Entries by SuperFX (1540)


Lab Zero Games Looking for Developers to Help Make PS3 Controllers Work on PS4, Will Offer Driver for Free

With Skullgirls Encore releasing on PlayStation 4 and Vita later this year, the team at Lab Zero Games is working to make those releases as user-friendly as possible. One way Mike Zaimont and his team would like to do this is by offering support for PlayStation 3 sticks so that players do not need to spend more money buying a new stick for only one system.

However, while Sony is allowing for games to create their own rules on what peripherals will be useable in-game, there are no software tools in place to do this at the present time. So the Skullgirls team has put an offer on the table: help develop the tools to allow PS3 controllers on PS4, and Lab Zero will license that product to anyone who wants it for free.

Hit the jump for the explanation from Mike Z.

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Video: Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Beginners Workshop

Sourenga on Dailymotion has posted a translation of a UNIEL beginners workshop that was hosted at LL Akihabara roughly a month ago. The video, narrated by Fusemaster and Kyou, lasts an hour and breaks down the game to its basic level for new players.

From the basics of the Grind Grid (GRD) to offense and defense, and even more slightly nuanced features, the video hopes to get new players into UNIEL.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Marie to Join Persona 4 Arena Ultimax as Downloadable Content

According to Gematsu, the newest issue of Famitsu has revealed that Persona 4 Golden character Marie will appear in the sequel to Persona 4 Arena as downloadable content. She will appear alongside her Persona, Kaguya, and "will make full use of the contents of her bag, as well as her Persona, and excels at ranged attacks and diversion techniques."

The Famitsu article also announces a new lobby system similar to the one implemented in BlazBlue: Chronophantasma.

With Marie's addition, the number of new console characters for Persona 4 Ultimax is at four: Rise, Adachi, Ken and Marie. It will be interesting to see if this is the last surprise for the console version of the game, or if Arc System Works and Atlus have more in store for fans.


Persia Joins Brokentier, Appointed Team Manager

Brokentier has announced that Persia will be joining Team Brokentier, and that starting with Evolution 2014 she will be the team's manager. 

Brokentier owner Paul Kugler had this to say about Persia joining the team:

"she’s -always- been asking for ways to help, and has put her 100% effort behind everything i’ve thrown at her. She’s also ridiculously good at fighting games, and I want to help her get to more events!"

According to Kugler, Persia was on her way to Curleh Mustache NorCal when the news broke, but she has since posted this to her Twitter:

"Just landed in Cali and my Twitter exploded! Thank you everyone for the love and support! & to be a part of !"


Frequency Gaming Signs HugS

Frequency Gaming has announced its signing of Southern California's Hugo "HugS" Gonzalez. This comes with barely one week to go before Evolution 2014.

HugS is a known threat with Samus in the SoCal Smash community, and was one of the players invited to participate in the Super Smash Bros. exhibition at E3 2014. Gonzalez commented on the signing on Twitter, saying:

"Proud that I've been picked up by . A team passionate about supporting Socal's best across the FGC. Can't wait to get started."


West Coast Warzone is Coming Back?!

West Coast Warzone is coming back, or at least that's what www.westcoastwarzone.com would have the fighting game community believe. It claims the tournament series, which ended after its third installment in 2011, is returning in September 2014.

The website shows nothing more than a video from the final WCW, the dates of the upcoming event—September 5-7, 2014—and registration fees. No other information about the event is available at this time, including information about venue, presenters, stream or games featured.


Razer Adding $10,000 to Prize Pool of Killer Instinct at Evo 2014

Microsoft Community Manager Mike Robles and Joey "Mr. Wizard" Cuellar announced on Twitter that Razer has added an additional $10,000 to the prize pool of Killer Instinct at Evolution 2014.

This bonus joins the recently announced $30,000 prize pool for BlazBlue: Chronophantasma, the Capcom Pro Tour qualifier and direct support from companies like Bandai Namco and others at this year's Evo.

The registration for Evo 2014 ends June 30. Evolution 2014 takes place at the Las Vegas Hotel & Casino on July 11-13.


Super Desperation Radio Episode 317 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'

Two big stories dominated SDR this week, with the first being the news of the huge prize pot added to BlazBlue: Chronophantasma at Evo 2014. The crew talked about Arc Revo Cup and how these developments could change the ASW community in the U.S.

The other big story this week was the controversy surrounding the running of tournaments at MLG Anaheim. The members of SDR discussed the various complaines by attendees and viewers, and compared those issues with the fighting game community's varied history with MLG.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


Decapre Hitbox Issues in USF4 by NerdJosh

Josh "NerdJosh" Jodoin has made a new video talking about what he thinks may be differences in Decapre's hitbox in Ultra Street Fighter IV depending on what side (1p/2p) of the screen the character is located. In the video, Josh shows a combo that almost always works on standing player 1 Decapre, but never works on crouching or player 2 Decapre in either standing or crouching position.

Jodoin is not sure whether this is indeed proof of side differences, but put up the video so that other players could investigate and figure out exactly what is happening with Decapre's hitbox. Hit the jump for the video.

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Arc System Works and Aksys Adding $30,000 to BBCP at Evo 2014

Shoryuken is reporting that $30,000 is being added to the prize pool for BlazBlue: Chronophantasma at Evolution 2014. Arc System Works, creators of BlazBlue, will be furnishing $20,000 of the money along with a trip to the Arc Revolution Cup, the premier tournament for ASW games in Japan. The winner of Evo 2014 will automatically qualify for that event in August, and will be allowed to bring one fellow competitor. Aksys Games will be donating $5,000 to the prize pool, along with an extra $5,000 to the player who attends Arc Revo.

In addition, ASW and Aksys will have a combined booth at Evolution, with BlazBlue series producer Toshimichi Mori on-hand as well as voice actress Kana Ueda. There will also be playable demos of Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!, BlazBlue Battle Cards and Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- at the event.


Super Desperation Radio Episode 316 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'

With E3 2014 wrapped up, SDR had a lot to talk about because of the many fighting games featured at the expo. Both Giby and Ayaikun had a chance to play Guilty Gear Xrd, and their experiences are discussed at length throughout the show.

The crew also focused on the announcements for Mortal Kombat X and Super Smash Bros. along with general E3 news including Ayaikun's experiences of working the show for the first time. There is also some quick focus on UNIEL's new character, Byakuya, and thoughts on whether the cast is finally complete. 

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


Byakuya Announced for Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late

Arc System Works has announced a new character coming to the latest version of Under Night In-Birth: Byakuya.

According to Byakuya's bio (translated by Sourenga on Dustloop)

"He's a mysterious boy who's always moving around with a girl called Tsukuyomi who has classical aspects in her. Byakuya himself controls countless long black claws, captures his opponent and uses his creepy power that devours their Existence. Objective of these two is unknown, but it seems like Byakuya is using his ability is fulfill Tsukuyomi's wish. "Hollow Night" where many Fake Born gather, they refer to it as the 'Nest' and one by one they devour the high-quality Fake Born who get caught in the net they've set up..."

Kurushii also uploaded an image from Famitsu showcasing the character. UNIEL releases in Japan on PlayStation 3 on July 24, 2014. Hit the jump for the image from Famitsu.

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Curleh Mustache NorCal, July 5, 2014

Today, TeamSpooky revealed the next edition of the Curleh Mustache series of tournaments. Curleh Mustache NorCal is coming live from San Francisco on July 5, 2014, at Venue 550.

The invite list for the event is still pending but given the date of the tournament, Curleh will be the last chance for West Coast players to seriously practice before Evolution 2014. Curleh Mustache NorCal will be brought to viewers by IPLAYWINNER, TeamSpooky, Brokentier and ten/o LLC with streaming live on Twitch.tv/teamsp00ky.

More information on the event will be made available in the coming days and weeks.


E3 2014: U.S. Guilty Gear Xrd Trailer Released, Website Opened

The official trailer for the U.S. release of Guilty Gear Xrd is now on YouTube. The trailer, which is based on the arcade game's opening cinamatic, showcases the current roster of playable characters except for the boss, Ramlethal Valentine. The release date for the title is placed in the ambiguous "holiday season 2014" time period.

Also included in the trailer is the link to GuiltyGear.us, which at this time contains little more than a few links to the official PlayStation website and to vendors such as Amazon and GameStop where the game can be preordered.

Hit the jump for the trailer.

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[UPDATE] E3 2014: Pac-Man to Join Super Smash Bros., Game & Watch Teased

During the Super Smash Bros. Developer Roundtable at E3, Nintendo has revealed a new character for the upcoming games: Pac-Man.

Pac-Man fights with basic punches and kicks, as well as pixelated fruit, ghosts and other classic Bandai Namco characters; certain moves can even change him into classic Pac-Man. His Final Smash creates the original Pac-Man playfield, complete with walls and power pellets.

Hit the jump for the Pac-Man reveal trailer.

UPDATE: This story previously said that Mr. Game & Watch was confirmed for the upcoming games. There seems to be some descrepancy as to whether Nintendo was seeking to reveal Game & Watch, or simply compare his age to that of Pac-Man. For that reason he remains unconfirmed at this time.

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TJ Combo Announced as First Killer Instinct Season Two Character 

Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb has announced that TJ Combo will be the first character released as part of Season Two for Killer Instinct under new developer Iron Galaxy, and a trailer has been released for the character.

The trailer also features a tease for the next incoming Season Two character, who may or may not be Cinder. Hit the jump for the trailer.

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Super Desperation Radio Episode 315 Archive Online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on IPLAYWINNER'S YouTube channel.'

After a one-week vacation, the SDR cast bid a fond farewell to the UFGT tournament series and looked forward toward Combo Breaker to start the show.

However, the big topics this week veered away from gaming news and into community issues as the state of pro gaming took priority. From the Capcom Pro Tour to the huge prize money being offered in the Dota2 world championships, SDR talked about how the future is bright for gaming if companies take the right steps to fund and promote their brands.

The other big discussion involved the "legitimacy" of tournaments and tournament wins, and the trash talk that has always existed in competitive gaming. Walkman in particular was very vocal about his feelings toward players who do not show up trying to take away the accomplishments of those who made the effort to come out and compete.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PST on Twitch and YouTube.


Mortal Kombat X Revealed, First Appearance at E3 2014

NetherRealm Studios and Warner Brothers Games have released the first trailer for the upcoming Mortal Kombat X. The video, which shows series mainstays Scorpion and Sub Zero fighting in a snowy forest, unveils a new graphics engine for the series while seemingly showing the return of MK9-style gameplay. X-Rays have returned, and many of the other moves and movements of the characters are indicative of MK9's playstyle.

But the video also shows the two characters interacting with the stage in ways new to Mortal Kombat, slamming into trees and using the environment to hurt one another. While Mortal Kombat 4 first introduced weapons to the series, the MKX trailer points to more Injustice-style stage hazards as the possible direction for the upcoming game.

No other information about MKx is available at this time, but according to WB Games UK, MKX will make its first public appearance at E3 2014, June 10-12. The game will be released for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC. Hit the jump for the trailer.

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Bandai Namco Adding $5000 to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 at Evo 2014

Shoryuken is reporting that Bandai Namco has decided to show appreciation to the Tekken community by adding $5000 to the prize pot of TTT2 at Evo. This money will be split among the top eight finalists of the tournament.

Evolution 2014 is July 11-13 at the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino.


Nintendo Releases Player, Announcer List for Smash Invitational, Debuts Wii U Adapter for GameCube Controllers

Nintendo has released the list of players who will be competing in the Smash Invitational at 2014's E3 Expo, as well as the people who will be broadcasting the action. In a video released on May 29, the company revealed all 16 participants in the tournament, as well as the three men calling the action: Winton "Prog" Smith, Bobby "Scar" Scarnewman and D'Ron "D1" Maingrette.

In addition, Nintendo revealed the rules of the event, which will not follow a usual tournament format.

And in a final surprise to fans, Nintendo revealed a Wii U adapter for GameCube controllers so that players would not have to use wireless controllers. However, Nintendo did not say how this adapter will be offered to the public. Hit the jump for the full list of players as well as Nintendo's promo video.

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