Entries in Under Night In-birth (56)


Arc System Works to Release Four Fighters on Steam by Summer 2016

While the release of Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- on Dec. 9 may have come as a nice surprise to fighting game fans, ASW has announced that Xrd will not be the only new fighting game players can add to their Steam library in the coming months.

In a press release on the Arc System Works Universe website, the company has also announced Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend and Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late will also be coming to the Steam platform. BlazBlue will be released in February 2016, followed by Melty Blood in spring and UNIEL during the summer. 

The games will be joined by a singular non-fighting title, River City Super Sports Challenge. That game will release sometime in December 2015.


Anime Ascension Will Bring Pot Bonuses, -Revelator- Demo to UCI

Aksys Games has announced that on Feb. 28, 2016, the University of California, Irvine will host the first-ever Anime Ascension tournament. In conjunction with Fighting Gamers at UCI, Mad Catz and D-Link, Aksys will be holding the event that is "dedicated to providing the premiere anime fighting game tournament experience."

There will be pot bonuses for Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-, BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend and Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late, and players will be offered the chance to play Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- for the first time in the U.S. For more details, including promised bonuses, check out Aksys' website.


Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] Coming to Japanese Arcades on July 23

Arc System Works released the intro video for the next version of Under Night In-Birth, and it's found after the jump!

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] will be officially playable in Japanese arcades on July 23. It will feature all characters from previous iterations including PlayStation 3 characters Byakuya and Nanase. New character Phonon will make her debut in this latest version.

System changes found in this iteration includes Vorpal being rewarded to the player who hits first. A variant of Veil Off called Cross Veil Off will allow players to perform the mechanic during combos and will reset bounce restriction in a combo.

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] will be featured as a side tournament at this year's Arc Revolution Cup. There is no news of a console port. Make sure to check out the character changes here.

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Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] Side Tournament at Arc Revolution Cup 2015

The second revision of Under Night In-Birth will get some spotlight at the latest iteration of Arc System Works' annual tournament series.

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] was announced as a side tournament game at Arc Revolution Cup, next to Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. While P4AU will be a 3v3 team tournament, UNIST will be a singles event with 32 players battling it out. Both P4AU and UNIST are the only games to be running on arcade hardware while both Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- and Blazblue: Chronophantasma Extend are on PlayStation 4.

While UNIST isn't available in Japanese arcades, it can be expected that the game will be available before the tournament's Aug. 15 date. The game recently concluded its latest location test that started on June 24.


Arc System Works Releases Play Guide for UNI[ST] Location Test

French Bread and publisher Arc System Works have released a PDF play guide for the upcoming location test of the new Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[ST]. The guide features descriptions of the basic systems of the game as well as a move list for every character, including new entry to the series Phonon.

What the guide also does is include details of another new system mechanic coming to UNI[ST]. In addition to the new Cross Cast Veil Off, the game has included First Attack, which will give vorpal to the character that lands the first hit each round. There are also subtle changes to returning characters, such as input changes.

As this does not appear to be a detailed list of patch notes for the new title, it's hard to tell just how many other changes will be in store for each character in UNI[ST]. However, with the location test starting May 22 in Japan, players in the U.S. may not have to wait long to find out.


Arc System Works Announces UNIEL ST, Location Tests Begin May 22

Arc System Works official site has announced that French Bread's Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late is getting an arcade update.

The new game, titled Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late ST, will have a new character (in addition to the previously console-only characters) as well as balance changes and a new system mechanic.

The new character, named Phonon, is a girl wearing headphones that carries a whip with her. The new game mechanic, Cross Cast Veil Off, will allow players to cancel an attack and enter Veil Off if the player has both Vorpal and 100 or more meter.

The location test will run from May 22-24, 2015, at Club Sega Shinjuku Nishiguchi and Sega Namba Avion in Osaka.



Top 3 Footage of Guilty Gear Xrd, Under Night In-Birth, Blazblue & More from KVO x Team St1ckbug

If you missed KVO x Team St1ckbug in Japan, check out the best players from multiple anime fighting games duking it out after the jump!

The Japanese streaming group OgreLive streamed the event for English speaking viewers. At KSB 2015, players competed in Guilty Gear Xrd, Blazblue: Chronophantasma Extend, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late, Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!, Aquapazza and Shin Koihime Musou Otome Taisen Sangokushi Engi.

It features English commentary from St1ckbug himself, Jiyuna and more! You can follow OgreLive's stream on Twitch!

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CEO to Present "All Anime" Tournament in October 2015

Alex Jebailey is looking to make the dreams of AnimEVO a reality in October as he throws a tournament dedicated to all games that fall under the umbrella of "anime." Taking place in Orlando, Florida, on Oct. 17-18, the event will offer nine titles:

  • Guilty Gear Xrd
  • Blazblue Chronophantasma 2.0
  • Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.0
  • Under Night In-Birth 
  • Dengeki Bunko FIGHTING CLIMAX
  • Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX
  • Skullgirls
  • Melty Blood
  • Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Jebailey also said that more titles may be added in the future, and that the six games with the most entrants will have finals on Sunday with the remaining titles finishing on Saturday evening. For more information on the event, head over to the CEO website or directly message Jebailey on Twitter.

North American Version of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Coming Feb. 24

The localized version of French Bread's latest fighting game is coming early next year.

North American publisher Aksys Games announced that Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late will come out Feb. 24, 2015. Much if not all content available on the Japanese version will also be accessible on the NA version including console exclusive characters and the online mode.

The European version of UNI, published by NIS America, is still planned for an unspecified 2015 release period.


UNIEL & USFIV Top 4 From Sacramento's Capitol Fight District At Best There Is Comics & Games

Capitol Fight District, our friends up in Sacramento, recorded matches from their recent tournament.

They held both Ultra Street Fighter IV and Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late tournaments at Best There Is Comics & Games found in the Roseville area on Aug. 16. The top four players from both games were recorded and uploaded to the CFD YouTube channel.

You can check playlist featuring all recorded videos after the jump!

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Under Night In-Birth Now Available For Pre-Order On Amazon, Listing Dates Mar. 31, 2015 Release

The North American version of Under Night In-Birth can now be pre-ordered.

Aksys Games, North American publisher for UNIB's latest version Exe: Late, announced that the game is available to reserve at Amazon. While generally dated for 2015 on Aksys' site, Amazon lists the game to be available on March 31. Aside from the game itself, no other additional content has been revealed in the listing.

If you rather wait for the full English localization of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late, then pre-order now.


Super Desperation Radio Episode 324 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.

It was a Super Desperation Radio episode full of value as the cast covered some of the recent events in gaming. They talked about the reopening of Super Arcade and the first large-scale UNIEL events to take place before the game's first SoCal major at West Coast Warzone in September.

The crew also discussed the oddity that is the upcoming release of Guilty Gear XX #Reload to Steam, and talked about the ongoing development of Skullgirls' Beowulf.

Lastly, SDR talked at length about the SFIV bug list and SuperFX's recent interview with Mike Z and Omni about it. 

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


UNIEL Added to West Coast Warzone, Tekken Tag 2 Cancelled

The team behind West Coast Warzone has added Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late to its main roster for the upcoming tournament on Sept. 5-7, 2014. UNIEL will be replacing Tekken Tag Tournament 2, which has been cancelled "due to a lack of interest."

West Coast Warzone will be the first West Coast major featuring Under Night, so it will be interesting to see how many entrants the game attracts.

West Coast Warzone takes place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Anaheim-Orange County in Orange, California.


NIS America to Publish Arcana Heart 3: Love Max!!!!!, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late in Europe

Europe has not always had the easiest time getting releases for fighting games in a timely manner. Persona 4 Arena, for example, was released almost a year after both the U.S. and Japan had seen a console release. However, perhaps times are changing as Siliconera is reporting that NIS America is taking over duties to release both the newest versions of Arcana Heart and Under Night in Europe.

Arcana Heart 3: Love Max!!!!! is due out before the end of 2014 for both PlayStation 3 and Vita, and UNiEL—like the U.S. version—will be released sometime in 2015.


Video: Intermediate Yuzuriha Guide and Combos 

Fragarach on YouTube has posted a translation of a guide teaching new players the basics of Yuzuriha in Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late. Yuzuriha has several special techniques in UNiEL, with some allowing her to bypass the rules of her stance and get a much greater damage output than she would otherwise. The video breaks these methods down into their components so players can start to understand the notation in which her combos are written, as well as begin to use the character to the fullest.

The 12-minute video is not completely translated, as the parts explaining each individual combo were skipped in favor of the more technical aspects of the character. Fragrach's channel also has more UNiEL videos, including guides for Linne, Hyde and Eltnum.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Video: Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Beginners Workshop

Sourenga on Dailymotion has posted a translation of a UNIEL beginners workshop that was hosted at LL Akihabara roughly a month ago. The video, narrated by Fusemaster and Kyou, lasts an hour and breaks down the game to its basic level for new players.

From the basics of the Grind Grid (GRD) to offense and defense, and even more slightly nuanced features, the video hopes to get new players into UNIEL.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Intro To Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Console Version Available For Viewing

French Bread's latest fighting game coming to consoles now has a new intro to accompany the new content.

Arc System Works, co-developer of the PlayStation 3 port of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late, uploaded a fully animated intro featuring every character in the arcade port. Also included are the console premiere characters Nanase and Byakuya. The video can be found after the jump!

UNI will be available in Japan on July 24, 2014 so pre-order your import copy now (Play-Asia, AmiAmi)!

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New Console Screenshots Of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Show Off Training Mode, In-Game Menus & More

Here is what is in store for the PlayStation 3 version of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late!


In preparation for the July release of UNIEL on the PlayStation 3, new screenshots of the game are available. Along with in-game screenshots featuring new character Nanase, some screenshots reveal modes accessible through the main menu, customizable options paid with in-game currency ("Inverse Points") and a shot of training mode.

New details about the online portion of UNIEL are revealed. With the usual ranked match mode, there will be a lobby room-central with the ability to spectate and customize match parameters. You can read mode info about the modes, and new character Nanase, after the jump!

You can check out more screenshots above! Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late on PlayStation 3 is available on July 24, 2014 in Japan!

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Nanase Announced As First Character To Premiere In PlayStation 3 Version Of Under Night In-Birth

The news of Under Night In-Birth's console port brings in one of two new characters playable in the game.

French Bread's Under Night In-Birth, co-developed by Arc System Works, will introduce Nanase into the main game cast. Nanase, voiced by seiyu Mayu Iizuka, is a character who pursues protagonist Hyde in the game. She will be accompanied by another character to be announced before the game's release on July 24, 2014.

You can find a screenshot of Nanase in action in Famitsu!

Stay tuned for more news on UNI in the future!


PlayStation 3 Version Of Under Night In-Birth Coming July 2014 In Japan

French Bread's latest original fighting game property will have a console port coming real soon.

Under Night In-Birth was announced for a July 2014 release in Japan in an advance issue of Famitsu. Confirmed for a PlayStation 3 release, UNIB will feature the same characters and gameplay from the latest arcade version, Exe:Late. In addition to existing content, French Bread will feature a new character in the console build named Na.

There are currently no plans to release the game internationally. Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm publisher Nyu Media had been interested in collaborating with French Bread for a PC release.

UNIB will be available in both physical and digital releases. Once the game is listed in importing sites, check out the Dustloop thread on how to get the game physically or digitally! You can find match videos uploaded daily on AbelcruEX's YouTube channel!