Entries by SuperFX (1540)


Changes detailed for upcoming Killer Instinct version 3.9

A new patch is coming to Killer Instinct and it is bringing changes to many of the game's 29 characters.

Eighteen characters will receieve alterations in 3.9, although the degree of those tweaks varies wildy. Some characters like Thunder, Aganos and TJ Combo got only one change, while others like Kan Ra and Mira were given several. 

Changes to characters are accompanied by notes explaining the reasoning and intent of the alterations. The patch also contains numerous bug fixes for Eagle and other characters.

The patch is currently not ready for delivery, but the KI team hopes to have it in players' hands before Sept. 5, 2017. Readers can check out the patch notes at Ultra Combo, or check out the video from the developers after the jump.

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New character coming to Dissidia Final Fantasy arcade on Sept. 5

A new character will be announced for the arcade version of Dissidia Final Fantasy early in September.

This will be second character since August, as Square Enix announced in June that a new character would join the arcade version of Dissidia for every month from August through November. So far, Jecht from Final Fantasy X has joined the game.

While there is currently no guarantee that the forthcoming characters will all make it into Dissidia Final Fantasy NT when it arrives on PlayStation 4 in early 2018, Jecht has already been confirmed for that game. With that in mind, it seems reasonable to believe that new additions to the arcade game will be part of the console game when it is released.


Nightingale swooping in to Gundam Versus

A free update for Gundam Versus will launch in late September 2017 in Japan and bring with it new DLC mobile suits.

Nightingale, piloted by Char Aznable, will join the already revealed Phantom Gundam as optional DLC. Nightingale makes its appearance from the Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack - Beltorchika's Children novel.

Additionally, the update to Gundam Versus (ver. 1.05) will add one-on-one player matches and a new Extra Battle mode, where one player controls a boss mobile suit and five players have to work against them.

There is currently no release date for version 1.05 and the upcoming DLC mobile suits, but they will likely each cost players players 650 yen (about $6).


Capcom releases gameplay details on Street Fighter V's Menat

Additional light has been shed on how SFV's apprentice fortune teller will play right before her release on Aug. 29.

Menat's V-Skill is named Soul Reflect - Kamal and is an ability that normally deflects normal fireballs but once her crystal ball has been set it will simply absorb the projectile, giving Menat more V meter. Kamal can also be used to "launch the opponent into the air to help extend combos."

Menat's V-Trigger, Wisdom of Thoth, offers some interesting possibilities. The orbs that surround her are each controlled by a normal attack, and "pressing and releasing of [a button] sends the sphere linked to that attack flying at the opponent." From the wording it's tough to tell whether players will be able to use an attack but continue holding down the button until they choose to release and let the orb fly. If so, Menat will have some interesting combo and pressure setups that seem reminiscent of Zato-1 from the Guilty Gear franchise.

As with all other characters, Menat will release with both a Story and Battle costume. For more information, including pictures and gifs of Menat's abilities in action, readers can head over to Capcom Unity.


Black Manta stings opponents in new Injustice 2 gameplay footage

During the GameStop Hometown Heroes tournament, NetherRealm Studios showed the new trailer for the next character coming to Injustice 2.

Black Manta fights with his jetpack and rockets, along with laser beams and a knife. His trailer also showed off a harpoon gun and drone attack. As always, it's not certain which moves will be standard to the character and which will be attached to gear.

Black Manta is coming to Injustice as Fighter Pack 2's first character in September 2017. Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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The future is now: Menat comes to Street Fighter V on Aug. 29

Capcom has released a new trailer for DLC character Menat just days ahead of her release to the public.

Menat is a fortune teller that has previously appeared as a character in Ed's story mode. In Street Fighter V she fights with the aid of her crystal ball, using it as a projectile then calling it back to pull enemies closer to her. The ball is also part of her normal attacks, which may create different hitbox properties depending on whether she has the ball equipped or not.

While it is unclear from the trailer what her V-Skill is—it could simply be sending the ball out and then retrieving it—, her V-Trigger generates a field of six orbs around that can be used to continue combos much like Batman's bats in the Injustice series. Her V-Reversal, meanwhile, is a teleport that goes behind the opponent.

Readers can check out the Menat reveal trailer after the jump.

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Lee Chaolan juggles with style in new video by JodyThaGreat

St. Louis' JodyThaGreat has created a new video showcasing the various combos of Lee Chaolan in Tekken 7.

In the over five minutes of footage, JTG shows off Lee's many launcher oppotunities and how players can make the most of them. He shows combos in stages with and without walls, using Rage Arts or Drive and other variations. 

The video is fairly barebones, and features no annotations or explanations, but for players familiar to the Tekken series it can a useful tool in further exploring Lee.

Readers can check out the video after the jump.

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First footage of Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Vegeta released

At the end of ESL's Dragon Ball FighterZ tournament at Gamescom 2017, Bandai Namco released the first in-game footage of Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta.

In the short teaser, both characters show off basic moves and supers including Goku's Kaio-ken and new cinematics for both fighters.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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Phantom Gundam DLC coming to Gundam Versus

Just as the Baund Doc and Pale Rider mobile suits have released for the Japanese version of Gundam Versus, a new upcoming suit has been revealed.

The Phantom Gundam and its pilot Font Baud will soon join the game, according to an article in the new Gundam Ace magazine. The mobile suit and pilot come from the manga Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Ghost, in which Baud is the main character. Ghost is one of four sequels to Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam, a series that began in 1994 and has never been officially released outside Japan.

According to Japanator, "this is the first time anything from Ghost has appeared outside of the manga" as the series has no model kits or anime series. 

There is currently no release date for Phantom Gundam at this time, but in the meantime Gundam Versus will be receiving two more DLC mobile suits as Gundam Gusion Rebake and Perfect Strike Gundam launch for the title on Aug. 31 in Japan.

Gundam Versus will be coming home to North America, Europe and Southeast Asia on Sept. 29, 2017.


Tekken 7 DLC pack 1 bowls over players on Aug. 31

Tekken 7's first part of its season pass content drops Aug. 31, 2017, and includes the return of Tekken bowling along with plenty of costumes for the game's cast.

Ultimate Tekken Bowl will see the competitors of the King of the Iron Fist Tournament try their hands at the popular pastime for the first time on a mainline entry since Tekken Tag Tournament (although the minigame did make an appearance on the PlayStation Portable version of Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection).

The pack will also include plenty of new clothing for Tekken 7's cast, including outfits from Tekken's Blood Vengeance movie for Xiaoyu and Alisa, bikinis and Idolmaster costumes for all female characters, traditional Japanese fundoshi for all male characters and vintage 1920s bathing suits for various characters.

Readers can check out the trailer after the jump.

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Hellboy, Raiden, Black Manta coming to Injustice 2

A trailer released during Gamescom 2017 showed the three characters coming to Injustice 2 as part of the game's second round of DLC, Fighter Pack 2.

As already expected, Black Manta will be making his Injustice debut as part of the new pack, and he will be joined by another character many players already suspected would be coming: Raiden. The big surprise, however, is that they will be joined by Hellboy.

Black Manta will be the first of the three to be released, and will be available in September 2017. Readers can check out the reveal teaser after the jump.

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Glacius' Ultimate will put opponents on ice, Monster Pack released

The Ultimates Monster Pack is now available for Killer Instinct, and with it Glacius's Ultimate has been revealed.

The Monster Pack rolls out the last five planned Ultimates for Killer Instinct, giving the finishers to Sabrewulf, Hisako, Aganos, Mira and Glacius.

The Ultimates Monster Pack is free for KI owners to download, and like the other Ultimates packs will not require any in-game unlocking to be used.

Readers can check out Glacius' Ultimate after the jump.

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Soul Stone revives MvC memories, character gameplay footage debuts

The newest trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite shows off the last Infinity Stone in action, along characters making their first appearance in the Gamescom 2017 build of MvCI.

Given that it is the Soul Stone, players rightly assumed that both abilities would revolve life bars. The surge ability steals life from the opposing player. According to Maximilian's breakdown of the stone, the ability is not restricted to red life.

The more interesting ability of the stone may bring back memories of the original Marvel vs. Capcom to longtime fans. The Infinity Storm mirrors MvC1's Duo Team Attack, where both characters are brought onto the screen simultaneously. Even better, if one of the player's characters has been defeated they are revived for the storm and stay alive after it has completed (getting roughly 20 percent health back). However, unlike the duo attack, players are limited by the amount of meter they had before activating the ability.

Both the trailer and Maximilian's breakdown also offer new gameplay footage for Jedah, Firebrand, Ghost Rider and Dormammu, who show off some new abilities in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. Readers can check them out after the jump.

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Lola Pop isn't clowning around as she prepares to join the ARMS roster

Lola Pop is the next DLC fighter coming to ARMS, and three new weapons will be joining her.

Lola is a clown-themed pugilist that can inflate her suit to both drop to the ground faster while jumping and also shield herself from attacks. She fights in the sweets-themed stage that was first revealed by Nintendo on Aug. 14.

She is shown fighting with three new arms. One is a nunchaku-based weapon, while the second is fires three paint stamps starting in a vertical formation like the Hydra and the last is a flat shield that can reflect attacks back at the opponent.

Lola will joins ARMS as part of the version three update. Readers can check out Lola's trailer after the jump.

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Gamescom Dragon Ball FighterZ trailer shows new characters in action, reveals preorder bonus and special edition

A new trailer for Dragon Ball FighterZ has released just ahead of the game's appearance at Gamescom 2017, bringing with it new information for players along with a release window: February 2018.

The trailer shows the first in-game footage of Piccolo, Krillin, Android 16 and Android 18 (who seems to fight as a team with Android 17). This footage includes special moves and cinematic supers for all four new additions. It also shows the first footage of the game's story mode, which seems to revolve around the appearance of duplicates of the Z Fighters and the destruction that follows.

Also revealed are the preorder bonuses for the game, which include early unlocks of the Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta as well as open beta early access and two lobby avatars.

Lastly, the game's special edition, dubbed the "CollectorZ Edition," comes with a Goku diorama, steelbook case and three art boards.

Readers can check out the new trailer after the jump.

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Punishing Ling Xiaoyu's "firecracker" move in Tekken 7

A video by YouTube user David Pinhal shows every way that characters can punish one of Ling's more frustrating lows out of Art of Phoenix stance in Tekken 7.

Firecracker is the name given to Ling's move performed by sliding from right kick to left kick (notated as 4~3) while in Art of Phoenix stance. This move gives players a lot of problems because while they can often block it, Ling stays low to the ground causing many normal punishes to whiff. Players are often left getting nothing more than a simple crouching kick in return.

The three-minute video shows better punishes for every character and even labels each in terms of execution difficulty. It's another resource for players having a hard time against one of Tekken 7's strongest characters.

Readers can check out the video after the jump.

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Yasuyuki Oda says KOF XIV future uncertain, XV "will be a reality"

King of Fighters XIV Director Yasuyuki Oda said he believes that King of Fighters XV "will be a reality" in an interview with IGN Latinoamérica at Evolution 2017.

The answer came after IGN asked Oda and battle designer Hayato Watanabe whether there would be further updates to KOF XIV. Oda said that KOF XIV still has room for improvement, but whether the game will get any further updates is up in the air. Oda held off on denying furture content, saying it is "a possibility."

The pair also talked about balances changes made to the game, with Watanabe saying that he tries to listen to the players before making final decisions. Oda, meanwhile, talked freely about the hardships of adding content to existing titles like KOF XIV or getting new games approved, saying that is it hard to convince the whole company of such ideas. He did say that SNK has new fighting games in the works, but nothing that he can reveal at this time.

Oda and Watanabe also had comments on esports, their favorite characters in KOF XIV and how they approached creating the title. The whole interview can be found in Spanish at IGN Latinoamérica.


Tekken Mobile coming to Android, iOS

The King of Iron Fist Tournament is coming soon to small screens.

Tekken Mobile promises players the ablity to collect iconic Tekken fighters, upgrade and customize those characters and build a team to fight other players online. The game's trailer even shows characters like Marduk and Bruce who are absent in Tekken 7.

Players can currently preregister for the game before its release to help unlock bonuses for all players at the game's Global Launch. 

Readers can sign up for Tekken Mobile at the game's official website and check out the announcement trailer after the jump.

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Maximilian shows off MvCI story mode stages in new gameplay footage

A five-minute video from Maximilian lets players get a look at more of the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite story mode scenery in action.

First off, it seems like New Metro City has gotten a bit of a facelift since players first saw screens of it back in July: it is now more colorful, with scrolling marquees and busier feel with characters clashing in the background.

The other stage seems to combine the Darkstalkers world of Makai—complete with Aensland Castle appearing in the background—and Marvel's Dark Dimension.

Fighting in front of these backgrounds are Haggar, Nemesis, Dr. Strange, Thor, Strider and Morrigan. Maximilian also promises to talk more about the final, unrevealed stone soon, promising "it's exactly what you think it is, and way more." Readers can check out the video after the jump.

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Nintendo teases new ARMS character with grainy footage

The Switch's arena fighter will be getting a new character, but Nintendo isn't ready to reveal the competitor's full identity just yet.

Instead, the company is dropping hints about ARMS' newest addition. One hint first appeared courtesy of Nintendo Versus on Aug. 14 in the form of new sweets-themed stage coming to the title. Then on Aug. 16 a purposely grainy and muddled clip of the new character fighting on that stage appeared.

The new character seems strangely dressed and Nintendo commented that they have "unique clothes and arms... seems like their fighting style involves transforming their body!" 

For now it's hard to tell who or what the new character is, but posters on the ARMS Reddit seem convinced it's a clown. Nintendo, meanwhile, is staying tight-lipped about the new addition or when the character and new stage will be coming to ARMS.

Readers can check out the clip of the new pugilist in action after the jump.

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