMVC3 invitational, Curleh Mustache. The event will take place July 1st in UC Irvine and will run from 3PM until midnight. Of course, the stream will be handled by Team Spooky but I plan to attend to lend a helping hand as well.  

The players set to attend include Justin Wong, Floe, Filipino Champ, Mine, Dacidbro, Wentinel, PR Balrog, Knives, Honzo Gonzo, Royal Flush and many many more. Check out the full list by clicking here.

There will also be special set of marquee matches with the first being a FT7 between PR Balrog and Knives! Spectator fee is 10 dollars while entry for players is 25 each. 


UMVC3: Finger Cramp's Akuma REHAB Guide

Finger Cramp is back with Jago giving the rundown on another very popular UMVC3 character, Akuma. Like the other REHAB guides, he goes over normal attacks, specials, combos and a few advanced strategies as well. Check it out if you've been wanting to put Akuma on your team!

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UMVC3: HONZO GONZO's Combo Archive: C. Viper Combos

Well its been awhile, but I have managed to pump out the C. Viper addition of the Combo Archive. C. Viper is one of the best characters in the game, and has some crazy damage output with the right combos. If you are interested in seeing these in action, combo tips, as well as top C. Viper players and tech then check them out after the break. 

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