Entries by SuperFX (1540)


New Dissida Final Fantasy NT trailer explores character class options

Square Enix has released a new Dissidia Final Fantasy NT trailer discussing the four styles of character in the upcoming game.

The short video talks about the rock-paper-scissors-style gameplay in Dissidia, letting players know how each class will match up against others in the game. While vanguard, marksman and assassin are all largely set in stone, specialists will vary given each character's unique set of skills.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT releases on PlayStation 4 in early 2018. Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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Bulma confirmed for Dragon Ball FighterZ?

[Update Oct. 31, 8:38 p.m. CDT]: According to PlayStation Europe, "Bulma was mistakenly listed as a playable character in Dragon Ball FighterZ," and the company has apologized for the mistake. 

While Dragon Ball fans are ready to get two new characters revealed for the upcoming DBFZ in the coming days, Sony may have already given another fighter's identity away.

In the listing for Dragon Ball FighterZ on the European PlayStation website, Bulma is listed as one of the playable characters alongside Goku, Frieza, Vegeta and Majin Buu.

While this alone confirms nothing, Bulma has been playable in many different Dragon Ball games over the years using gadgets and weapons to even the odds. Her inclusion would also continue the apparent decision of the developers to focus on mostly Dragon Ball Z characters in the base game. 

For now, however, players will have to wait for an official announcement before anything is known for sure.


Captain Ginyu switches up his offense in new DBFZ trailer

Bandai Namco has released a brief trailer showing the first in-game footage of Captain Ginyu in Dragon Ball FighterZ.

Captain Ginyu fights with the other members of the Ginyu Force, calling them like assists to attack the opponent and create oppotunities for Ginyu himself. The trailer also shows the animation for Ginyu's body change technique, which will allow players to switch characters with their opponent.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump. Dragon Ball FighterZ releases on Jan. 26, 2018, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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Halloween Steam sale brings discounts to many titles

Until Nov. 1, 2017, fighting game fans have the chance to purchase a plethora of games on Steam at steep discounts.

Titles by NetherRealm Studios, Arc System Works, SNK and more are all marked down, along with games like Melty Blood, Skullgirls and Arcana Heart.

Readers can check out the sale on the official Steam website.  


ComboFiend leaves Capcom

Peter "ComboFiend" Rosas has announced the end of his tenure with Capcom.

In a post on Capcom Unity, Rosas says that he is leaving the company after five years and discusses the impact Capcom titles have had on his life. He also thanks the company for "a dream come true" in being able to work on games that are now in the hands of players. 

Rosas first joined Capcom in late 2012 and has worked on games including Ultra Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter V and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.

ComboFiend gave no indication of his future plans, only saying that he will return to being "a member of the community" and "a Capcom fan."


Hell(boy) comes to Injustice 2 on Nov. 14

Mike Mignola's half-demon paranormal investigator joins the Injustice 2 cast in mid-November 2017.

Hellboy fights his opponents with a revolver and the Right Hand of Doom, his oversized stone forearm. His character power seems to function like that of Doomsday in the original Injustice, providing Hellboy with super armor to blow past enemy attacks.

Hellboy is the last entrant in Fighter Pack 2, and will join Injustice 2 on Nov. 14. Readers can check out the trailer below.

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Evolution 2018 returns to Mandalay Bay, the month of August

The first trailer for Evo 2018 has unveiled both the dates and location of next year's event: Mandaly Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Aug. 3-5.

The fighting game tournament returns to the month of August after 10 years as a July event. No games or other details were revealed at this time.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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Gameplay trailer plants the seeds of Nappa's dominance in DBFZ

After being officially revealed in an issue of V-Jump magazine, Bandai Namco has released the first in-game footage of Vegeta's Saiyan accomplice in Dragon Ball FighterZ.

The short trailer shows off some of Nappa's attacks, highlighting the impact of techniques like break cannon and exploding wave. It also gives players an idea of how planting Saibamen will play into Nappa's gameplan by showing some of their different abilities.

Readers can check out the trailer below. Dragon Ball FighterZ releases on Jan. 26, 2018, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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Gundam Versus adding Atlas Gundam in November

The Japanese version of Gundam Versus will soon be getting another new entrant.

The Atlas Gundam and its pilot Io Fleming will join the cast, appearing from Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt. Atlas Gundam will fight with its trademark rail gun and beam saber and, according to translations from Siliconera, "players will have the option to equip its Sub Leg attachments to its legs, allowing it to be controlled like a pair of skis."

Much like other DLC mobile suits, Atlas will cost players 650 yen (about $6). The suit is scheduled for release sometime in November 2017.


Injustice 2 coming to PC, open beta forthcoming

[Update, 4:52 p.m. CDT]: The official Injustice Twitter account has stated that the beta will not begin on Oct. 25 as originally stated. The account has offered no new start date at this time.

Those clamoring for a PC version of Injustice 2 have been heard, as the title will release on both Steam and Windows Store sometime this fall.

According to a press release from Warner Bros. Entertainment, the game will be ported to PC by QLOC, a company that has brought many titles including Mortal Kombat XL to the PC platform.

In addition, the game will begin an open beta process starting on Oct. 25, likely to test online stability and work out any remaining issues in the adaptation.

There are currently no further details on the beta's length or when Injustice 2 will release on PC at this time.


Million Arthur: Arcana Blood coming to Japanese arcades on Nov. 21

Square-Enix's upcoming 2-D fighter has a release date at the end of November 2017.

Million Arthur: Arcana Blood will be launching in Japan on Nov. 21, 2017, three days after a nationwide location test.

Originally announced in January, MAAB features anime-style gameplay and uses "Support Knight" cards that act as assists. The game also features characters from Square-Enix's classic Seiken Densetsu series.

Readers can check out the game's opening cinema scene after the jump.

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Details leak on Dragon Ball FighterZ versions, U.S. release date?

[Update, 11:40 a.m. CDT]: Bandai Namco has confirmed both the game's release date as Jan. 26, 2018, and the details of the different editions making this news no longer a rumor.

The preorder page on the Microsoft website for Dragon Ball FighterZ has included many details about the game that have not yet been officially released by publisher Bandai Namco or developer Arc System Works.

For starters, the game's U.S. release date is scheduled for Jan. 25, 2018, a week before the game comes out in Japan. More interestingly, the game's Ultimate Edition includes in its price a fighters pack for eight new characters, a music pack with 11 songs from the anime and a commentator voice pack.

The roster for DBFZ has not been finalized but it is clear—if the details are accurate—that Bandai Namco and Arc System Works plan to be adding content at a brisk pace once the game is released. However, Xbox has had incorrect releases dates on its site before, so for now readers should treat at least some of this information with skepticism.


Tekken 7 update to introduce more New Japan Pro Wrestling content

Bandai Namco has announced new content in its ongoing collaboration with New Japan Pro Wrestling for Tekken 7

Along with new character and account customizations featuring the Bullet Club, Taguchi Japan and King's Rainmaker shirt, Tekken 7 will also be getting a new outfit and rage art for Lars Alexandersson. Both the outfit and special "sling blade" rage art come from popular NJPW wrestler Hiroshi Tanahashi, who uses the move as one of his signature attacks. The game will also play Tanahashi's theme, "Love & Energy," when Lars uses the outfit.

The content will be launching on the arcade version of Tekken 7 on Nov. 18, 2017. There is currently no news as to whether the content will be included in an update for the console and Steam versions of the game, but as New Japan content was included before it seems like a possibility.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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Noel, Chie and Waldstein join BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle

Arc System Works has revealed the next three characters joining the upcoming crossover game.

Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue, Chie Satonaka from Persona 4 and Waldstein from Under Night In-Birth will all be part of the game that releases in early 2018.

According to the trailer, the next character reveals for the game will be coming in late November. BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Steam.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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New sports costumes coming to Street Fighter V on Oct. 24

New outfits for Zangief, Kolin and Karin will be available when Zeku joins the SFV cast at the end of October.

These new sports costumes reimagine Karin as a jockey, Kolin as an ice skater and Zangief gets another pro wrestling variant.

Prices were not revealed but it is assumed that much like all other DLC costumes each outfit will cost players $3.99.


BeasTV unveils trailer for Project 9road

Daigo Umehara and his BeasTV have released a trailer announcing a new upcoming work, Project 9road.

The cryptic teaser for the project speaks of a steel mill explosion in 2011 and the mystery surrounding its circumstances. While it is uncertain what the premise will have to do with fighting games, veteran players Eita and Kuroda are involved in the endeavor.

The trailer speaks of trying to find "the man in the iron mask," a likely reference to Street Fighter III: Third Strike's Q, a character known as Kuroda's signature choice in the game.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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DBFZ adds Nappa, Captain Ginyu, gets Japanese release date

Dragon Ball FighterZ will release in Japan on Feb. 1, 2018, according to a new issue of V-Jump.

The game has also added two more characters to the roster in the forms of Nappa and Captain Ginyu. Nappa is a slow but powerful fighter who can plant Saibamen to attack his opponent and uses the destructive break cannon technique.

Captain Ginyu, meanwhile, can summon all the different members of the Ginyu Force in battle as well as using his body change technique to swap health and characters with your opponent.

There are currently no release dates for the North American or European versions of DBFZ. Readers can check out the full image, with translations from ShonenGamez, after the jump.

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Six mobile suits coming to U.S. version of Gundam Versus on Oct. 18

The U.S. version of Gundam Versus will catch up to its Japanese counterpart in terms of DLC as six new mobile suits are added to the game.

Alvaaron, Buster Gundam, Gundam AGE-1, Nightingale and Phantom Gundam will be added to Versus on Oct. 18, 2017, likely costing players $4.99 each as with the other DLC mobile suits.

In addition, Big Zam is being added to the game. One of the game's bosses, Big Zam appears from the original Mobile Suit Gundam. Big Zam is currently not released in the Japanese version of Gundam Versus.


Alvaaron, Buster Gundam now available for Gundam Versus in Japan

Two more mobile suits have been released for the Japanese version of Gundam Versus.

Alvaaron and Buster Gundam were announced in early October 2017, and now players can check out trailers of the mobile suits in action before deciding if they want to add the Gundams to their in-game collection. 

Both suits will cost players 650 yen (about $6). The trailers can be seen after the jump.

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New premium costumes give MvCI characters a makeover

As three Monster Hunter, Black Panther and Sigma come to Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite on Oct. 17, Capcom will also introduce 18 new premium costumes that players can use to alter their favorite character's image in MvCI.

Many of the new costumes represent important history of the character, like Warbird for Captain Marvel or Joe Fixit for Hulk, while other represent different versions or even just stylish clothing.

Each individual costume will cost players $3.99, or they can be purchased in special six-character theme packs for $11.99 or as the all-inclusive Premium Costume Pass for $29.99. Readers can check out all the costume images at Capcom Unity.