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Entries in UMVC3 (343)


UMVC3: Magneto's Mid-Screen Hyper Grav Combo is One of the Most Stylish to Date

Alioune uploaded what is easily one of the sickest Magneto combos I've seen to date as he uses the Hyper Grav mid-screen to pull the opponent in and keep the combo going -- sometimes without the use of an assist! You have to see this combo in action to appreciate it so hit the jump and watch the video!

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UMVC3: Major Update to Amaterasu Guide by IGL HonzoGonzo

IGL HonzoGonzo spent a ton of time completely rehauling the Amaterasu guide here on IPW. We have a ton of work ahead of us in regards to bringing the entire UMVC3 guide up to date but this is a great "first look" as to what to expect in the future. Honzo goes into great detail for all of Amaterasu's normal moves, special moves, hyper combos and more. There is strategy on how she works on a team and a breakdown of her general playstyle and gameplan. Be sure to check it out by clicking here and hit the jump for a small preview.

If you would like to contribute to our guides please send me an email: admin (at) iplaywinner (dot) com. We have a great foundation for many games but could use help updating the guides and making corrections. 

Stay tuned as we have some more major updates to the other games right around the corner!

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Saturday Night Snapback 4.5 Results & Replays - The Battle for First Place Ranking in SSF4: AE, MODOK in UMVC3 Grand Finals?

I know there were a ton of streams going on this weekend with ECT4, MLG and others featuring some top level international play, so it's no mystery to me that many of you missed out on our Saturday Night Snapback stream from Southtown Arcade. That's okay though! I was watching ECT4 on my phone and catching MLG KOFXIII matches when I could too!

That said, the replays from Saturday are now live on YouTube and feature some intense fights in both SSF4: AE and UMVC3 that are not to be missed. With MAGUS1234, Slompo and Harrison in the house the commentary is super ace in these videos as well!

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UMVC3: Finger Cramp's Zero REHAB Guide

Want to win or do moderately well for yourself in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3? Picking up Zero is a good place to start. He is easily one of the best characters in the game and this new video guide from Finger Cramp will show you why as it covers all of his basics attacks, special moves and gives you a few combos to play with as well. 

If you've always wanted to play this little bastard but never knew where to start, check out this guide!

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UMVC3: High-Level Japanese Matches featuring Abegen, G.X, Frieda, Nemo & More

MAGUS1234 tipped me off on a handful of Japanese UMVC3 matches featuring some of their top players such as Abegen, Frieda, G.X and many others. If you're curious what to expect from these guys come EVO, be sure to check out these videos as it will give you a good look at their gameplay style and team formations. 

Be warned that the sound and overall quality of these videos is pretty low! You might want to watch them on mute!

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UMVC3: High Level Matches from the Comboratory feat. Combofiend, Clockw0rk, Fanatiq & More

STKicked uploaded a solid set of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 matches featuring some of SoCals finest players such as Combofiend, Clockw0rk, Infrit, Fanatiq and a few others. This stream went on for hours and hours so if you weren't able to watch it live you have a lot to catch up on!

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UMVC3: BT Viscant Breaks Down Characters and Teams in Latest Tier List

BROKENTIER's Viscant just finished up his three-part tier list over at their official website and it's a great read for anyone who is a fan of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Of course, with any tier list many points are debatable -- even with this one that is as fair as they get -- but this will give you a good objective look at many of the stronger (and weaker) teams in the game. 

Check out a small excerpt from part three after the jump and read the entire thing here.

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UMVC3: Finger Cramp's Spencer Rehab Video Guide

Finger Cramp uploaded a much needed rehab guide for Spencer recently, going over both basic and advanced techniques. Spencer is easily one of the most popular characters in tournament play, so if you've been wanting to add him to your team but a little lost on how to use his Wire Grapple and various other attacks, this is a great place to start. 

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UMVC3: Count the Level 3 Hyper Combos in Heroes & Heralds is Broken Vol. 2

EndlessComboz posted up a UMVC3 video showcasing a number of ridiculous combos in the Heroes & Heralds mode. These combos range from what seems like an endless amount of Shin Shoryukens from Ryu to an armada of Drones from Sentinel. Check it out for the combos and stick around for the fresh tunes!

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UMVC3: The Robot Master Mold Sentinel Combo Video from Infrit

Infrit uploaded a short but sweet Sentinel combo video recently that showcases a ton of goofy X-Factor Level 3 setups and shenanigans. The video goes over some throw setups, how to mix up incoming opponents and a few other tactics as well. You can hit his YouTube Channel and check out the video description for more notes!

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UMVC3: HONZO GONZO's Combo Archive Featuring Arthur

I am back with another installment for the archive, this time featuring the most beast knight to ever exsist Arthur. Now I know what you might be thinking "Arthur doesn't have combos" WRONG, this dude has more than a majority of the cast, I even had to cut some stuff out bc it was too hard. If you want to check out the video, combo advice, and highlighted top Arthur players/tech providers check it out after the jump.

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ASSIST ME! Teaser - Wesker's Plan

The Assist Me! series is hands-down the best ongoing video series the FGC has produced (in my opinion of course!).  This teaser for Wesker's Plan would be intriguing even if it was from an unknown youtube vid maker.  I love the sequence where Wesker suits up.  However, a teaser like this from Maximilian has me excited for what kind of humorous shenanigans are going down soon on the show.

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UMVC3: Runnin' Sets (EP35) - Mike Ross vs Fanatiq - The Runback Part 1

What the hell is going on here?The latest episode of Runnin' Sets is now live on YouTube, featuring Mike Ross vs Fanatiq in a runback set. How does Mike fair when Fanatiq pulls out the business team? Will Fanatiq be able to redeem himself after his defeat on Cross Counter Live? Does Mike Ross still have nightmares about their original encounter!? Find out after the jump!

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Pistolero: A Chris Redfield Combo Video

This seven minute combo video for UMvC3 shows off a ton of super-damaging and unorthodox Chris technology. After going over some BnBs, Darchon25 gets really creative, showing off ways to use Chris' prone state, grenade loops, and a myriad of assists to extend combos. This is a must-watch for any Chris player, and is simply entertaining as hell for anyone mildly interested in Marvel. Hit the jump for the video!


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UMVC3: ASSIST ME! Feat. Phoenix: Part 2

Maximilian released the second part of ASSIST ME! featuring Phoenix which covers Hypers, Combos and a strong strategy to prevent Dark Phoenix by using TACs to steal the opponents meter. Jean also reveals Max's and Doom's deepest darkest desires! Check it out after the jump. 

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UMVC3: Replays of Latest FGTV Fraud Free Fridays Tournament featuring PR Balrog, Filipino Champ, PADTrick, GC Yoshi & More

If you're hungry for some high-level UMVC3 play look no further than the latest batch of uploads from the FGTV crew. These matches are from their latest Fraud Free Fridays tournament and feature some of best UMVC3 players that NorCal has to offer such as PR Balrog, Filipino Champ, PADTrick, GC Yoshi and many others.

Check out a few matches after the jump and find the rest on their YouTube Channel

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UMVC3: Mike Ross and Fanatiq Get in Lab With Storm in the Latest Episode of Cross Counter

The latest episode of Cross Counter is now live on YouTube featuring Mike Ross and Fanatiq hitting the lab with Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Fanatiq shows off some stylish stuff for Storm which will give any aspiring player a few ideas on how to extend her combos. Check it out after the jump!

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FGTV House Hosting No X-Factor, Low Damage UMvC3 Tourney Friday

According to Shady K's twitter, the FGTV guys are trying something a bit different for this week's Fraud Free Friday. The player house will be hosting a 16-man invitational UMvC3 tourney with X-Factor banned and the lowest damage settings turned on. Will we be seeing a return to tense, Marvel 2 style matches with this experiment? You'll have to tune in to FGTV Live at 9 p.m. PST this Friday to find out. Hit the jump for the official announcement flyer!

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UMVC3: IGL|HONZO GONZO's Combo Archive Featuring Amaterasu, Includes Write Up on Best Combos and Top Players

Instead of spamming only my videos on the front page I figure I should do a write up with each video which includes what combos should be prioritized, notable players of that character, and video producers who create tech videos for that character. Check out the video and the write up after the jump.

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FINALROUNDBATS 2012-2013 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tournament Premiere Commencing

The Final Round tournament series begun the newest season of their Japanese ranbat series FINALROUNDBATS as well as celebrate Scott Popular's birthday!

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the only official game on the list with Skullgirls and Soulcalibur V being the side games in this month's iteration.

Check out the stream after the jump!

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