Entries by SuperFX (1540)


Full MvCI story trailer released, game modes confirmed

Capcom has released the complete trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite's story mode, and in an accompanying press release has confirmed the game modes that will be part of MvCI when it releases on Sept. 19, 2017.

The game's story focuses on the overarching threat of Ultron Sigma while the heroes of both worlds face danger from Jedah (along with a symbiote monster that could signal Venom's return), Dormammu and Firebrand, Grandmaster Meio and even Nemesis. Left with few alternatives, they must make a decision as to whether they can trust Thanos to help recover the Infinity Stones and save their worlds.

Meanwhile, for the game itself, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will contain offline modes including story, arcade, versus (against human or computer) and training as well as collection and mission modes. The Collection Mode will have unlockable items, such as "cut scenes from the story mode, character/stage information, concept artwork and character/stage audio tracks" while Mission Mode will provide tutorials and character-specific challenges.

The game's online modes will include ranked and casual match, lobby, replay settings, rankings and a new Beginners League. The Beginners League will be a subset of online play that is specifically for players of lower rank; once a person achieves rank 14 they can no longer play in it.

Readers can check out the story trailer after the jump, and can play the game during Sony's Road to Greatness tour. Jedah, Ghost Rider, Dormammu and Firebrand will also have more gameplay and details revealed during Gamescom on Aug. 22-26, 2017, in Cologne, Germany.

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Android 16, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, Goku coming to DBFZ?

Update: According to Gematsu, "both Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Vegata are playable in Dragon Ball FighterZ, and the latest issue of V-Jump reveals that both Android 16 and Android 18 are also playable."

Original Story: Jump magazine has revealed what appear to be new characters for the upcoming Dragon Ball FighterZ.

In a magazine screencap, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and Goku appear, with Vegeta having a different character portrait than normal. This could mean that both are additional characters in the game, as characters who have transformation supers, such as Frieza, have not had changing portraits up to this point. 

Meanwhile, Android 16 will make an appearance in the DBFZ story mode where, according to Gematsu, "super warriors fall one by one." It is a "new story for Goku and friends depicted in high-end animation."

For now it is unknown whether Android 16 will be a playable character outside of the story, and whether SSB Vegeta and Goku are separate characters. Hopefully more questions will be answered when the game makes an appearance at Gamescom from Aug. 22-26, 2017, in Germany.

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Injustice Fighter Pack 2 announcement at Gamescom on Aug. 23

The next set of characters coming to Injustice 2 will be revealed during a charity competition at Germany's trade show.

The event will pit Steve Aoki against fellow DJ Don Diablo in an Injustice 2 exhibition with $5,000 going to the Aoki Foundation, which has a "primary goal of supporting organizations in the brain science and research areas with a specific focus on regenerative medicine and brain preservation" and also supports "disaster relief, developmental disabilities and animal rights."

The stream will also feature the unveiling of the characters in Fighter Pack 2, which will be making their way to Injustice 2 later this year. While one of them was likely revealed in July, there is still a bit of speculation regarding the other characters, including one that NetherRealm Studios Creative Director Ed Boon said will get "the biggest wow of any character in the game."

The whole event will be streamed on the NetherRealm Twitch channel live at 5 a.m. CDT (noon local time in Germany, 3 a.m. PDT).


Anniversary costumes coming to Street Fighter V on Aug. 29

Capcom is bringing four new premium costumes to Street Fighter V to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of its fighting game franchise.

Guile, M. Bison, Ibuki and Karin will all get new outfits befitting a celebration: Guile and Bison receive dress military uniforms, while Ibuki wears a stylized kimono with obi and Karin dons formal robes.

All four costumes will cost players $3.99. Players can check out the costumes after the jump.

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Hisako Ultimate will make opponents' skin crawl

Killer Instinct's team has debuted the Ultimate that will be given to its ghostly fighter in late August 2017.

Hisako's Ultimate will be part of the Ultimates Monster Pack, which will contain the finishing move for five characters. With Ultimates for Mira, Aganos, Sabrewulf and Hisako now revealed, only Glacius remains to be unveiled before the pack's release on Aug. 22.

According to Iron Galaxy's original plan, these will be the last five characters to be given Ultimates.

Readers can check out the Ultimates for Hisako, Aganos, Mira and Sabrewulf after the jump.

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Breaking down Black Canary version 1.07 changes by NS Cupcake

NS Cupcake has created a new video breaking down the alterations made to Black Canary in the August 2017 update for Injustice 2.

Over the course of a 10-minute video, Cupcake details all the changes to Canary's strings and special moves visually for players at home. He then discusses how each change will affect players of the character and how people playing against Canary will have to alter their tactics. Lastly, Cupcake gives an overall opinion of the character after the patch.

Readers can check out the video after the jump.

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Assessing combo risk and reward by Avoiding The Puddle

Recently during his stream, Avoiding The Puddle's Aris took time to explain his thoughts on combo choice in Tekken.

In a short video clipped from the stream, Aris talks about how damage and ease of execution are both factors a player should consider when choosing their combos. He also discusses what is considered "optimal" in Tekken and how players should consider the consequences of a dropped combo when choosing a juggle.

Readers can check out the video after the jump, and for more bits of Tekken information should check out the Avoiding The Puddle YouTube.

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Brook Xbox, PlayStation to Switch converters available for preorder

Brook Accessory's new Super Converters that allow players to use Xbox and PlayStation controllers on the Nintendo Switch console are now available for preorder.

Brook's Super Converters have become a standard option for players who do not want to modify the internal components of their arcade stick or pad. The forthcoming devices will allow players to use modern Xbox (Xbox 360 or Xbox One) or PlayStation controllers (PS3 or PS4) on their Switch console.

The converters can be purchased at Arcade Shock or Focus Attack, and are scheduled to ship at the end of August 2017.


Street Fighter V invitational coming to Tokyo Game Show 2017

Announced at Japan Cup 2017, eight of the top Street Fighter V players in the world will battle it out at Tokyo Game Show in a exhibition event with cash prizes.

Fuudo, Bonchan, Tokido, Nemo, GamerBee, Xian, NuckleDu and Punk will all take part in the Shoryuken Tournament, which is part of TGS' eSports X presentation. First place in the competition will receive one million yen while second place gets 500,000 yen (roughly $9,000 and $4,600, respectively). No details on the format of the event have been announced.

The Shoryuken Tournament at Tokyo Game Show takes place on Sept. 24 at 3 p.m. JST (11 p.m. PDT, 2 a.m. EDT).


Gllty signs with Team GRAPHT

Japanese sponsor GRAPHT has added another player to its team with the signing of Leah "Gllty" Hayes.

Hayes became a nationally recognized player in the fighting game community during Street Fighter IV and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and is known for her Dhalsim and MorriDoom play, respectively. Originally from Missouri, Gllty recently relocated to the West Coast.

“I am overwhelmed with optimism and incredibly flattered and humbled by this experience," Gllty says in her profile on the GRAPHT website.

Gllty joins a number of other fighting game players on Team GRAPHT, including MOV, Takumi, Fuudo, Haitani, Yukadon and the Cyclops Osaka team. GRAPHT is also a partner with Razer.


Pale Rider, Baund Doc DLC trailers revealed for Gundam Versus

Two new trailers have been released for DLC mobile suits coming to the Japanese version of Gundamn Versus on Aug. 24, 2017. 

The Pale Rider and pilot Chloe Croce appear from Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link, while the Baund Doc and captain Jerid Messa come from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Baund Doc will also feature additional pilot Rosamia Badam. Both suits will cost players 650 yen (about $6).

The Gundams were first revealed in July along with three other suits. They will be followed by the Gundam Gusion Rebake and Perfect Strike Gundam on Aug. 31. Readers can check out the trailers for both mobile suits after the jump.

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Jubei, BBCF 2.0 claw their way to console on Aug. 31, 2017

The recent arcade update to BlazBlue Central Fiction will be coming to Japanese and North American consoles along with its new character at the end of August.

Arc System Works has confirmed that Jubei will release along with the patch on Aug. 31. Jubei will cost players 800 yen or $7.99.

There is currently no date for the Steam version's corresponding patch.


Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's closed beta to run from Aug. 26 to Sept. 4

The upcoming closed beta for Square Enix's arena fighting game will stretch from the end of August into early September 2017, according to a post from the official Final Fantasy Twitter account.

Starting on Aug. 26 at 9 a.m. PDT, players will have the chance to try out the 14 heroes included in the beta. The characters are Warrior of Light, Firion, Onion Knight, Cecil Harvey, Bartz Klauser, Terra Branford, Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, Zidane Tribal, Tidus, Shanotto, Vaan, Lightning and Y'Sholta. Not included will be the recently announced Jecht or any of the series' villains.

Players can register for the beta on the official Square Enix website until Aug. 15 in hopes of being chosen to participate. Those lucky enough to already have a code for the beta, which includes attendees of Sunday finals at Evolution 2017, should make sure to use the specific code registration.



Tekken World Tour online events begin Aug. 13

After being rescheduled in late June, the online portion of the Tekken World Tour is now ready to launch across North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

Starting on Aug. 13, 2017, Bandai Namco will begin the first wave of seven tournaments, each covering a specific region, that will allow players at home to earn point for the Tekken World Tour. These regions are: Australia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, North America East/West and Europe East/West.

Bracket play in each event will take place on a Sunday, with the finals happening two or three days later in the week and streamed by Level|Up. Tournaments are available on all Tekken 7 platforms. For the complete schedule of the TWT online, as well as rules and other tournament details, readers can head to TekkenGamer.


Allen Snider returns in Arika's new fighter

During a visit to BeasTV, Arika unveiled another returning Street Fighter EX character for its upcoming, still unnamed fighting game: Allen Snider.

The developers had no gameplay to share at this time, but said that video of the character in action will be presented during the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, Sept. 21-24.

They also answered questions from the stream chat about the upcoming game, stating that they will hold a poll to decide voice acting, the company is focusing primarily on a PlayStation 4 version of the game at this point and that the decision to use 2-D instead of 3-D was because of the complexity of the Gougi system. They also revealed that the game is currently only 20 percent done and that Excel—the old custom combo system from Street Fighter EX—could make a return as part of a Gougi.

In terms of characters, the team hopes to have 10 characters on release, and will consider trying to eventually include all the old SFEX characters if players are interested in them as downloadable content. They are also open to adding Fighting Layer characters to the game.

For online play, Arika is planning to investigate GGPO as well as in-house possibilities in terms of netcode, and that the forthcoming beta will mostly be a stress test of online play.

Readers can check out the BeasTV archive for the answers to more questions and the teaser for Allen Snider after the jump.

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Revolution 2017 to offer Arc Revo qualifier for Europe

Five spots in Arc System Works' vaunted Arc Revolution Cup will be available to competitors during NGI and Rice Digital's Revolution 2017 in London, England.

The top three placers in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 and top two in BlazBlue Central Fiction at the qualifying event on Oct. 7-8 will have the opportunity to form teams and represent Europe at Arc Revo Cup.

Along with qualifying for ARC, prizes at Revolution will also include travel and accommodations for the players courtesy of both games' European publisher PQube. According to rules of the event, players must be at least 18 years old with a valid passport that they must bring to the event. Japanese players are allowed to qualify from the event.

For more information on Revolution 2017, including registration for the event, readers can head over the event's official website. Meanwhile, Arc Revolution Cup 2017 is part of Taito's Toushinsai event, which takes place Oct. 21, 2017, in Tokyo, Japan.


Esports proposal video shows a possible future for competitive MvCI

On Aug. 8, a video accidentally uploaded to YouTube by Capcom U.S.A.'s Senior Director of Licensing and Esports John Diamonon showed one potential future for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite tournaments.

The plan calls for the 2017 MvCI Capcom Cup to be contested by 16 players, 14 of which earn their spot in the event exclusively through online qualifiers. The remaining two players will be decided by a last-chance qualifier and a special invite, respectively.

Going forward into 2018, the video breaks down the specifics of the Capcom Pro Tour for MvCI, with an estimnated $600,000 prize pool; confirmations of continued collaboration with ESL, Tuner Sports and Red Bull; details of event support from Capcom and costs of sponsorship; video distribution rights and more.


Specifically of note is how Capcom would handle event support going forward, with the company providing $7,000 direct to tournament organizers for costs along with consoles, monitors, headsets and games. According to the current Ranking Event agreement for the Capcom Pro Tour, Capcom only provides copies of the game. The company has not made public any agreements relating to Premier Events.

Interestingly enough, while Diamonon has made it clear that the proposal's "information included was not final," Evo's Joey "Mr. Wizard" Cuellar was quick to distance his organization from the video, claiming "this leaked video does not represent Evo’s views and we were not consulted beforehand about the video. Footage was used without our consent."

Since its release online, the video has been uploaded several times on different websites, but most instances have since been removed. As it stands this is merely an interesting look at what Capcom could have planned for the future, but clearly nothing is set in stone at this time.


The Spirit of Vengeance rides into Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Ghost Rider is joining the cast of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.

The official Marvel vs. Capcom Twitter account released the news early on Aug. 8, revealing that the chain-wielding one "joins the #MVCI roster at Gamescom on 8/22." 

This would seem to indicate players will either be receiving gameplay footage like with Firebrand and Dormammu or that the Rider will be playable at the European trade show, but nothing is confirmed for now.

Ghost Rider makes his return to the Versus Series after his debut in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. He appears alongside Morrigan as a variant cover of the Marvel's Defenders #4 as part of a cross-promotional push by the two companies.


Injustice Watchtower details upcoming features, Starfire release Aug. 8

NeatherRealm Studios' stream on Aug. 7 revealed changes coming to Injustice 2 in the future along with a breakdown of new DLC character Starfire.

First up on the stream, the NRS team revealed new changes that will be coming to online play in the next Injustice 2 patch. This will include Ranked matches being first to three and a choice between Competitive and Regular Player Match. Competitive Player Match will disable gear. There will also be new filtering for gear so that players can sort through it more easily.

As for Starfire, NetherRealm Studios Community Specialist Tyler Lansdown confirmed that players who have purchased the the Deluxe or Ultimate editions of Injustice 2, or the Ultimate or Fighter packs, will get access to her on Aug. 8.

In a gameplay breakdown, NRS showed off Starfire's character trait which is a beam attack can serve as both a zoning tool and a combo ender. They also showed her various normal moves, special moves and their meter burn variations. Readers can check out the complete breakdown from the NetherRealm Twitch archives after the jump.

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Gundam Versus open beta coming Sept. 2-4

Gundam fans in several regions will get a chance to try out the new Gundam Versus before its release in late September.

North America and Europe, along with the Southeast Asia region consisting of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, will all take part in an open beta of the game happening from Sept. 2-4. Players in those countries will have a chance to try several of the game's modes, including two online modes, Ultimate Battle, two offline modes and the tutorial.

Players can preload the beta starting on Aug. 29. Gundam Versus launches across the three regions on Sept. 29, 2017. The game is currently available in Japan.