This trick with Sagat popped up yesterday on SRK showing how you can connect Sagat's full Ultra in the corner thanks to "Liston". This is very useful considering that when you connect the Ultra in the corner, only two hits of the uppercut portion will connect and the last part wiffs completely on another Sagat!
This only works after FADCing in or near the corner the corner in that you need to charge the FA to LVL 2 to cross under the other player.
From the SRK thread:
The way to pull this off is to do the Uppercut and FAC and HOLD the FA until it is charged to lv.2. Then dash and to Ultra in the same way you dashed in and that is it.
P.S. - if you want a shortcut to do this you can also FAC and qcfx2 to input your dash, and then one more qcf to complete the Ultra. Be careful to release the buttons upon seeing the dash or you run the risk of neg edging into some random special.
Hope this helps cause that glitch is pretty frustrating when u need the damage.